Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Daak Dakaara

Social Information
Name: Daak Dakaara
Nickname: Captain, Daak Dakaara
Faction: Black Tie Syndicate
Rank: Captain
Homeworld: Unknown
Known Locales: Sullust
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Marital status: Single, save when there's coin for some comfort
Force Sensitive: No
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Physical Information
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Species: Bothan
Weight: 120lbs
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Copper
Fur: Golden-Brown
Skin: Beige
Daak comes from a short species, yet is on the taller end of that spectrum. His fur is the color of uncut wheat, and has eyes of polished copper. A scar on the left side of his snout has left him with a permanent smirk, which has turned out to be very fitting to his personality. He tends to wear a heavy jacket with a thick collar which runs up the back of his neck, followed by a couple layers of thin robes, lined with pockets and hidden slings. While it would appear as a fashion statement to others, his clothing choice is more of design. All along his back is the puckered skin of poorly healed wounds Daak earned when he attempted to rip off a particularly unforgiving Dug who had bigger friends than Daak did. The scars remind him of a time when he felt most vulnerable and helpless, and so he keeps them covered at all times. Also, Daak prefers to keep a holdout blaster and fixed blade dagger hidden at all times.
Daaks eyes dart around a room as he walks through and his fur regularly seems to be stiff and on end. However, in a conversation, his eyes fixate on his target like a wolf on its prey.
Traits and Abilities

(+) Manipulator: Daak is a champion manipulator. His greatest ability is to get others to get him the things he wants, or to turn someone who could have been an enemy into an ally. This applies from one-on-one conversations requiring charm, wit, and persuasion to leading a team through a trying mission with forceful commands and confident demeanor.
(+) Intuitive: Daak is nuanced at reading an individual. Within a few lines of casual conversation he can get a good idea of a person's fears, aspirations, and capabilities. A full game of pazaak with someone and he'll know how they like their eggs and how they fold their shirts.
(+) Toxic Resistant: Know what the life of a pirate is like? It usually has a lot of imbibing in incredibly noxious liquors and substances of other inebriative properties. Considering the pirate culture requires everyone to partake, Daak has had his share. Because of this, he's grown quite a tolerance to, not only the classic liquors most citizens enjoy, but a host of others, some considered straight poisonous.
(-) Egocentric: Daak doesn't believe in the beguiling shadow criminal. He believes in making his mark, and for as many people to know when he accomplishes an amazing feat. As such, when it might be advantageous to be calm and quiet, he will in turn be loud and boastful.
(-) Non-Combatant: Daak is a bothan, an already small species, and has taken little initiative to gain any sort of combative advantage over any opponent. He's no stranger to pain or brawls, but put up against any real opponent physically and he has little ground to stand on.
(-) Paranoid: Time spent captive, tortured, and betrayed has left him distrusting of any individual. He believes that you can really only trust people to eventually betray you, and as such he tends to plan obsessively over any outcome. It also means he has trouble getting genuinely close to people. He is incapable of inspiring people out of loyalty as he can’t get close enough to anyone to inspire. Instead, he leads based on mutual gain, favors, and blackmail. (This is also habitual of the bothan as a species)

Languages: Galactic Basic, Huttese, "Droid Speak"
Personal Skills:
  • Piloting: Skilled at mid to large freighters. Rather unfamiliar with combat piloting.
  • Smuggling/Hiding: It is a skill, knowing where and how to hide.
  • Sleight-of-hand: This includes hiding pazaak cards up his sleeve, to picking pockets
  • Knife Fighting: Even a big enemy can fall to a well placed blade. It's about timing more than anything.
  • Impersonation: Ever had to pretend to be a baron in order to get out of a locked down spaceport? Daak has.
Nobody has called Daak a "nice guy," unless he was impersonating someone else. His attitudes with interpersonal relationships is simply this; What can I get out of this? Other people are object by which he will achieve his means, and if they don't serve a purpose, then he ends up having little interest in them.

