Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was quite uncomfortable for the vice admiral. The gravity weighed down on his shoulders, and just walking up the path toward the corporate headquarters was causing his legs to ache. Although a physically fit and able man, Beckett couldn't understand how, or rather why, peopled had settled here.

Turning to pause for a moment and gaze out over the templerate world, to the forests and grasslands, perhaps there was something here after all. The vice admiral pulled at his collar, he was sweating lightly. It would have been quite a comfortable world, if only he didn't feel as if he was wearing a full field duty pack on his shoulders at all times. Sighing, he kept walking.

Some minutes later he finally arrived at the corporate office, and stepped into the lobby, where he requested the meeting he had scheduled some weeks in advance

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Beckett Wrath"]

Shri-Tal had many things that she liked and really joined in some fo the things as the business district of the world gave many things that could be worked on and done. The underground factories that they were working on many of the things. She was getting set up for a meeting while the office overlooked their warehouse factory and the new equipment they were working on designing to make the manufacturing process easier. All of the self sustaining equipment, nice clean energy as well as disposal for all of the things the company was working with. She had her operators working with the engineers at Saotome to better build up some of the things. It was going to be their main foundry and she wanted to make sure everything they had going with it better and stronger. They were making and working on composite plates that could do a lot for them.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Beckett waited with some manner of patience in the lobby for himself to be called up to the main officer. He found himself pacing, which suprised him. What he had seen thus far had impressed him, however, he doubted he would last long on this world. Already his injured leg was threaning to kill him, but he felt anxious somehow, unwell. He couldn't quite pinpoint why
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Beckett Wrath"]

When the one operator told her that there was someone here waiting to meet with her the jedi master looked up with a bow of her head to them. "Send him in." She offered a smile while waiting for the man to arrive and nervously mostly because she had been working on some of the things. All of her attention was on the things as she wasn't much for the savvy business mind that many others could do. She didn't like playing backroom politics, she much preferred well being honest and kind which is why Domino's PR for helping the homeless and low income families they could help on dozens of planets well she could work with that keeping most of their charity work on the different things. "Welcome to Sasori."

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