Dara Gola
Tsûduma tnuti

NAME : Dara Gola
FACTION: Bounty Hunters Guild
RANK: Bounty Hunter
AGE: 24
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 125lbs
EYES: Dark Blue
HAIR: none
SKIN: Light green with dark green stripes
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes. Training as a padawan is incomplete.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Single-minded, becomes focused on revenge for her treatment at the hands of a sith at times.
-Emotionally unstable.
+very skilled in lightsaber combat.
+ Knows both Sith and Jedi lore
Dara wears simple clothes. Usually a brown sleeveless top and pants, with a standard utility belt. She always carries a lightsaber on her belt and a blaster on her hip. When she does wear robes they are a dark brown and look well worn and old. Her right hand is cybernetic from the middle of her forearm. The cybernetic hand is black and basic. She will always draw her lightsaber with her left hand. Her lekku are decorated with plain brown wrappings. She never wears jewelry of any kind.
Dara began her training as a jedi early in her life, like most sentient beings. At the age of 14 while she was on a training retreat, her ship was attacked and she was captured by a group of Weequay pirates and sold to a rogue sith lord, Darth Dramu. Dramu tortured her constantly, trying to break her will and bend it to the dark side. For three years Nyrrea suffered at Dramu's hands. Dramu's hopes were that she would be his personal assassin. Her revenge came durring a training session where Dramu let his guard down for just long enough for Dara to strike him down. Freedom became a trap for Dara, her mental state was fragile early on. She couldn't return to the Jedi, and she hated everything the Sith embodied. She added the surname Danton to help hide her true identity. She hired on as part of a bounty hunter team when the offer came up and has found a purpose to her life. After spending a bit of time on the team, she broke away and 'acquired' her own ship, wandering the galaxy, always on the look out for interesting people and profitable bounties.
.: Skills :.
Lightsaber – Form I – Shii-Cho – Beginner
Lightsaber – Form II – Makashi – Beginner
Lightsaber – Form III – Soresu – Beginner
Lightsaber – Form VII – Niman – Competent
Force Choke – Beginner
Mind Trick – Competent
Force Lightning – Competent
Force Deflection – Beginner
Force Jump – Competent
Force Speed – Beginner
Force Sense – Beginner
Force Push/Pull – Competent
Force Throw – Beginner
Force Scream - Beginner
Breath Control - Beginner
Skill Levels:
Beginner – Can only use in ideal conditions e.g. couldn't use in combat
Competent – Can use in most situations including combat but with limitations e.g. duration
Advanced – No limitations on use
Expert – Advanced understanding and use
Master – Known to be one of the greatest practitioners
Personal starship, not luxurious, more functional.