A beautiful person to him is not physically proportional, but mentally acrobatic. Someone displaying discomfort in a social situation is just a weakling on which he will prey. However, when someone shows remarkable intellect, insight, and veracity, Daak is likely to be swept off his feet. While he's strictly heterosexual, he'll admit to times of arousal after a cunning maneuver by a male opponent. Winning, to him, isn't everything. It's the beauty of a game which inspires him.

If there is no beauty in the game, if it is too easy, Daak quickly becomes reckless. While he doesn't want to be caught, subconsciously he will make things more difficult for himself in order to raise the gamble and thrill of it all.

Daak’s childhood is of little note to him. He was an orphan on a planet where Bothans were an irregularity. He was beaten. He was forced to learn how to survive. He survived. When he was 14 Daak first boarded a freighter as a hired hand for a local smuggler. In his mind, this was the day of his birth. Unfortunately, he was born into a team of what he would label imbeciles and morons. It didn’t take long before he decided that he could be more effective than the incompetent currently running the operation. So Daak did what any deceiving, slippery, bastard would and approached his boss’ boss, a notorious, yet minor, Hutt lord named Ootah.

The captain had previously betrayed Ootah’s trust, so the he was willing to hear out the young Bothan’s proposal. In the end, they reached an agreement. The Hutt would set up the captain to be taken out by an opposing smuggler. Daak had to play a pivotal role in the set-up, and in return he would receive the smuggler's ship, the Smoked Opal, and command of its crew. It wasn’t a sore deal for a then 15-year-old Bothan, but came with the contingency that Daak owed tithings to the Hutt lord, and could be called upon for any job he thought necessary.

For the next dozen or so years, Daak lived amongst scoundrels, cartels, and the nebulous clouds of the galaxy… and the occasional holding cell. While there was more than one authority’s cell he’d inhabited, the worst experience was with an unforgiving Dug called Pfitar Deluuda. Daak, in his vanity, had tried passing off twenty barrels of diluted spice as pure. It had been a gamble, and he’d lost. His crew was subsequently detained, or offered contracts as new hires. Daak was brought to a den of torment and unquestioning pain. For months, Daak served as a passing amusement for Pfitar who would occasionally arrive to vent his frustrations on the Bothan. The scars of this work run across his back, over his neck, and across his stomach muscles. After months reminiscent of an eternity in the cell, Daak was able to outwit Pfitar, free his first mate, and steal back the Smoked Opal.

The life of a smuggler, comes with its dangers. However, this never stopped Daak from his pursuits. His clever mind and sharp tongue was often enough to get him out of the closest situations and he used them with ruthless efficiency. Daak truly made the life of a smuggling hoodwink look easy. This was his folly.

Daak’s first mate saw what he was able to achieve and believed, much like Daak had at one time, that he deserved the title more. While they’d journeyed through much together his first mate’s greed outweighed his loyalty. Instead of going to the Hutt, who Daak was still in favor with, the first mate sowed mutiny amongst his crew. In his sleep they bound him, and they made for a desolate planet on the outer rim, who’s atmosphere was a mild toxin which would slowly incapacitate a Bothan over the course of several weeks. There they left Daak to die with nothing but the clothes on his back and an old hold-out blaster, and blasted out of the atmosphere with his ship.

What they didn’t know was that a competing smuggler used the planet as a drop point, and Daak was able to find her store-house, along with an ample supply of rations and Correlian Gin. When she inevitably dropped by, Daak was able to barter for passage off the planet and to more hospitable terrain. While he had promised to work to pay off his debt, Daak was more a man of words than a man of his word. He slinked away at the first chance he got, leaving his debt unpaid.

Daak is uninterested in serving others. What he wants is his ship. What he wants is his title as Captain of the Smoked Opal restored. What he wants is to string up his mutinous first mate by his hamstrings and let a Gundark use him as a chew toy. But with any plot of vengeance and glory, opportunity must meet preparation. So Daak’s journey continues…


The Smoked Opal is currently in the grasp of Daak's mutinous first mate. It is a freighter (currently unspecified) with the expected host of hidden smuggler compartments, fast engines, and moderate defenses.

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