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Approved Starship Dar'ramaanla Vorpan ('Verdant Immortal')

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Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade


Intent: A battlecruiser for the Mandalorian Empire's First Fleet, under the command of [member="Quoron Viszla"]
Image Source: “Sins of the Prophets: Covenant DRP-class cruiser” by Jared Harris, found at
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A


Manufacturer: Mandalorian Empire (manufacture), Mandalorian shipwrights including Rel Connory (design)
Model: Dar’ramaanla Vorpan (Verdant Immortal) Battlecruiser
Affiliation: Present or future Mandalorian major faction (Mandalorian Empire currently)
Production: Unique
Material: Doonium hull


Classification: Heavy Battlecruiser
Length: 3500m
Width: 1000m
Height: 500m
Armament: Extreme
* Octuple barbette long-range turbolasers
* Quad heavy turbolaser batteries
* Quad ion cannon batteries
* Assault concussion missile launchers
* Autoturrets
* Antimissile octet batteries
Defenses: Extreme
* Reinforced internal bulkheads
* Doonium armor
* Advanced deflector shields
Hangar: 5 squadrons of Basilisk war droids
Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
Speed Rating: Low
Hyperdrive Class: 1


Life Support Systems
Communications Systems (Subspace and Hyperspace Transceivers)
Sublight Engines
Navigational Systems
Targeting Systems
Command Encryption Systems


Deflector Shields


* Extreme firepower
* Extreme durability
* Basilisk war droid complement


* Slow
* Sluggish maneuvering
* No normal fighter complement


The Dar’ramaanla Vorpan, or 'Verdant Immortal,’ has been tucked away for years in Mandalorian archives. Rel Connory and a shipwright team designed the battlecruiser during the Alor’e Council years, but could never secure the needed resources. Only under Ra Viszla did those resources come into Mandalorian possession.

Visually, the design isn't the most Mandalorian thing around. It looks downright Mon Calamari in some lights, courtesy of Connory's long experience with Dac's cruisers. A near-black hull and blue-green accents give it a graceful, aquatic aspect.

In combat, though, nobody would ever mistake the Dar’ramaanla Vorpan for anything but brutal and proud. It will hit you at any range, and that hit will hurt. Cowards run from long-range octuple emplacements; the brave face resilient shields, heavy broadsides, and courtesy calls from basilisk riders. Boarders, meanwhile, discover there's nothing so troublesome as getting their attack ships or hangar beachheads torn apart by basilisk claws.

Suffice it to say that Connory has taken some flak from his fellow enemies of the Mandalorian Empire.
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