Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction DARKWIRE//Journalcrypt

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
OOC/ The format's a little different for this thread. Each post could be as little as a picture and a blurb, and the picture's the important part. Ideally we tell loosely-connected stories together in first-person vignette snapshots. This thread format is ideal for people who want to hop in for a low-pressure, low-commitment, skip-to-the-keyframe sort of thing.

I am finally in with Darkwire - not a shadowrunner myself, but I can have a drink at the Blue Flame with people I know, and that's as in as it gets. Probably.

There's a job. Darkwire's looking to connect with allies, competitors, and opportunities all over CAD territory, not just around Seven Corners. Word is, hostilities with the CAD Direx Board are heating up. Anyways, I've got good connections on Market Ward Island, on Wielu, right at the CAD/CIS border. So it's off there to charm the skivvies off a Gran black marketeer I know.

Other folks are going out all kinds of places. Hope we make the connections we need and keep a low profile. The Direx Board is no joke.

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Hosk-240 used to be the world. Twenty thousand folks or so called it home before the Corpos relocated them to the Wall and Volgho Hollows. Then Manfloon used the place as a testing ground for the nastiest mining gear in history. The whole core's gone, and the crust, and the richest bits of mantle. The planet looks like my head. No sphericality.


So at ground level, there is no ground level. Thousand-klick rubblecliffs and holes deep enough to sink a fleet. The Guild's set up a fuel depot at Stiglen's Landing, the only settlement, a fly in the muck. Atmosphere's all fumes or burnt away. Made some face time with the local gray market for Darkwire. Great little spot for relaying datapacks between Loronar and Denon and Wann Tsir. These folks are happy to help as long as we keep away from the system's minimal CorpSec presence. And we help our friends - pass notes and cargo to their family on Denon. Gotta wonder what future they see, coming back to a place that's no place at all.

Mail run's all I can do. I don't like, don't want-

I have my fun, live how I like. I want to be able to look away.

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