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Dark Jedi Order: Overview


Well-Known Member
The Dark Jedi Order is a collective organization that supports its members in their individual pursuits and study of the Force. It was founded so that Force users who did not believe in the ideologies of the Sith and Jedi would have a home and a network of allies. Dark Jedi believe the Force is a tool that can be used for personal gain. They train in the Force for many different reasons and each are on their own path. Within the Order are business owners, assassins, smugglers, warriors, family members, scholars, and everything in between.

Dark Jedi Temple
The Temple of Shadows is the name given to the Temple on Ilum where the Dark Jedi train. The structure is built inside a mountain basin and surrounded by jagged cliffs.

Joining The Dark Jedi Order (in character)
Members who seek training in the ways of the Dark Jedi are tested to see if they are worthy. A Dark Jedi may set up several tests for a potential members such as asking them to commit a crime, help in a deal, assist on a mission, or anything the Dark Jedi needs. When the initiate has proven they are worthy the Dark Jedi will hand over a coded map. Figuring out the location of The Temple of Shadows is the last test. A new member must find the location and scale the jagged and dangerous cliffs to the temple. Once they arrive their training begins.

Dark Jedi Code
No peace, only suffering.
No knowledge, only instinct.
No serenity, only passion.
No harmony, only chaos.
No life, only death."

The code of the Dark Jedi signifies that the world is constantly changing and there are no extreme certainties. Dark Jedi must accept that there is no will of the Force and the only path in life is the one they make for themselves.

Rules of Dark Jedi Society
  1. Never spill the blood of a fellow Dark Jedi
  2. Assist other members of the Order when possible
  3. Protect your fellow Dark Jedi as well as their family
  4. Keep the secrets of your brothers
  5. Devote yourself to your own agenda

Dark Jedi Order Leadership
The Dark Jedi Order is lead by a Dark Council. This body is elected and put through extreme trials to become a council member. The Council is lead by a Dark Grand Master. The Dark Grand Master can take charge in emergency situations and make executive decisions. During peace and normal operations the Council decides upon business together through collaboration.

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