Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark and Light make Gray (Eden)

I was simply sitting in a bar on Nar Shaddaa, more to Starla's enjoyment than mine. Of course, I can't drink, and strippers and dancers hold no real attraction for me. But my green-skinned lady was enjoying herself with all the strange alcohol floating around the room, and she'd insisted on dragging me with her. It was okay, though. It gave me a chance to see how she acted when she wasn't playing around with me.

But there was a tiny pinprick in the Force, poking at me. It wasn't just Starla. She had a more... playful sense about her presence. This one was... scared, maybe?

[member='Eden Gyll']


White Wolves Gunner
Having no training at all, I didn't know what to do about this stronger feeling, Ilooked to the silver cylinder on her side, before tucking it into her bag.
I looked around the bar, confused, scared, not knowing what to do.
I didn't know what this feeling was, I had never met another force user before. I haven't met any Jedi, nor have I met any Sith.
She thought to herself, "Should I leave? Should I stay and try to find out what this feeling is?"

Reaching out in the Force, I searched for the little pinprick somewhere near me. It was in this bar, in fact. Starla slid into my lap, and whispered in my ear. It was kind of cute when she tried to play with me like that.

"That girl, the one by the door. She's the one you're sensing, Goldie. Maybe you should give 'er a wave."

I looked around, and spotted the girl she was talking about. She was as tall as my new body, and almost painfully skinny. She looked around with the sort of bewildered air of a small animal looking for predators. It was cute, and a bit sad. I let my mind reach out to her, echo in her mind.

Don't be scared, kid... I'm just a guy sitting here with a Twi'lek in my lap. C'mere and let's talk.

Just to clarify, I wiggled a couple of clawed fingers across the room at her.

[member="Eden Gyll"]


White Wolves Gunner
Eden looked around for where this 'reaching out' came from, then she saw the golden shard waving at her, she tilted her head slightly before walking over and sitting down next to him.
She spoke in a soft, scared tone, "S-So, what did you want to talk about?"
Her fingers shook slightly, still not knowing whether or not this person/thing were safe to be around or not.

I would have rolled my eyes if I'd had eyeballs to roll. As it was, Starla rolled her eyes enough for the both of us. She waggled her fingers at the girl, and rested her head on my chest. I let out a hollow-sounding laugh, and she held out her hand to the trembling girl.

"I'm Starla. The metal guy in the jacket is Bond. We're nothing to be scared of. Just a couple of people with Force powers."

[member="Eden Gyll"]


White Wolves Gunner
Eden stuck out her hand to the Twi'lek, she eventually took her hand and shook it, a smile growing onto her face.
She apparently had calmed down to see that they were just two other force users, she had thought they were Sith... Actually... maybe they were Sith, she just hadn't known yet...
She then relaxed back into the seat, taking a sip from her cup, before gently setting it down on the table.
I pulled my hat off to reveal the gold-colored metal of my head, as well as my red photoreceptors. Starla wrapped her arms around my neck, and rubbed the flat top of my head. I sighed jokingly, and tilted my head at the girl sitting with us. At least she wasn't actually trembling, now. I reached out my own clawed hand to the girl, and squeezed Starla's hand.

"I'm a Sith, but don't worry about it. I'm not gonna hurt you. What's your name?"

[member="Eden Gyll"]


White Wolves Gunner
Eden then took the man's hand, shaking it slowly,
"You say you aren't going to hurt me." She replied.
"But Sith always break there promises.
How can I trust you?" She continued, releasing her hand and placing it on the table.

That provoked a laugh from me. Always breaking their promises, huh? It was definitely the truth, from a certain viewpoint. The Lords of the One Sith had lied to me at their leisure, and practiced torture whenever it was convenient. I still haven't been able to erase the memory of that one Jedi I'd watched writhe in agony under interrogation. But on the other hand, the Jedi and the Mandalorians had thought nothing of cutting my body to pieces, and leaving me to rot in a cell with Banshee for a while.

In reply, I simply shrugged.

"Don't trust me, if you don't want to. Jedi are liars, Sith are liars. The strong lie, the weak lie. I'm sick of them all. I'm just a Shard attuned to the Dark Side. A sentient crystal."

I squeezed Starla, and leaned against her shoulder gently. She smiled and draped her lekku over my head, which was now on her shoulder.

"I can still love, and hate, and lie, and cheat, and think. I'm not wise or anything. I'm just trying to have fun as much as a person in a droid body can have it."

[member="Eden Gyll"]


White Wolves Gunner
Eden simply thought to herself about the reasons.'
"Well... I would suppose if you wanted to kill me you would have already done so.."
"I guess I can still trust you."
She picked up her mug, taking a sip from it, the mug now completely empty.


