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Dark Star-Class Orbital Defense Station

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden

Dark Star Orbital Defense Stations

[SIZE=10.5pt]Out of Character Information [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Intent: To provide the New Order with an orbital defense platform
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Development Thread: N/A
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Image Source(s): Image

[SIZE=10.5pt]Production Information [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Manufacturer: Sienar fleet systems
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Model: Dark Star Orbital Defense Station
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Affiliation: The New Order
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Modularity: No
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Production: Minor-Production
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Materials: Qundranium, Titanium, Transparisteel, Durasteel

[SIZE=10.5pt]Technical Specifications [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Classification: Assault
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Role: Destroyer
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Height: 234 meters
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Width: 458 meters
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Length: 1,000 meters
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Power Core: Ionization Reactor
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Primary Hyperdrive: N/A
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Backup Hyperdrive: N/A
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Minimum Crew: 5,238
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Optimal Crew: 17,565
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Passenger Capacity: 45,000
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Cargo Capacity: 26,000 metric tons
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Consumables: 10 years
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Sublight speed: 10

[SIZE=10.5pt]Armaments [/SIZE]

  • HyperVelocity Guns (6)
  • [SIZE=10pt]Point Defense Lasers (60) [/SIZE]
  • Point Defense Ion (60)
  • Anti-Missile Octets (30)
  • Flak Guns (30)
  • Discord Missile Launcher (40)
  • Diamond Boron Dedicated Launchers (40)
  • Standard Concussion Missile Launchers (20)
  • Proton Torpedo Missile Launchers (20)

  • 112 Drop-pods
  • 5 Walker Barges

[SIZE=10.5pt]Non-Combative Attachments [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Advanced Shield Generator Systems
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Advanced Targeting Systems
[SIZE=10pt]· Advanced Electronic Counter Measures [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Standard Communications Array
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Standard Life Support Systems
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Standard Navigation Systems
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]HoloNet Transceiver
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Encryption Network
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE]Escape Pods

[SIZE=10.5pt]Description [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Dark Star Orbital Defense Stations are the New Order's first steps in creating a complex orbital defense network that incorporates multiple dedicated space stations in order to defend its assets. Being the size of a heavy cruiser, the ship trades in nearly its entire store of capital guns in favor of defensive batteries and missile launchers. The reason for this trade-off is because this particular station is tasked with the elimination of the enemy landing forces as well as any fighters and bombers that stray too closely. [/SIZE]Ultimately[SIZE=9pt], however, the ship is dedicated to wrecking havoc on all sub-capital ships and smaller capital ships as its capabilities against larger vessels are nearly non-[/SIZE]existent[SIZE=9pt]. With its web of continues fire, however, the Dark Star can eliminate even the largest of ground invasion forces before they even hit the planet. This forces the navies of other factions to focus naval efforts on taking down this ship before launching attacks on the planet, else they risk losing massive amounts of their attack force before it even lands. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Raw firepower is not all that this ship packs to help defend planetary assets though, it is also installed with a variety of advanced electronic counter measure suits. These counter measures fool enemy sensors into reading false information from the number of ships present to the trajectories of missile flight paths and planetary coordinates. These measures, while merely helping to disorient larger vessels, can wreck havoc on sub-capital ships by tricking them into oncoming missiles or making ground forces land in the wrong areas of the planet. Of course, the ships would have to make it past the firepower first and the prospect of doing that is there even though the chances are slim. This is why the hanger of the station has been completely refitted to [/SIZE]accommodate drop pods and walker barges. With these assets, those in charge of the space station can immediately respond to ground side threats by sending orbital troopers and walkers down on their positions. This is a welcomed defense in the event that invasion forces manage to get through the hell storm and require immediate attention by Imperial ground forces.

Due to the cost of the vessel, there are rarely more than 2 to 3 of these stations in a single system at a time. There is also the weakness that these ship's targeting systems focus on fast moving, close-in targets so that they can destroy anything from drop pods to heavy dropships. This means that their long range targeting systems are not as accurate as they should be for a vessel that could not stand on its own against a large capital ship at close range. There is also the downside that these stations carry much more soldiers than its able to deploy with its available drop pods, meaning that assistance from dropships from other craft are necessary to unload what troops that aren't deployed via drop pod. Without the assistance of other orbital station or capital ships, the Dark Star would be easy prey for the more massive ships in a faction's arsenal. However, when combined with a strong fleet and orbital defense grid, the Dark Star is a force to be reckoned with.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Darth Vulcanus"]
Mkay. Some issues I'm finding.

First off, your Classification and Role are misleading. You state that it is an Assault class, but that it is a "destroyer". Your maximum length shown is 1,000m, which means this is an Assault Heavy Cruiser according to your length. I'll be basing my further judging off of your length only, due to your vague Role/Classification listings. You may change the length and such after, and it will be judged accordingly.

First off, because this is the size of a Heavy Cruiser, per the 2.0 Shipbuilding Guide, you may not mount HVGs on this station. Your total weapon allotment for a HC sized station are as follows:

Capital Guns: 360
Warhead Launchers: 90
Defensive Guns: 45

Second, it looks like most of your Capital Guns were transferred to missiles and defensive weapons, which is fine. However, your missiles are a bit off. Diamond Boron Dedicated Launchers are, after speaking with both [member="Ayden Cater"] and [member="Domino"] (the other two Starship FJs), classified as Heavy Warhead Launchers, and are worth 4 Standard Warhead Launchers. Also, Discord Launchers are starship weapons, not capital ship weapons, so I'll have to ask you to remove those. In total, with the Discord Missiles removed as well as the HVGs, here's where your station stands:

Capital Guns: 0
Warhead Launchers: 200
Defensive Guns: 180

Transferring all Capital Guns into Warhead Launchers with the 50% penalty for doing so (As you have no HVGs per the 2.0 Guide on a HC), you're still 20 Warheads or 40 Capital Guns short at 180 Warhead Launchers, which means you're over by 20 launchers. It also means you have no points to put into the Defensive Guns, which are now 135 points over their allotted 45 total.

You'll need to drop warheads and Defensive guns to even out your numbers.

Also, your Advanced Electronic Counter Measures will require a Tech Submission or to be dropped from this Submission. The reasoning for this is the Wookiee sub is two sentences long with one source total.

If you intended this to be a Light Star Destroyer size with an Assault Variant, you'll need to edit the submission. However, the Diamond Boron missiles and the Discord Launchers are judged accordingly to this submission and the verdicts there will remain whether this sub is a LSD or a HC.

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