Darik Plutan
Name: Darik Plutan
Faction: The Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 1.8 Meters
Weight: 79 Kilograms
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown with some gray
Skin: Pale White
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Alignment: Chaotic Good
X1 Mandalorian Disintegrator (Blaster holder on left hip)
X1 A280 Blaster Rifle
X1 DLT-20A Blaster Rifle
Lightsabers: X1 Normal Lightsaber (Color: Light Blue), X1 Lightsaber Shoto (Color Red) [Untrained]
None (Because Darik just doesn't care anymore)
Darik is 31 years old, but appears to be in his mid-late 40s due to the effects of extended carbonite freezing of nearly eight centuries. His hair is graying around the temples and he has the beginning of a receding hairline. He is usually dressed in a black duster or brown leather jacket, with a black or dark blue collared shirt underneath and a pair of blue or brown trousers. He shaves infrequently and is usually seen with a five o'clock shadow and large black rings under his eyes, as he has trouble sleeping from all the late night benders he goes on to forget his sorrows.
Strengths and Weaknesses
+Extreme Intelligence: Darik is extremely intelligent: His IQ is well above the genius identifier and he reads several books a week on topics from Galactic Politics to Ancient History, Advanced Physics to Cellular Biology.
+Gifted Pilot: Darik is one of the most gifted pilots of his time, or was anyways before he was frozen by Tanda the Hutt. Stick him in a cockpit and he can fly anything. If it has an engine, he can and will fly it.
+Master Negotiator: Stick him in a tough spot, and Darik can almost always negotiate his way out of it. Unfortunately for him, Tanda the Hutt wasn't willing to bargain or negotiate.
+Adaptability: He may not look it, but Darik is extremely adaptable to many situations. Because of his military training, he has gotten used to the idea of situations changing dramatically from moment to moment.
+Military Training: Darik has some of the best military training that was available to him at the time. He was trained as a Fighter Pilot at the prestigious New Republic Military Academy on Coruscant. He knows how to take orders and how to give them, and he knows how to take control of a military situation.
-Man Out of Time: Darik was frozen in carbonite at the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong War, nearly eight centuries ago. He has eight centuries of catching up to do before he can function fully in the galaxy once more. He feels guilt for not being there when his friends and associates faced the Yuuzhan Vong.
-Dead Family: Darik's wife Marissa and his daughter Elise are long dead, killed by Tanda the Hutt after Darik was ordered by Leia Organa Solo to enter into negotiations with the Hutt for arms shipments to the New Republic. His daughter died centuries ago without knowing the truth of her father's survival. He is wracked with guilt for his wife's death and blames himself alone for getting his beloved wife tortured and executed in front of him by a Hutt Crime Lord, and for not being there when his daughter grew up.
-Alcoholic: Because of his past, Darik is a regular visitor to any Outer Rim bar or cantina he can come across. He spends most of his hours when he's not piloting, salvaging, or otherwise doing something useful crawled inside a bottle of Corellian Whiskey.
-Habitual Chain Smoker: Along with his alcoholism, Darik is a habitual chain smoker who will take any cigarette he can come across.
-Obsessive Hatred: Darik harbors an obsessive hatred of any and all Hutts because of his experience with Tanda the Hutt. If he sees a Hutt and he has the chance, he'll kill them without a second thought.
-Death Wish: Darik takes unnecessary risks with his life because he has come to the conclusion that he doesn't deserve to live. For him, his life ended when his wife was tortured and executed and he was frozen in carbonite.
Darik is a tortured person who is unable to rise out of the darkness that has enveloped his soul. He is reckless and careless with his life because he believes that he does not deserve to be alive. He mourns for the friends that he lost when he was frozen in carbonite by Tanda the Hutt. As a result he has very few friends and spends most of his time remembering his wife, child, and the friends he had in his former life. He drowns those memories in whiskey as often as possible. He is outwardly hostile to strangers and barely tolerant of those who he has to work with. Darik spends as much time as possible alone and as far away from society as is possible.
Darik is dismissive and cynical about all the current galactic governments. He is dismissive of the current iteration of the Republic and views it as 'Weak, Decadent, and a Pale Reflection of the Old Republic and the New Republic.' He is equally dismissive of the Imperial Remnant, seeing them as nothing more than pretenders putting on the airs of the old Empire without the power or respect they once had. He remembers Emperor Palpatine, Mon Mothma, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa. For Darik, there are no leaders in the galaxy today that would be worthy of breathing the same air as any of them. The One Sith are weak pretenders to the heritage of the old Sith like Vader and Palpatine. The Mandalorians wish they had half the prestige as Boba Fett.
