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Approved Location Dar'Manda

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Name: Dar'Manda

Image Source: Neoseeker/ Here / Couldn't find Artist

Classification: Urban Center

Planet: Graveyard

Affiliation: Thraxis is the Singular head who rules the City. Though it is common for close faction to Thraxis to come and go from the City as they see fit.

Population: 1 Million Inside the City

Demographics: 10% Gammoran, 50% Humans, 13.5% Weequay 8% Twi'Lek 27% Miscelaneous
Points of Interest:

Town Square:

Image Source: Pinterest/ Here / Jonone - Artist

The hub and where most people would be first greeted, this is where all public meetings take place, where most matters of the people tend to occur. The people flock here first of all, signs and bulletins put up, a few wandering merchants setting up stalls and selling their lackluster if not exotic goods to the people that dart about its scape.


Image Source: Blogspot/ Here / Mike Schwalm - Artist

The place where the more refined, influential or simply rich people come to once they arrive in the city, at least if there is important business to be attended too. Through its many long corridors a scheme can and will be concocted, away from the prying eye of the more simpler folk.


Image Source: DeviantArt/ Here / KlausPillion - Artist
A mere holding cell for people who act out, though considering Thraxis method of dealing with what he doesn't like, it is more akin to that of a Torture cell more so then anything else, made to satisfy his ungodly lust for pain infliction. This zone is off limits to those who do not have permission expressly given by Thraxis and a breech of these rules tend to lead to a life sentence without a hefty sum of booze or credit to be exchanged.

Image Source: Coolvibe/ Here / Nguyen Hoang Gia - Artist
Power needs to come from somewhere, and where better then a Generator room. Hidden deep underground and like the prison, off limits though with more lenience and is granted to any person he feels he could trust, which even then tends to be few and far between. The Generator's run off Standard Nuclear Power, heating up a basin of water turning into steam which in turn powers a Turbine providing power.

Image Source: DeviantArt / Here / Artist Unknown

A little past the town square this is where the more refined and set in stone merchants set up shop, selling their illustrious goods that were at first funded by Thraxis to make sure that his cities economy didn't fall apart before it started. Blaring lights pepper the streets, neon flashes illuminating even the most tiny of cracks with light.



Image Source: Pintrest/ Here / Sabin Boykinov - Artist
Waste needs to go somewhere, and everyone produces it. The sewers are unmapped and barely explored and the dead have been known to walk through here, few checkpoints marked around the grates to keep their numbers down and prevent them from encroaching on the upper echelons where most people spend their time. Other then the dead few people brave in its sullen architecture either trying to map it out, or loot the dead that walk its pungent halls.

Cloning Labs:


Image Source: Starwars Wiki/ Here / No Idea who made the Comic

In this galaxy, life is short, it is basic and the constant gaze of death is strongest on the Graveyard. So where better to breed life for Thraxis then a place where death itself does not sleep. This was the only creation of Thraxis, to ensure that even if he dies, another Thraxi' will take his place, for his hatred will never sleep, even if he meets with an unfortunate end. The most Thraxi' that can be produced from the facility is twelve, though to minimize damage from quick production they are sent through a normal aging, with only two being produced at twice the speed in the event that the Original Thraxis meets with an untimely end. Though a strange thing he incorporated, was the introduction of Zeltron Pheromones, and with his Genealogy drive them through the same madness he went through growing up on Zeltros.

Description: Founded in the forgotten remains of some long lost city, Thraxis spent quite some time wandering through lone halls, devoid of light and forced to feel his way down, the time ticked on, and by the time he had finally reached the empty glow of the city, he had reached deep into the Graveyards' crust, and the worry for bombing became a benign threat at the very least. As he wandered the structures were still sound, though the weaker buildings had all but crumbled a bit of hard work and supplies from off world helped to circumvent the issue.

Now, re-purposed to fit Thraxis needs, this city has become a partially bustling den of activity something he is sure it has not seen in a few eternities given the amount of dust that littered along even the cracks which as far as he could decipher might have simply choked to death any living organism that tried to make its way into its empty land.

However, Thraxis wanted more, he knew what he could do with a City, but there were better things he could pull off. Which caused what he called, the Minor Colonization, since his attempt at a major one consisted in over ninety percent of the founded settlements quickly disappearing off the face of the map.

In these isolated towns, criminal activities are completely rampant, slavery, drug trade and other illicit activities occur on a day to day basis. Though it is not unheard of for them to vanish over the course of a night with nothing but either picked at remains, or nothing at all. However, travel is highly dangerous on the surface of the planet with few people able to survive on their own or even in large groups. It is highly recommended to go with highly trained small units to survive. However, if those have either the money, or the influence with Thraxis, they can rent out Hoverbarges to be used as a form of transport for quick movement. Though that doesn't necessarily remove all dangers.

Intent: A home for Thraxis, as well as his affiliates.
[member="Thraxis"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]

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