Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darker than our Mortal Souls (Open)

Location: Parlemian Trade Route

Blood, blood across the ship, on the decks, on her boots, on her blade and sickeningly in her mouth. Dripping from the corner of her face, crimson ichor rolling off the obsidian cutlass the savage young woman wielded, black as night. The crew screamed as the airlock collapsed under their explosives. These were no ordinary pirates. These were exiled commandos, Ex-Deathwatch, Defectors of all brotherhoods and orders.

These were the blazing chains,

Outside the carnage unfolded as the Emerald Dragon continued to trade blows with the escorting frigates protecting this worthless civilian ship. A freighter loaded with what precious war material was left heading towards Republic Space. She had seized it via gravity mine, engaged the escorts and blasted her way in.

Beside the woman with the tricornered hat two tall figures flanked her. Personal guard, each with their double edged purple lightsabers activated. Bolts deflected back into the rooms, striking marines center mass as the trio strode down the hall.

"Clear them all out and bring me the last of the crew! No less than thirty you savages!"

The Pirates spread out throughout the vessel, mowing down the minute defense force on board. These civilian passengers were about to receive the ride of a lifetime. It was by their own hands that they lived or died this day.

So far no precious Jedi or otherwise had come to save them.

"Kill the infants and children, they are of no use!"

Altheas, blade began to twirl once more as she bore down on a trio of soldiers. A guttural roared upon the top of her lungs escaped her as the blade outstretched. A massive wall of air knocked two into the bulkheads, crushing their skulls under the force of the impact. The whirling sinister cutlass finished the last, enchanted edge cleaving through flesh and bone alike as she fell upon him.....
[member="Althea Raxis"]

She knew a pirate when she saw one. And, the killing of children was absolutely unacceptable. Yes, pirates operate outside of the law and ethics, and yes they are known as cut throats and whatnot. But, that does not mean that they must reinforce the stereotype by slaughtering children! It was dishonorable, and wrong! So, she had ambushed a few of the pirates, mere grunts by the look of them, killing the four rather quickly while urging a family that was hiding to the nearest escape pod. She would occasionally find dead bodies, far more civilians than she would have liked, until she heard the distinctive humming of lightsabers mixed in with blasterfire.

Seems I'm not the only Force Sensitive pirate... but these are no pirates. They are bandits, killing indiscriminately. Zyggerians are better than these fools!

Turning down the hall to her left, she would find herself behind what was left of the marines as they desperately duked it out with the pirates. She saw the two guards, both of them large and skilled. Both armed with twin-bladed lightsabers. She knew she would not likely win this fight. All she could do was hope she could hold them off until at least the children escaped. She may have been a pirate, but she would never let children die in such a way. With a single, dark glare, she would stalk forward through the battling forces, silver-bladed lightsaber drawn and deflecting the occasional blast as she broke into a sprint, straight for [member="Althea Raxis"], knowing a three on one was not a fair fight. Again, she only wished to draw them to her, allow more innocents to escape.

I shall show her how a true pirate operates. We should be after the money, we are glorified thieves. Not murderers.
[member="Mishka Tu'ru"]

Location: Onbaord a Civillian Vessel, Parlemian Way.

The chaos and in raged on throughout the halls. The children were put to the sword en-masse and the dark currents of the force echoed wildly around the ship, emanating for any force snesitive ot feel. Through the hellish confusion the bloodsoaked woman spotted a new adversary. A woman or perhaps a man? She could not tell, but her eyes were drawn to the silver blade. A lightsaber, which meant Jedi of some sort.

The Doomguards felt it too, whirling towards her, dual bladed sabers at the ready. Althea sneered and held up one blood spattered hand.

"Leave us, finish the job. Alert me when those who surrender are collected."

As they peeled off in different directions those double bladed sabers hummed, purple matrices cutting a swath of destruction among the resistors. Althea herself stood tall at her full height, drawing the mystic energies deep into her frame and muttering a small incantation. The air around her became lighter, the sword much more maneuverable as the spell took hold, granting her speed.

