Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dain Vikaar

Dain Vikaar

Dain Vikaar
"You can make a man into a soldier, but after that, they'll never again just be a man. A part of him will always live and breath in that part of life. He will always feel its call and long for its embrace once more." - Dain Vikaar​
- Appearance -
Species: Morellian

Age: 83 Galactic Standard Years

Height: 6 ft 1 in (1.86 m)

Weight: 192 lbs (87.1 kg)

Build: Athletic/Medium

Eye Color: Blue-Gray

Hair Color: Light Brown

Skin/Complexion: Fair/Caucasian

Face Claim: Daniel MacPherson

- Affiliation -
Faction: The Confederacy of Independent Systems

Force Alignment: Non-Force Sensitive

Birthworld: Morellia

Homeworld: Manda

Occupation: Mercenary/Bounty Hunter/Private Security

Allegiance: Black Bha'lir (Confederacy of Independent Systems)

- Personal Equipment/Property -



Starship/Spacecraft: Typhoon-class Minelayer Corvette

- Character -
Strengths (Include, but not limited to):
  • Marksman (Dain has spent the vast majority of his life in service to some kind of military or security service. Because of this, he has extensive training in a wide array of different firearms.)
  • Veteran of War (Dain has seen multiple battles and skirmishes in his lifetime and as such has learned from his trials. He is a master in the overall strategy of battlefield tactics and troop deployments)
  • Hardy and Headstrong (Dain has a constitution that has never been broken. He is the embodiment of resilience and has an incredible strong will and does not easily crack while being tortured. It is difficult to pry secrets from the veteran of war)
  • Who Needs a Weapon (Because of his distinguished background as a special forces soldier, Dain was trained heavily in combat without a weapon as well since war would always provide situations that must be adapted to)

Weaknesses (Include, but not limited to):
  • Stubborn Fool (Though it can be a good thing while at the mercy of a captor, his stubborn nature and unwillingness to change at times, can hinder and take away from overall productiveness)
  • Politically Incorrect (Dain has no mind for the political theater and instead prefers to see actions over words. Foreign Diplomacy would best be served with someone else)
  • Non Force (Dain does not have the ability to use the Force and therefore has no enhanced abilities because of it)

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