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Approved Tech Custom Crushgauntlets for Ijaat Akun

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Image Source: Here
Intent: A personalized set of crushgauntlets for Ijaat, specifically designed for fighting armored opponents at close range.
Development Thread: With These Two Hands
Manufacturer: Gotal'veman Arms & Armor (Ijaat Akun)
Model: Typical Mandalorian Crushgauntlets, moderate customization
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
Material: Micro-ionised beskar, ostrine, ionite, kryat dragon hide leather
Description: Long elbow length gloves of an exotic black-brown leather that are covered in plates and shapes of microionised beskar, ostrine, and ionite, all painted with gold over top to aesthetically blend the pieces and make the unable to be recognized easily for that which their source material is underneath.

Specifically there is a long strip of ostrine around the outside of the forearm of each crushgaunt which acts like a blocking shield almost, flaring at the elbow to cover it and allow for devastating elbows to his opponents. This strip also has a good sized elbow cop like covering at the end that the very tip of is coated in a pure ionite spike for dropping through shields. The knuckles are plated as well, with each knuckle alternating between a stud or spike of ionite or ostrine to make his punches positively devastating to armored or electronic wielding foes.

The back-of-the-hand plate for each crushgaunt is covered in either ostrine (the right one) or ionite (the left one)attached to a plate of the microionised beskar to provide an extra oomph to any back handed blows he may deliver.

The rest of the plating is regular beskar, microinosed to give it the unique properties that make crushgaunts so feared and powerful.

Specific Features:
*Ionite and Ostrine alloy/plating added to typical crushgauntlets, designed to aid in helping disrupt electronics/life functions via punching things in the face/back/groin/nearest viable surface.
*Has ability to freeze things with hard contact, almost like frost-bite, though weaker and less duration than the actual medical effect. (Ostrine)
*Increased thermal resistance (Ostrine)
*The ability to weaken and damage shields or electronics (Ionite)
*Insulation layer(s) of rubber and Neutronium(a canon material commonly used to disperse charge etc..) to prevent interference of Ionite with suits electronics should he wear them with his mandalorian armor.
*Crushgaunt design, with typical features of said device(s)- increased grip strength tremendously, etc..
*Several varistors that shunt excess charge into a harmless chemical reaction. The varistors are disposable if they get too overloaded, and are designed as a back up fail safe should the ionite somehow overloaded the neutronium and rubber systems. Note: The varistor is only in place to prevent a charge or shock from the item affected by the ionite from effecting the wearer of the gauntlets.

Primary Source: N/A
Canon References:
Ijaat Akun said:
*Several varistors that shunt excess charge into a harmless chemical reaction. The varistors are disposable if they get too overloaded, and are designed as a back up fail safe should the ionite somehow overloaded the neutronium and rubber systems.

Ijaat Akun said:
*Ionite and Ostrine alloy/plating added to typical crushgauntlets, designed to aid in helping disrupt electronics/life functions via punching things in the face/back/groin/nearest viable surface.
I'm not certain if you're referring to the alternative charge that ionite holds, but it is not in reference to electricity. Ionite carries an alternative charge that counters a positive or negative charge that it comes in contact with, that being the positive or negative charge given off by the molecular structure of what it comes in contact with, it is not in reference to electricity. There is no overloading that would occur, as it does not hold an electric charge, nor would it give one off. I mean, I suppose you could relate it to electricity given its effects on electronics, but simply touching the ionite, for example, would not cause someone to be shocked or electrocuted. In fact it probably wouldn't do anything at all.
I wasn't too terribly sure on varistors, actually. They seemed like a good idea as i'd assume shorting out an electrical system (which ionite does if i'm reading right) would produce some sort of charge in some way, and so the varistor would be there to prevent the short-out charge from the affected item from effecting the wielder in any way.

For instance, if I grabbed a shield bank or blaster with these, it would short out the electronic parts of it. I'm assuming that action would produce sparks, and some short of charge. Not from the ionite, but from the device it shorted out. So my thinking was the varistors were there as a fail safe to prevent that devices charge from affecting any of my devices.

If you don't think ionite would cause that kind of charge, then the varistors are superflous and I'll gladly remove them and edit what i've said, no problem. That's if I understood you right in the first place.

[member="Darth Vitium"]
Absolutely not a problem to clarify. I added a note to the varistor feature on the 'Specific Features' list . I hope that fixes it, if not let me know what else needs to be clarified or changed!

[member="Darth Vitium"]
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