Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Curiosity Killed the Raven (Red Raven Dominion of Nal Hutta)

Lancem gave a low laugh as he listened to Chiasa talk. "The best sort of plans are the ones where you don't have to do anything except make sure that you don't get in the way of other people." He spoke rapidly as he watched the assorted crowds around them brawl with one another. He saw a particularly fearsome Wookie throw a Gammorean through a table and into a smaller group of other people who promptly got up and attacked the Wookie.

"So, what are we supposed to be doing around here? Should we just stand about, enjoy a few drinks, chat for a little while, and then just book it as soon as things get too serious? Because i'm perfectly reasonable with that sort of plan, or literally anything else you offer as a better plan." He said as he continued watching the Wookie get beaten by the group of people. "This is joyful." He spoke in complete seriousness.
It really was quite enjoyable being in a cantina where everyone was trying to hit each other with varying items. He was even able to talk to [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] while he waited. Fun.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Zander licked his fingers clean of the blood that ran from them in rivulets of gore. These hoodlums tasted like a McYoda Bantha Nugget, which meant bad. He was sated, he wouldn't get truly thirsty for days after this engorgement, though he seriously wanted to get the taste of thug out of his mouth. The gangs on the south side of Bilbousa had been practically eradicated.

Oh, for sure there were some stragglers who hadn't been slaughtered, his marque had been to eradicate gangs, not the entire population, and so he was certain that some survived the first purge. He would simply have to return often to hunt among the ruins he had created this day. To be sure, there was no power base for illicit activities outside of Raven control in this part of the city, and he was certain that other factors of the Red Ravens were doing similar across the planet.

That was, until someone started opening up on the planet. As in, orbital bombardment, of the planet, from space. This he found out only because he was on the edge of the south side of the capital city, and he saw rounds fall from the heavens and impact in the swamps further south. Zander was certain that somewhere out there in the swamp was the home of some wealthy and powerful Hutt who was nearly as ancient as Zander himself was, who was missing parts of his estate and the rest were being covered in muck. The Hutt council would certainly not be happy with this development, but Zander had to assume that the targets for this action were the Red Ravens.

Despite the fact that there were only a handful of Ravens on the planet. Also, the only people being actively subjugated were low level gangs and thugs, and they were mostly dead. Couple that with the fact that the Red Ravens had a massive fleet orbiting the moon of Nal Hutta, Zander was certain that somehow this wasn't going to end well for whoever was firing.

Zander decided that it was possibly time to put on a more appropriate suit, one that would offer better protection, in case whoever was up there decided to try to land troops. Zander smiled, the thought of some petty thugs putting on armor trying to stand up to him was amusing. He almost wanted to whistle as he jogged back to his ship.
"In other news, a fleet of ships has invaded Nal Hutta! They appear to have opened fire on a seemingly random city and the surrounding swampland. There has yet to be any confirmation, but the ships appear to be similar to those employed by the Hutts themselves. What is going on? Why are Hutts attacking Hutts? Is this a sign that a Hutt War 2 will happen soon? Find out later tonight with Bill O'Reilly on the O'Reilly Factor!"

Jarven, reclining in the front seat of his shaded and air-conditioned speeder, tapped the scan button with his foot and changed the channel. So, someone, or some people, were trying to muscle in on our turf? HA! Good luck, chumps. If they wanted to do some damage, they were going to have to find the right city before they went in guns blazing. The skies were clear where he was, so he just kept relaxing.

"Some people just don't know strategy."

[member="Lancem Cuiléin"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Bsssk"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Xander Black"]
At the White palace Sempra recieved news of fleets approaching Nal Hutta, sending death from above toward the planet surface.

It caused his giant face to grimace, he did not enjoy the idea of his ancestral home to be in danger. He had instructed that only targets associated with Red Ravens were legit, most Hutts on the planet were most likely either ignorant of the Red Ravens prescence or opposing it. But there were elements that needed to be kept in check, some rouge Hutts, a few major domos operating outside of their sphere of influence, gang leaders sensing an opportunity and of course rebelling slave groups.