There were no words to be said. The other had stepped up and so she surged forwards obsidian blade whirling in an intricate figure eight before her, crashing full throttle into the Jedi with precise footwork.
Garoth saw that a few ships from the civilian fleet where taking off to engage the pirate ship, they were GAT-12 Skypray. He was on the zone when the battle started and wanted to help the pirates. With his AT-360 attacked shooting laser cannons. They tried to response but the AT was too fast "But it consumes to much gasoline. Three to go" said as he destroyed another ship. He turned on communications "HEY I NEED SOME BACK UP FOR TAKING OUT THIS IDIOTS!" Garoth was sending a message to the Emeral Dragon.

He was getting fired but evade it by flying close to the civilian ship, as he noticed that if he managed to survive the blows coming from the Emerald, maybe the pursuers wouldnt.

[member="Althea Raxis"]
[member="Mishka Tu'ru"]
[member="Garoth Ursull"]

Bridge Officer:

"XO we've reports of another vessel hailing us!"

The First Mate crossed his arms. His crimson cloak tattered and nasty, his face scared from a thousand duels. Beady eyes viewed the tracker screens as the gunnery stations locked in the firing solutions to finish the escort frigates off. One badly damaged, leaking crystallized water and fuel. The other barely scraping by with what appeared to be drained shields.


"Captain Raxis has initiated the assault, our own shields are at fifty percent. This new contact seems to be attacking the same vessel as us."

"Very well, instruct him to land, gunnery switch firing vectors to cover his landing. If he wants to help he will land aboard the Civillian Vessel and attack with the crew. Instruct him. Inform the crew as well. Launch two of our z-96 Headhunters, and clean up this mess."

"Aye sir!"
[member="Althea Raxis"]

Mishka grunted when their blades collided, sparks sent out as obsidian and silver, colors from opposite sides of the spectrum. Light, Dark, philosophy, et cetera. Mishka didn't care. She only cared for stopping this woman, or at least keep them occupied. She would stare into the human's eyes, holding their blades in place as she removed her left hand, charging the Force into a closed fist before sending it toward the other's stomach. Behind her, she knew that much more pressure was taken off the crew and passengers, which is exactly what she is aiming to do. She turned back to the woman and, whether the Force Punch did anything or not, she would jump back, holding her blade to the side in a ready, yet unguarded position, almost casual as she starts to circle the woman.

"You should not harm children. It will only cause you trouble to murder so. More than you need." She would spin her blade in her hand, her free hand curling her fingers as if to hold a ball, lightning arcing across her left arm as she readies herself for more combat.
[member="Mishka Tu'ru"]

The lightning arched across her frame, singeing the flesh and jolting the young woman. She grimaced feeling pain as if white hot molten metal were rolling across her core. Still the Pirate Captains resolve never faded. She stepped back a bit, whirling the blade twice as the smell of cooked flesh permeated the air, mixing with the smoke and chaos of battle.

In the hallways the crew and the Doomguards were laying bodies down with their superior skill. A few more were cuffed and thrown in a side room. The bridge was almost completely devoid of its staff and the vessels outside began to break apart under intense fire from the Emerald Dragon. Whatever distress signal they had broadcast would be gone.

But there was still the issue of this woman and her determination to save these poor saps.

"You and I are not the same obviously. Whatever cannot be used, or whomever cannot become crew must be discarded. It is the way of war."

The blade whirled twice, blood spattering upon the bulkheads. It whispered sinister things through the force into her head.



Twin souls trapped within the blade spun round and round, ensnared by dark dathomiri magics.