Darik Plutan was born on the planet Coruscant in 4BBY to Davik and Helena Plutan, civil servants who worked for the Coruscant Planetary Government. He grew up in the shadow of the Rebellion and idolized its leaders. Darik was too young to remember the destruction of the First Death Star. When the Second Death Star was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance and Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine died, Darik and his family were among the celebrating crowds in the streets of Coruscant. His family managed to escape the ensuing slaughter wrought on the crowds by Imperial Stormtroopers, but he always remembered the screams and pleas for mercy by those who were not so lucky. When the New Republic captured Coruscant in 6ABY, Darik was 10 years old and decided then and there to join the New Republic military. His parents supported his decision, and eight years later in 14ABY he volunteered and was sent to the New Republic Military Academy on Coruscant for training in the New Republic defense forces. When he graduated in 17ABY, Darik was involved in the last fighting during the Black Fleet Crisis and scored several kills in his X-Wing against the forces of the Yevethan Duskhan League.
Darik met his wife Marissa aboard the Home One where he was stationed following the Black Fleet Crisis while she worked as an engineering consultant. They fell in love almost from the moment they met and were married in 19ABY. During his time aboard Home One, Darik became close personal friends with several important figures in galactic politics. He came to know Luke Skywalker personally due to his wife's service aboard Home One, and spent many hours talking to him about his training and his experiences defeating the Empire. In 20ABY, Marissa gave birth to their daughter Elise on Coruscant. From 20 to 25ABY, Marissa, Darik, and Elise lived comfortably on Coruscant. Darik requested and was given a planetary posting to the Coruscant Defense Forces. When the Yuuzhan Vong War began in 25ABY, Darik was reactivated in the New Republic Navy and given a posting aboard one of the planetary picket vessels.
Later on that year as the Yuuzhan Vong mercilessly pushed the New Republic forces back, Darik was given a special set of orders from Republic Intelligence, signed by Leia Organa Solo. Because of his negotiating skills, Darik was asked to take his wife to Tatooine where she and he would negotiate with Tanda the Hutt under assumed identities on behalf of the New Republic. They were asked to negotiate for the transfer of weapons and hyperdrive equipment to aid in the war effort. Darik was ordered additionally that if he could not secure the materials that he was to take them by force or intimidation if necessary. Although Darik and Marissa tried to secure the transfer, they could not bring Tanda the Hutt to make a deal.
When Darik attempted to intimidate Tanda, he and Marissa were seized by Tanda's security forces. Tanda tortured the two of them for information until Darik finally admitted that he was ordered to kill Tanda if he could not get the weapons and spare parts transferred. Tanda took personal offense at this and decided to send a message to the New Republic. He had Darik brought into his throne room and was forced to watch as Tanda used an old Mandalorian Disintegrator to torture and kill his wife. He then ordered Darik to be frozen in carbonite and returned to the New Republic aboard one of his personal freighters. As a special reminder for Darik, he tossed the disintegrator he used to kill Marissa into the carbonite chamber where it would return with him to Coruscant.
The freighter that Tanda had Darik's frozen body placed on made it off Tatooine, but was attacked and destroyed by marauding pirates in an unmarked system far off the shipping lanes. Darik's body survived the destruction of the freighter and it ended up drifting in the debris field for centuries until a passing deep space salvage operator found the debris and his carbonite-frozen body. He was miraculously revived and brought back to the world of the living in 836ABY.
Ever since reawakening, Darik has struggled to make sense of what happened. This was only compounded by the realization that his entire family, all of his friends, and his daughter have been dead for centuries. For Darik, all of this happened practically yesterday. His world was stripped from him and he was left with the clothes on his back and a disintegrator that had been used to murder the love of his life. He spent almost a year trying to find his daughter's descendents, but the One Sith invasion of Coruscant limited his options. He ended up drifting back out to the edges of space and ended up working salvage jobs and found an old, abandoned YT-2400 on Tatooine that he resurrected and rebuilt.
During a salvage mission, Darik picked up two lightsabers off a long dead Jedi and Sith whose bodies were aboard an ancient Old Republic cruiser. He decided to hold onto them, as he had begun to explore his force sensitivity. However, Darik's mind is cluttered and angry and he is unable to fully appreciate the nuances of the living force. His anger and bitterness cloud his connection. If he is not careful, he will fall to the dark side. For now, he is merely interested in training, but does not know how to use the sabers at all.
He felt personal betrayal because of his orders from Republic Intelligence and his erstwhile friend Leia Organa Solo. Since then, he has grown only more bitter and remorseful. He lives in his memories and cannot bring himself to face the reality that he is now living in. He is a man out of time, whose life was stripped from him too soon.

Personal Vessel:
X1 YT-2400 Light Freighter, named Marissa's Sorrow
Role Plays:
None Yet
PC Kills:
None Yet