Sempra folded his hands. He personally prefered other methods and he had sent bribes and promises of future benefits to those on the planet he could identify as weak links, often minor bosses who might turn against the Hutts or favor a new dominating power in the Red Ravens. In other words those who would be tip toeing on the scale of loyalties.
If it would effect the outcome was hard to tell but as far as opposition got they had certainly done everything they could to oppose the mighty Ravens. Again, he doubted they could stop them, but perhaps this signal would be clear enough for them to stay away.

Nal Hutta had been under Hutt Ruling since the destruction of Varl. It would seem some Hutts had forgotten about the Kajidics, but there were still plenty who honored them. It is their species throne world and no one had ever gained real control over it. It was theirs and loosing it would be a cathastrophe.

Some uneducated might belive that Hutts did not have pride and tradition and would not care for such things, but on that point they were gravely mistaken. Even to this day the tradition of the Kajidics clearly stated all hutts to work together against outside threats. And here we are, on the brink of being dominated by an organisation far from Hutt control.
There was shame in this notion, there was regret in this thought, there was hatred in the actions taken. If they lost Nal Hutta it would be clear, the Red Ravens would have gotten an enemy far from what they had imagined.

OOC - hey RR folks, please dont ridicule our postings - nothing good will come of it. Of course there would have to be some consideration regarding targets - I stated in my previous post to aim at folks supporting the Red Ravens. Which is probably more then we would like, so some major shooting does seem legit ;)
Lets just consider this the start of a friendly enemy relation between factions. the outcome of Nal Huttas fate is totaly in Red Raven hands. It is your thread and it is up to you to interpret wether you succeeded with the domination or not. Rule wise we are guests helping you with this domination nothing more.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
[member="The Page Master"]
[member="Lancem Cuiléin"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
[member="Xander Black"]
"Mmm, as much as I do enjoy watching my own handiwork.."

The Twi'lek purred, taking a sip of her drink and eyeing the increasingly violent crowd over the rim.

"I think I've let them do enough damage. I was just playing, but if they're going to set this up for me so neatly it would be rude to refuse such a gift.. Time to cement my claim."

Another tap to her communit, bringing Jarven, Declan and Henn into a single call, as well as any ranking Raven members with the correct access codes who wanted to listen in.

"An opportunity has presented itself to us all nicely gift-wrapped my loves. Henn, I assume you have eyes on those ships, I want a breakdown of where they're hitting. Jarven and Declan, I need to know what big names are associated with those holdings. Declan can probably handle it, Jarven, you're my back-up tech support. I know you're limited by the tech you have on hand at the moment, but just in case he gets stuck. I don't need all the details though, just the broad strokes."

"You know I'm watchin' these fireworks! I'll patch through the data I'm getting back from the Expeditious I've got shadowing them now."

"Data coming through.. Received, on it Ma'am."

It was good to have competent people, the Twi'lek reflected, as she casually sipped her drink again. Or at the very least, people who were competent in their own field.

"No issues so far, we have a few unknown's but here are the major names. One of the Slicers wants to know should he work out who's not on that list? If any of the major organizations or families are not getting hit."

"Mm, absolutely, and make a note of who that was Declan, that was a smart question."

And good initiative, always a good plan to encourage that. She scanned the list. Minor damage to the Desilijics, she already had Johari complicit and had wiped out a large number of them so that didn't matter. Glancing likely unintentional damage to Nem'ro and Fa'athra holdings around areas known to house other gangs.

Aaah, the Twi'leks face broke into a smile. Here. Someone made a mistake here. One Issulla Illip's estates were taking a rather heavy pounding. An old name Illip. Old and still powerful. A smart Twi'lek had some understanding of how Hutts operated, particularly when said Twi'lek was female, of rare colouration, and trained as a dancer. While she did not know all the details of course, very few outsiders did, Chiasa was in fact familiar with Hutt families. Hutts would absolutely rally to protect their own bloodline from outside attack in most cases, but to protect anothers bloodline? That was not a thing which concerned them. That was just the convenient removal of an ally.

"Henn, overwhelming display of force. Display only for now. Send some of our big ships to secure these estates, I'm sending you the coordinates."

"Wave it around a little? Show them who's is bigger? I'm all over it."

"Jarven, I think it's time we, and our friend Lancem if he'd like to come, went to pay a visit to someone who's likely not very happy right now.. Declan, you're stuck playing coordinator, sorry love, I know it's not your thing. Just try and keep track of where everyone is."