"Join with us, you'd make a valuable asset. I might even spare your precious children."
[member="Althea Raxis"]

Saving the innocents... She was right, it is the way of war... But it was wrong. Maybe she could join them, find a way to limit the murder. She would lower her saber, not deactivating it as she glared at the woman. She still circled her opponent, obviously thinking of her offer. She did need the money... And she was probably being hunted by bounty hunters right now. Eventually, she would sheathe her saber, keeping her eyes level with the woman as she slowly approached her, searching her face for any signs of deception, as well as her mind through the Force. The lightning from her arm would also dissipate, said hand relaxing as she slowly came to a decision.

"Give me your word that you will only ransom the civilians and children. Hell, you can even sell them into slavery." The Crimson Pirate would cross her arms underneath her chest, leaning to the side as she waited for her answer. Meanwhile, she was still furious with her actions, but knew that there are some paths more acceptable than others, in terms of the outcome. She would join this woman and her crew...

And kill her if she continues her murderous actions.
As the ship landed on the hangar, he sensed a dozen of guards approaching. He walked out taking his new vibroblade out "Cost me a liver, but worth it until i get my lightsaber..." Garoth run to the first guards that arrive and force-pushed them and stealing their guns "Ten to go" smiled to himself as a shot from the Emerald destabilized the fleet "They send me here to kill me along with these civilians?!" six guards tried to take him down. They position themself around a corridor pointing to the door, knowing that on the other side was Force-User.

When the door opened, Garoth gathered force around his blade and slashed the air, Force-pushing the blast, guns and guards out. He walked by the corpses, but sensed two lifes forms a few meters. When he walked near them, he saw two kids hugging each other in fear "Where are your fathers?" said with a smile crouching "D-dead" "Then come with me" it was a two little girls and Garoth was going to take them to Kesh. He liked the Dark Side, but he would only kill them if they were a threat. He walked with them, holding hands "You will stay in my ship" they aboard it "Food and water is on that compartment. I´ll be back in a minute understand?" they nodded sitting in a table sad. Garoth was a little angry, those guards that attack him only did that because the pirates didnt take prisoners when they were surrendering.

He walked out and sensed two force-users and approach them "You must be the Captain of that nice Ship. You, my dear, her enemy. Im Garoth Ursull" he didnt take out his blade "I wanna help you, but take prisoners of the crew and let me get a few things of the cargo of this fleet. A portable scanner, a chempat shield generator and an engine for my ship. Its that okay to you?" Garoth waited for his answer looking at both the girls he had in front of him.
[member="Mishka Tu'ru"] [member="Garoth Ursull"]

As the woman stepped down Althea lowered her own blade, spreading both feet in a wide stance. The other was soft, saving women and children? She dared say death was better than the slavery that awaited them. The credits would be decent however, especially in a place such as hutt space. The battle was beginning to wind down when the Doomguards returned, sabers at the ready falling in behind her,

"Problem Cap'n?" One croaked, his vocabulator deep and grinding.

"No not at all. Gentlemen, say hello to your new crewmates."

Althea waved the cutlass to indicate the newcomers. The woman with the saber was still somewhat of a threat. She would keep her eye on her, closely.

"Very well, I will grant both your request. Welcome to the Blazing Chains. Your first act as Officers of this fleet will be simple. Go to the crew we have captured. Intsruct them they will convert or die. The ship itself will given to you. Congratulations, Captain."

She pointed with the cutlass to the redskinned woman.

Then she turned to Graloth

"As for you, you may take whatever you need. When we are done I expect a full report. Then we jump to Tatooine. I'll be on the bridge of the Dragon, awaiting confirmation it is done."

She sheathed the sword, blood and all and waved to the Doomguard. As a unit they exited, moving towards the docking tubes that had been extended to the Emerald Dragon and dissapearing
"I work for nobody" he looked at [member="Althea Raxis"] "Nor i want to. I will get the equipment from the cargo room and leave" he turned to the door "Oh and i forgot. I will be taking two slaves. A payment for the troubles i had" Garoth thought about giving them proper education. They would be living as slaves but without being one "Without anything else to add. Goodbye" If he could find the materials he needed, Garoth could improve his ship and take away some weakness.

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