Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Csilla

| @[member="Aiakos"] |

Homeworld of the Chiss, known by some to be the place where the Gulag Virus emerged from which was once the last bastion to the unknown. The ramp of his shuttle lowered and the doors slid into the walls to the left and right. Snow filled air gripped the lungs of Vilox Pazela as he stood within the frame, upon the threshold into the frozen waste ahead. The sleeve of his dark robes on his right arm was rolled up to the stump where it used to be, severed from him during his confrontation with the Sorcerers of Tund, as the Jedi sought to finally quell their threat. His other, the left arm, hung loosely by his side. Despite the freezing temperature, it did not hold him. The Force flowed through him freely, offering a natural protection. Hypothermia and other illnesses that might befall an inexperienced Force user or the unfortunate non Force-sensitive would not claim him.

The Dark Master had not decided to land in the city, from whence came prying eyes and whispers; and the individual that he was meeting with upon the frozen tundra could be a piece to his jigsaw puzzle. He began his descent along the durasteel ramp into the snow and walked a few yards ahead before coming to a stop. He heard the ramp and doors retracted and close in on themselves, as his robes fluttered in the gale forced winds that whipped around him. His yellow predatory eyes were set upon the landscape ahead, waiting.
Aia'kos'csapla, or Aiakos as he was known to the non-chiss peoples, looked out over the frozen wastes of his home planet. From one of the remote outposts he monitored and analyzed radar patterns and heat signatures. A step down from his former job as a Destab agent. After the Galactic Empire merged with the Lords of the Fringe, administration changes had taken him from his normal routine of infiltrating the Republic and placed him here on his home world until further notice. It was a waste of his talents, but alas the treaty prevented him from carrying out any real operations.

After several minutes the Chiss turned back and headed back into his small shelter. Then he felt something, an unexplainable twitch in the back of his mind. Aiakos's eyes narrowed, and he turned to his holo-terminal. Sure enough a faint radar signature appeared on screen, a ship of some kind. Likely smugglers. Reaching out he prepared to sound an alarm, then stopped. There it was again, that feeling in the back of his mind. Something was calling to him. He smirked and then picked up his blaster rifle. "Better to see this myself."

Venturing out into the cold, the Chiss agent quickly made his way to the last known location of the signal. As he journeyed onward he somehow could sense he was getting closer to the ship, and after a flicker of doubt crossed him, the ship came into view. "Alright then, who's home?" He said to himself, and made his way to the vessel with caution.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Aiakos"] |

"I am home," said the dark, hooded figure to the left of the Chiss. He turned in the frozen tundra to Aiakos, lowering his only arm, on the left, to the utility belt within his darkened robe. He brought out the cylinder object found upon the belt and pressed the ignition button, allowing the crimson beam to snap hiss in the freezing air. Bringing his Lightsaber to the side, his yellow predatory eyes gleamed through the falling snow to Aiakos, goading him.
@[member="Vilox Pazela"]

Aiakos was stunned, no one ever had been able to sneak up on him like that. After the dark robed figure spoke, the Chiss agent spun round with his blaster rifle upright and pointed towards Vilox. "Who are you, what are you doing here!" Aiakos shouted in basic. As the figure moved for his lightsaber the Chiss agent shouted again. "Don't Kriffing move!" The lightsaber came to life, and Aiakos's gut sank. He knew that a saber beat a blaster rifle. "I'm gonna give you one chance to put that thing down." His tone reflected authority. Perhaps he could use his authority or delay a conflict by barking orders.
| @[member="Aiakos"] |

As Aikos approached the dark silhouette stood before him, among the flashing snow, he felt an effect come over his mind as Vilox lifted his hands towards him. For the briefest of seconds, six or seven to be precise, the worse headache the Chiss had ever experienced came over his mind. Then a voice came just after the pain subsided. "Hello Aia'kos'csapla."

Spinning his Lightsaber in his hand, he began to approach the man in a Shien stance.
@[member="Vilox Pazela"]

For a moment there was no response. "Put the lightsaber down!" He shouted one more time. His finger began to squeeze the trigger, ready to take the shot. Then he was slammed with worse feeling of pain in head he ever felt. Aiakos even lowered his rifle, closing his eyes and shaking his head. Then just as the headache came, it was gone, and the Imperial snapped his rifle back up. Then the figure spoke his name. The Chiss felt his blood turn to ice. "How..." As the man approached Aiakos, he gave a quick squeeze of the trigger finger the blaster then sent out a stream of rapid fire blaster bolts towards it target.
| @[member="Aiakos"] |

The dark figure spun his Lightsaber in a Shien cross guard. The first two deflected to the side, as he had no time or feeling to reflect them back to his target. The third missed Aikos by centimeters. The others fell to his feet on purpose and he could tell by the way the Dark Master span his weapon in the path. The final shot was deflected back to the rifle, which would force the Chiss to drop his weapon if it landed.

"The question is not how, but why," said the same voice as he continued his advance.
@[member="Vilox Pazela"]

The blaster rifle exploded in his hands, out of instinct the Chiss dropped it into the snow before it could cause him any arm. "WHY?" He shouted back to the robed figure. "WHY you are here?!" Aiakos was confused to say the least. He needed to focus, he was disarmed and being assailed by a force-user. The more he thought on the situation the less sense it made. Why would some Jedi, or whatever this person was called come all the way out here to answer his question with a riddle. "Why do you know my name." Aiakos asked.
| @[member="Aiakos"] |

He came to a stop, lifting the crimson beam underneath Aiakos's chin, only a yard away from him. Steam lifted off the red light as snow impacted upon the controlled energy and evaporated under the Chiss and his skin. "I know your name, Aia'kos'csapla, because it is necessary and in time, you'll come to learn my name as well."

The man pressed his thumb onto the ignition button of the cylinder object in his hand. The red light returned into the small opening at the top of the Lightsaber. He lowered his arm to the side and said, "You will find this hard to understand, in present time. You might even find this deceptive and dangerous."

"My name is Vilox Pazela and I am what people would call a Dark Jedi. But I am more than just a thug, business man or collector of artifacts that some would consider dark. I am a visionary and my visions brought me here, to this point in time, to find you, Aia'kos'csapla."

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