"Quite frankly Ma'am, tracking ships and a few operatives is a lot easier than keeping track of every detail in two Mega-Hotels."

"Ooh, good point, who's minding that while-"

"Still me."

Three Krakanas and one Pluton as well as the Red Dress itself with their surrounding swarm of 'fighters moved from their holding position over Nar Shaddaa to take point surrounding the identified estate. Unless engaged, or if the Hutt ships at the target refused to break away they would not attack the enemy fleets, nor did they make any attempt at contact however.

The Krakanas were iconic. Part of a long standing joke Chiasa still snickered at. Reported to the Antecedent law enforcement offices as stolen by Chiasa herself when the one time maker tried to reclaim them after the contract fell through. Never mind that the Antecedent police were in her pocket, it meant that no legal action could be taken. It also meant almost everyone in the know in the system knew who they belonged to, and knew who was chasing away the attackers from this corner of Nal Hutta.

"Patch me through the Red Dress' comms to the estate would you Henn?"

"For you, anything."

"Issulla, it seems like perhaps you could use an ally, shall we have a chat?"

An introduction was unnecessary. Issulla Illip, patriarch of the Illip Kajidic, for all that Chiasa would be unfamiliar with that precise term, would recognize her. It would likely take a few minutes for him to reply, what with dealing with the bombardment and all.

Xander Black Zambrano the Hutt Lancem Cuiléin Jarven Zexxel Bsssk Zander del Sangue Sempra the Hutt
Well, time to pack up shop. Jarven exited the speeder, undid the rope, pulled up the explosives, and eventually pulled the speeder up in front of the cantina.

He started looking for wireless access points to hack into so that he could find control wherever he could. He didn't have much to work with, but that wasn't going to stop him from trying. With the limitations he was working with, he relegated himself to trying to highlight the best points to look into around the city and send the results up top for more efficient completion time.

While he worked away at his wrist node and datapad, he cued the shuttle cockpit to slide open and back, and he waited for them to show up. When he saw her eventually come out, he would set down what he was working on and stand up on the passenger side of the ship. It was possible for her to haphazardly climb up the ambiguous side of the shuttle, but he would be there to lift her up under her arm pits/arms and safely deposit her in her seat.

The angle would be awkward and the act would work his body, but he could manage it just fine.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Lancem Cuiléin"]
[member="The Page Master"]

[SIZE=12pt]Leilani walked with the Page Master looking at all the items that would make one curious. Her own gaze stayed upon a chandelier above them, the crystals made a low musical sound with each movement. The light angled just right made a shimmering showering down on them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She smiled realizing she was still very zeltron at heart loving the bright and shiny things of the galaxy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But then her gaze settled upon something quite elegant of a bygone age that spoke of sophistication. Leilani reached out to touch the delicate etchings around the face, the long chain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked at the tag it said it was a pocket watch something used by men hundreds of years go to tell time, she could see Zander wearing this with one of his suits. She smiled, “I like this it’s very timeless, would you be willing to sell this?”[/SIZE]

He wanted to say something like Sure, what do I care. Free stuff for everyone! Even me. But he knew that sounded crazy and he didn't want to compromise position here.

"Well, let me think about it." he said as he put his hand on top of the watch. He immediately felt the massive amounts of memories flood into his brain. It was really quite suprising, this pocket watch. It wasn't the amount of content that got to him, but the quality of the content: Many wars, passed down through generations, a wonderful power, shrouded deep in conspiracy...This would require great responsibility. It's purpose dawned on him clearly, but he was highly curious, so he wanted to test it.

The clock ran on a regular battery to keep the time face turning, but he could sense a second, more powerful power source inside of a hidden compartment. He gripped the top of the watch...and pulled....

The top gave way a little like a pull bar and then dropped back down once he let go....nothing happened. He couldn't feel any activity from the second power source, so he was certain that it was dead. Still, it was a nice watch and it was still a huge responsibility.

He looked up at her with concern in his eyes. He said to her, "That depends on what exactly you're willing to pay for it..." He slightly tilted his head and gave her an inquisitive stare. There was no double entendre or underlying evil in his body language, just the simple and unadulterated curiosity that one might find in a child.