White Wolves Gunner
Eden looked to the exit of the club, then back to the Shard.
She said, "I think I have to go..."
She would begin to pack up her things, already ready to go, waiting to say good-bye.
"Good-Bye, Sir."


White Wolves Gunner
Eden stood up, turning around to face the door. But she stopped, knowing it was wrong to just leave this man in a droid's body.
She sat back down. Continuing the conversation with him, a smile on her face, knowing she was in the right place.
"So.. what type of skills do you know... Beginner Wise?" She ordered another Whiskey, taking it and setting it down on the table.

I would have smiled if I had a mouth. It was no fun when people just left. It made me a tiny bit sad, sometimes. People didn't like being around me very much, no matter how likeable I am. But, at least this girl was going to stay to talk. Starla sensed a glimpse of what I was thinking, and planted herself in my lap again, grinning, followed by a gesture to continue. I gave a metallic snort, and put my arms around her waist again, holding out my hand so I could count off on my fingers.

"Well, let's see... I'm a fair hand at making objects float around, I know my way around a couple of lightsaber forms, and I'm damn good with lightning."

Almost as an afterthought, I counted off one more finger.

"And I can use the Force and the voicebox on this droid to blast people with a scream."

[member="Eden Gyll"]


White Wolves Gunner
Eden was obviously amazed at how many things this man knew, compared to her. Especially the Blasting people with a scream thing.
She tapped her fingers on the table, setting the Silver Cylinder from her waist on the table, it was obviously a Light Saber, though it looked pretty good for her first one.
"So.. do you know Lightsaber Form I?"
"I've been looking for someone to train with, but I haven't found anyone, at all."
She pulled the lightsaber back into her lap, staring down at it, before tucking it back at her side, looking face to face with the man as they spoke.

Sure, I knew Shii-Cho. It was the first lightsaber form anybody ever trained me in. It wasn't particularly suited to my weapon, though, or my flexibility and strength. Ataru, Makashi, and even Soresu took much better advantage of size and flexibility. I didn't know whether or not to tell her, but Starla nodded for me to continue. I sighed, and half-shrugged.

"I know Shii-Cho, but it's a very... How do I say it... basic form. Easy to teach if you know it, easy to learn with a good teacher, but I'm not very well suited to it. For one, I have a bit too much physical strength, and for another, I'll show you the weapon I use."

I drew my lightsaber, showing the girl the two foot-long metal hilt. It had a spike at the end, but lacked the luster of the wintrium hilt I had for the weapon I was trying to forge.

"See, it's a lot more suited for defense or fast attacks. Like me. I use Ataru, Makashi, or Soresu the most."

[member="Eden Gyll"]
Sure, I knew Shii-Cho. It was the first lightsaber form anybody ever trained me in. It wasn't particularly suited to my weapon, though, or my flexibility and strength. Ataru, Makashi, and even Soresu took much better advantage of size and flexibility. I didn't know whether or not to tell her, but Starla nodded for me to continue. I sighed, and half-shrugged.

"I know Shii-Cho, but it's a very... How do I say it... basic form. Easy to teach if you know it, easy to learn with a good teacher, but I'm not very well suited to it. For one, I have a bit too much physical strength, and for another, I'll show you the weapon I use."

I drew my lightsaber, showing the girl the two foot-long metal hilt. It had a spike at the end, but lacked the luster of the wintrium hilt I had for the weapon I was trying to forge.

"See, it's a lot more suited for defense or fast attacks. Like me. I use Ataru, Makashi, or Soresu the most."

[member="Eden Gyll"]


White Wolves Gunner
Eden looked at the Lightsaber in some sort of amazement, pulling her own lightsaber from her hip.
This lightsaber seemed to have two energy gates to release the sparks of light.
She closed her eyes, beginning to focus deeply, the lightsaber shooting out from /both/ sides of the silver cylinder.
"I don't know any training forms.. there is no specific training for this.. At all."

I put my hand out to close over the girl's, deactivating the saberstaff. The last thing we needed, here, was some kind of large-scale fight. Especially not with an untrained kid and Starla here. I could probably destroy half the room myself, but that'd just incur a large amount of debt that I really didn't need. I released her hand and the silvery hilt, and sighed.

"It seems to me that I shouldn't be teaching you Shii-cho, in fact. I could teach you Ataru, or Makashi, or Soresu. Better defense or more complicated offense. Form One is simply something to bridge the gap between them."

[member="Eden Gyll"]

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