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Czerka Victorian Corporation

Fiolette Fortan




  • Corporation Name: Czerka Victorian Corporation
  • Headquarters: Galidraan
  • Locations: Dromund Kaas, Telos IV, Ord Mantell, Shimia, Tatooine, Kal'Shebbol, Yalara, Rothana
  • Operations: Arms Manufacturing, Droid Manufacturing, Armor Manufacturing, Heavy Vehicle Manufacturing, Scientific Research and Development, Infrastructure Research and Development, Applied Sciences, Applied Engineering
  • Parent Corporation: Primo Victorian Shipwright
  • Subsidiaries: TBD
Holding no loyalties to any nation, Czerka Victoria Corporation is devoted to Research and Development in both Science and Engineering. The company develops and manufactures, droids, arms, armor, and heavy vehicles with various applications in science and engineering. Utilizing old Czerka Corporation databases, CVC looks to capitalize on the old research and create new arms and armor.

Fiolette Fortan acquired the name Czerka and created Czerka Victorian in the mid 850s. Since then Fiolette's maintained CVC as a smaller company and continues to be personally involved in the company's research departments. Funding the corporation is Fiolette who is personally keeping the small company going. She's recently expanded the company to various planets in the Southern Systems. Czerka Victorian Corporation continues to serve as a subsidiary of Primo Victorian Shipwright.
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