[member="Leilani Paaie"]
[SIZE=12pt]Leilani looked at the watch, “I am not sure exactly what you mean, I would pay the price it is worth.” She bit her lip not quite sure if she was giving him the answer he wanted.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She sensed that there was something more, “Is there a personal cost with something so unique?” She would admit the watch held her interest and that it was a gift worth giving but how much was she willing to give for it?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A finger, no.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A favor, maybe, depending on the favor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Credits, always.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled and waited to see what her curious escort would say.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt][member="The Page Master"][/SIZE]
He could sense where her thoughts were going, so he tried to do a little bit of social damage control. "Ah, I apologize! I don't mean for you to think me one of those people who wish to keep hold of a "specimen" from my customers as payment. No, what do you think this stop watch is worth giving for and how much of that worthy something would you give for it?"

He placed his elbows on the table, held his head in his hands, and looked at her while waiting for a reply.

[member="Leilani Paaie"]
Location: Within the system aboard The Thorn
Objective: Create Terror In The Name of The Hutts and Their Allies
Allies: [member="Sempra the Hutt"] and his folk
Enemies: Everyone else, presumably
Fleet Compliment:
Total Meterage: 1487 meters + 528 meters in fighter compliment = 2015 meters.

OOC: Hope this is acceptable here, though I don't plan on using much of any of this on a serious basis


Zambrano the Hutt wasn't really sure what was going on. His mind's eye felt and depicted what appeared to be a hilariously convoluted and confusing battlefield. It was practically criminal mayhem... and honestly he didn't see anything wrong with this. For Captain Slika however, this was extremely disconcerting. It would appear that the Hutt Cartel seriously needed their help far more than they had originally anticipated.

At least the Directory was in full operation now, covering all five positions across five different ships, with the top of of the line fighters in tow. Strategically, they were quite the assault force, containing a "Flagship" with versatile Dovin Basals and forward facing cannons, for flexible arrangements both offensively and defensively, two long range support ships with ion weaponry, a ship dedicated to raming other capital ships and surviving, and another for laying waste to capital ships at range. Meanwhile, all of their slow fighters, were intended to eliminate much faster targets, and taking a brutal beating most other fighters can't handle. That wasn't even to mention, that the entire thing was hyperspace capable, meaning a quick escape could be had at any sign of defeat without marooning any ships.

The small convoy wasn't something to be scoffed or laughed at, despite it's lack of any capital ships or vast numbers. This convoy was designed by the Directory to be a power hitter with high escape potential, which fit in with the nature of their objective: make it difficult for the Red Ravens to readily conquer the Hutt world, and scramble out if this objective becomes inaccessible. Despite this however, the small convoy couldn't be effectively deployed until they knew what was going on exactly, so Captain Slika, under orders by the Admiral, patched the Warlord through a communications channel with their ally, Sempra the Hutt.

"Ssssssempra, your pateesa has arrived... tell us about your troubles." The serpentine vong-fixed Sith Hutt spoke through his cognition hood.
Location: Nal Hutta system, On board The Toshiba, space yacht.
Objective: trying to get folks to do stuff, save what can be saved
Allies: Hutt Cartel, Zambrano the hutt
Enemies: the red ravens

The stars slowed down and the ship arrived to its destination. The Toshiba space yacht kept a good distance from Nal Hutta but Sempra had wanted to be here if this was the day when the Hutts were defeated and their glorious home planet invaded by these lesser beings. He slithered to the panorama window overlooking the scenery. It was a dark day indeed...

It would seem odd to Sempra that the Raven domination Went without any opposition from the estimated 3 billion hutts living on the planet. The small gangs operating on the planet was of course one way or the other affiliated with some hutt Court but the majority of the populace were the hutts themselves and they had stayed quite so far. They even outnumbered the slave races on their home planet so this was in many ways strange. However - the outcome were not decided just yet and the Hutts might still rise Sempra thought - clinging to hope for a moment. But the reality was that the Red Ravens seemed to overpower the Hutt networks as it was. He had Connections on the planet and knew all to well of the movement of the Red Raven. They were not being very discreete and from what he could gather acted a bit overconfident, although perhaps it was in their right to do so consdiering how things had played out.
It did seem the Glorious Jewel of the Hutts were about to dwindle down into submission to the Red Raven without much fuzz.

"Ssssssempra, your pateesa has arrived... tell us about your troubles."

The message from Zambrano made Sempra regain some faith in his race. Finally! he thought.
He pondered for a few moments and then flipped the com opening channels to those with access to Cartel com.

"Hear me you brave and wise enough to stand with the Cartel in this darkest of Days this is what you need to focus on,"

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] and [member="Xander Black"] you are to seize any random bombardment and focus fire on "the Dirty northern bastard." Intel suggests that the Red Ravens are leading their operation from the viccinity. Secondly - Intercept and if possible destroy Red Raven ships near or approaching Nal Hutta.

@bssk and any other Cartel loyalist on the ground are to make your way to the "Dirty northern bastard cantina" and eliminate any Red Raven surviving the bombardment."

"Make the Red Raven understand that this will be a costly domination to them and that they will have earned an enemy that they can not withstand for much longer. Also make sure that anyone siding with the Red Raven understand that they will be hunted for as long as the Hutts exist in this galaxy. The objective is to send a message to slaves and Ravens alike. Nal Hutta is not theirs for the taking. It is the home World of the Hutts and we will not forget this aberration."

Sempra sighed and turned to the com chief on his vessel who had been waiting for the signal from Sempra. He broadcasted an open message down to the planet.

On those holoprojectors who allowed the transmission the symbol of the Hutt Cartel shone Bright green.

"Hear me citizens of Nal Hutta! Sempras voice then boomed.

"The Glorious Jewel has been the home World of the Hutts for millenias and is our rightful throne World. Now it is threatened by a leech unable to see when it has gone to far. The Red Ravens are spreading its influence among you and by doing so spits on our magnificent history and past! Let it not be forgotten among Hutts who on this darkest of Days took the foolish decission to side with the Raven instead of the Mighty Hutts!" Sempras voice Went silent for a few seconds then retook momentum.

"This is also meant as a warning to the Red Ravens, I know you are listening. Turn back now and seize your activites on Nal Hutta imediately - we will not repeat this offer to turn back Before it is to late."

"Make no mistake about this - Nal Hutta will not stay under non-hutt Control for long if the Red Raven fail to understand this message. The Hutts are no strangers to war fare if that is what you seek."

Sempra took a Deep breath.

"Long live Hutta!" he finished with a dark brooding hiss.

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
[member="The Page Master"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
[member="Xander Black"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
Lancem shifted a bit on his feet as he listened to Chiasa talk. "I'd be perfectly happy to accompany you on this atrociously adenine adventure of antagonistically activated assemblies." He blurted out, a grin covering his face at his word choice. Still, despite the perhaps humorous word choice, there were still going to be explosives raining from the sky and it sort of made sense that the cantina they were in would be targeted. After all, it was one of the biggest cantinas, that just made it a reasonably bigger target.

Of course the cantina did belong to someone, and that someone would probably be very upset and probably turn away from whomever was actually doing all the bombing, but that wasn't Lancem's problem. His only goal at the moment was to accompany [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] to wherever she was supposed to be going, all in the name of having a good time and avoiding instantaneous artillery assorted death. "Please do lead the way, i'm not so good at directions when i'm being distracted. Pretty sure I can spot you in a crowd though, Stripes." He spoke as he gradually moved himself towards the exits of the facility.

Once they were all outside he would simply join [member="Jarven Zexxel"] and Chiasa in the speeder.
Chiasa had no idea the order to bombard the Dirty Northern Bastard had been given, nor would she predict it, since it wasn't a move she would make. Ever. Other reasons aside, it was a location owned by a Hutt in opposition to the Ravens, hence them mucking about in it.

Of course as ships moved into position she'd get the reports and updates. She still wouldn't much care though, again, if they wanted to keep on shooting up their own things and people she was happy to let them. It turned the Ravens from semi kind of conquerors into saviours. Not that the Ravens ever really conquered places. They were criminals. They took their cut, they controlled a few key figureheads and they kept out any real opposition. Your average Hutt would be hard pressed to tell the difference between Raven occupation and well, all the years that had come before. Versus orbital bombardment from one of their own.

She gratefully accepted Jarvens aid up into the Speeder.

"I do tend to stand out don't I? And I wonder whatever could be distracting you.."

She commented with a wink.

She and Lancem had squeezed into the speeder with Jarven and were moving. It was a tight fit, three beings in a two being speeder, but Jarven was a competent married professional and Lancem certainly wouldn't mind getting a little cozier than usual. As speeder travel went, Issullas estate wasn't far, and Jarven was both a quick and competent speeder pilot.

"Oooo, open transmissions! Ha! Send an Exceeder on that one too! And look, we have a confirmed sigil! Eheheheh, always easier to track down a known enemy than some guerrilla tactics shadow jerks. Aww yeees, Grand Admiral Henbeddestr on the job. Game faces folks! I've you haven't got 'em on already that is."

One of the newest additions to the Ravens fleet obediently peeled off, all stealth systems activated, following the signal to track down and keep Sempras ship under surveillance.

"Aaaand we got the reports in from our mystery non-bombarding fleet.. Alright, let's see what they've got.."

The Togrutans brows furrowed as he looked over the reports.

"Not exactly a standard fleet, but it could do some hurt. Hmmm.. Our Starfighters are pretty evenly matched, so that's a draw. Good enough, 'fighters don't usually win battles anyway.."

"Are you going to monologue this entire encounter?"

"Yes. Bask in my glory! Now, as I was saying. The Eightguns will fly circles around them, but they do have the turrets and looks like the they're flying tanks. So, that's pretty well a draw. If they try and ignore our lads we'll wipe them out though, so that brings it mostly back to the big boys."

"Bah, bloody vong ships. I hate those. Hate them. Eeeeh.. Oo, lookit this one! I have no idea what this is! Lovely!"

For a man looking at things that might be used to try and kill him, Hen sounded a lot like a kid in a candy shop.

"No viewport. Which means they're depending entirely on sensors so.. Bring one of the Krakanas back around, see how they like nigh on 100 ion cannons aimed at 'em, that'd make anyone squirrely. Which means we'll have it's hangar of Eightguns so we don't need to scramble those from anywhere else. Aaaand, I don't really know these other ships so.. I dunno. Add two Kebechets. The point defence cannon'sll keep them at bay. Boss Lady didn't say blow 'em up yet so, we're just countering for now."

The indicated ships moved from their positions, first meeting up and then moving to begin the stand off with Zambrano.

"You don't think you should perhaps open comms with them?"

"Nah, this way they might panic and open fire, which would mean I'm allowed to shoot back. Basic rules of engagement that is."



Issulla had been nearly apopalectic with rage when parts of his estate had come under fire. He not only sat on the Hutt Ruling Council, he had lent his aid to Sempra when the other had appeared before them via holo projector. That he and his should have come under fire..

He should have known! Kajidic Besadii had ever been back-stabbing power-grubbers! A simple look back at history, much of which he had been alive for would have shown that! It must have been a ruse. Set the Ravens up as the enemies, trick the Ruling Council into supporting him and then using the power he'd been given to take over. Perhaps he was even trying to take Kajidic Illip's seat for himself! It could not be tolerated..

The Ravens, while pitiable annoyances, had been their neighbours for almost five years now and had not caused this sort of damage or cut into his profits. That was telling. Besides, these lesser beings rose and fell. Only yesterday it had been the Black Suns thinking they ran this corner of the galaxy, and they had never cut into his profits either. Sempra and his so-called Hutt Cartel on the other hand..

When the voice and face of the pretty little Twi'lek was patched through to him by one of his staff, his wide mouth stretched into a smile. Yes, here was an opportunity. These Ravens just needed proper Hutt guidance. He would use them as his cats paw to get revenge upon Kajidic Besadii, and to ensure Kajidic Illip prospered. After all, somebody had to have it, why not him and his?

"Tagwa, jot ten cohai."

Came his reply over the comms, grin growing wider as the ships appeared in the sky over his holdings. Yes.. Those were not Raven ships, those were his ships. Or they might as well be. Let that fool Sempra shake. Issulla and Kajidic Illip would reign supreme on Nal Hutta, using the sense they had cultivated for generations. These younger Hutts.. They did not understand good business. By all accounts the Ravens did. They would understand it even better with his guidance.

Xander Black Zambrano the Hutt Lancem Cuiléin Jarven Zexxel Bsssk Zander del Sangue Sempra the Hutt
It had been awhile since Jalek had considered himself a Raven. A year or more, if he'd done the math correctly, not that the specifications concerned him in the least. What mattered was that he was back and more or less in full swing, though he wasn't exactly certain if the others were aware of his presence on Nal Hutta just yet or not. But he had integrated himself into things rather seamlessly as any slicer tended to do, catching himself up on any and all events he may have missed, more importantly that information related to just what was occurring on-planet at the moment. It all seemed like overkill to him, when it came to how both sides were reacting, but he supposed that he didn't have much to say, given that he'd been distanced from things for a time. If this had been his old gang, any opposition would have been dead already. That was just how things worked.

After that bit of listening in that was perhaps unauthorized on some plane he'd determined just where the others would be arriving, and decided it would be worthwhile to crash the party. Besides, from what he could glean the syndicate had been in want of a large quantity of competent slicers, so he could at the very least deliver on that front. He might have just been one man, but he was just as talented as the Chiss that had left the organization behind a time or two ago. That counted for something, in the grand scheme of things, as he could at least attempt to bring things down from the inside when it came to those that had made the decision to attempt to shake the Ravens off, when in reality their claws would only sink in deeper once everything was settled.

It hadn't taken long to arrange transportation to Issulla's estate, especially given the swoop bike he'd managed to acquire in his time away. It made for faster transport than actually having to wait for outside help, something he'd never been too good at doing. Better than that he was finally back in the seat of a swoop, something he hadn't had the chance to do in what felt like ages. Nostalgia aside, it was probably best to make some sort of contact before he arrived, if just to assure that he would be noted as a friendly. A brief audio message had been sent off to those parties necessary, and he considered the matter settled. Either way he was perfectly capable of defending himself to some degree, but he would have much rather not had to expend himself when it came to what he supposed were his fellow Ravens once more.

Skidding to a rather impromptu stop in front of the estate he merely disengaged the bike, sitting sideways on the seat as he waited, producing a pack of cigarettes and shaking one out, taking it between his teeth and soon after lighting it, exhaling smoke. Replacing the pack with his datapad he pulled up what information he had been looking over previously, it meaning little now that he had already arrived. Their adversaries seemed bent on killing them regardless, and that was his only real concern at the moment. Hopefully it would take them some time to determine that their targets had moved position. If not, he would do his best to confuse their systems and make it difficult for them to get any sort of sights on their new location. It was a basic technique, and one he would be able to employ in seconds if needed. It was good to be back.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Lancem Cuiléin"], [member="Sempra the Hutt"], [member="Zambrano the Hutt"], [member="Jarven Zexxel"], [member="Zander del Sangue"], [member="Xander Black"]
Location: Ground
Objective: Blow Stuff Up
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] Red Ravens
Enemies: Hutt Cartell
Forces: Three Mythosaur Mobile Fortresses with Full Complement, Twelve Redeemer Battle Tanks
- Complement Carries ASC-202 Vanquishers, Wears Olympian Battle Armor

Fear is the truest test of a man. How they act when faced with that fear was the best way to discover a Man’s character. It’s a fact that few Hutts have character or bravery at all, so fear would drive them to desperation and then ultimately flight. I rode upon the instrument of fear, with two more great beasts on either flank. Descending the paltry transport that brought us to the ground the thunderous stomps of twenty thousand tons of metal and machine shook the earth.

“President Kritivaas. I have arrived on well, what is about to be your world. I will engage immediately, just be sure to have your boys keep clear.” I said over a comm channel to the Red Dress. It was a simple favor for the Red Ravens, one I hoped would help turn their enigmatic leader more in my favor. It was also a way to test my Precognitive powers, and even better, a way to test how the Mythosaur truly acted in combat.

Have all troops remain inside the vehicle, pump shields to full, and have the Redeemers remain inside the shields. Lock down missiles and load EMP-603’s in the chamber.” I ordered quickly. “Trace the comm transmissions of that Hutt. I would very much like to present him to the President myself.” I told the Communications offer. It would take time, but the more he spoke the closer I would get. The Mythosaurs trudged towards the fighting at the Dirty Northern Bastard. Soon the guns would come within their colossal range, and they could begin firing their colossal weapon.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
There was a thing about business deals and alliances. He was here to give his support to the criminal nation he knew he could tolerate. The others? Well, that would just be something else he’d try to avoid. Like the Rebels to his nation’s other side, he just disliked change. Arriving in orbit around the Smugglers’ Moon, this was more useful than letting them get to work on their own. He might be able to secure a bit of real estate for Bright Star, because honestly he didn’t care which side of the gang war won so long as they’d respond to credits.

And having an attractive president helped the Ravens’ case.

The Tambor, Marek’s personal flag ship had a pool table in the bridge. It was really a work of art. Wood grain paneling and a stereo when the fight wasn’t going on. Still, he and the Ship Commander were shooting pool when they arrived. Turning to the XO, he nodded. “Make sure our boys on the ground are picking their targets carefully. Lets not start an incident with the Ravens or whoever else is on the ground. Lets make sure that the only targets are the ones the Ravens designate.” This was obviously directed at King Dinobot [member="Draco Vereen"].

From there, Marek landed the 6 ball in the corner pocket. “And try to raise [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"].”
Location: Just outside of orbit, landing.
Objective: Kill.
Allies: Red Ravens.
Enemies: Hutt Cartell.

Abraxas watched from a distance as the Red Ravens fleet engaged with that of their opposition. They impressed the monstrosity quite a bit, these particular folk. He had been watching them for some time now, studying their previous endeavors and past battles. They were a force to be reckoned with and they didn't take the short end from anyone that dared to double-cross them. They were a working class of people, ones that desired a proper extension of pension. The creation had some thought in mind to aid the Red Ravens purely for the sport of killing. Abraxas didn't care that no one would know him, only that his skill-set would be seen. Death was his tool, his means of bringing actualization onto the lives that would breathe oxygen no longer.

There was no satisfaction in killing, not unless you were Sith or something of the sort. Abraxas was tuned and built for just such occasions, but without the fickle annoyance of emotion. Such varying feelings seemed to trouble most living beings in their efforts; however, for the creation, his desires were objectively driven. To complete one's duty was first and foremost, all else came secondary. Life was to be exterminated before even aiding the weak or helpless - life itself was trivial to Abraxas.

Having made up his mind, the monstrosity steered his ship towards the planet to give the Red Raven's a taste of his showmanship. Calculating the best spot to engage landing protocols, Abraxas felt the the hull rattle slightly as he entered the planet's biosphere just before the shuttle touched down upon the surface. Prepared with nothing more than a slugthrower and himself, Abraxas departed from his shuttle and began his sport of hunting Hutt Cartell associates. Tapping into the comms of the Red Ravens, the creation decided to let himself be known as a friendly.

"To all Red Ravens, this is Subject 1076; Abraxas. I have taken it upon myself to assist you in your objective. Over and out."

And a fine hunt it shall be...

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Jalek Sathora"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Lancem Cuiléin"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Zander del Sangue"]​
[member="The Page Master"]

[SIZE=12pt]He was a curious man wasn’t he, so childlike in his eyes and yet he looked so old a sage perhaps.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked again at the watch what was it worth perhaps new it had only been a few hundred credits, but now so long afterwards. She looked at him as he waited she did not want to be too high, or too low.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“2000 credits.” She said, she watched his eyes to see if she had hit the mark.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She stopped herself from speaking making it look like she had second guessed herself. So, she smiled.[/SIZE]

Location: Bilbousa
Objective: Support the Raven Cause, Kill the Hutt Cartel and their Thugs
Allies: [member="chiasa kritivaas"], [member="draco vereen"], Red Ravens
Enemies: [member="Sempra the Hutt"], [member="xander black"], Anyone Opposing the Red Ravens

Zander stepped from his ship, having ran back to change into more appropriate attire. He now wore his newly purchased armor and weapon, Olympian Battle Armor and a Dual Weapon system that utilized Chiss blaster technology and a slugthrower in concert. Most armors were designed to be useful against one or the other. Zander walked away from the ship as it buttoned up. They had orders to lift off, perform evasive action until they got out over swamp land and then break for space. They would go to Nal Shaddaa and join the Raven Fleet there until he needed pick up or got out there by some other means.

"Blood Raven to Red Dress. Do you have a location for dirt side opposition?" He asked, knowing that the sliced satellites would relay his message. In case any of the enemy tried to zero in on him using the communications, Zander began to jog toward the center of the city. If any Ravens needed assistance or if any opposition showed up, he'd take care of it.

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