Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Culmination of Power

Culmination of Power​
By Darth Vazela​
I come from a time where a Dark Jedi decided to pose as a Sith Master and subsequently manipulate they who thought he was one of them into a rebellion that culminated in the ruins where I will now ascend. I have experienced this era long enough and plan to move away from it and it's stagnant ways. The people that I have encountered and fought alongside and with intend to continue a war without much of a consequence. The people that he deceived once and who I have ruled over since intend to carry out and attempt an revenge that was not there own. That I was once a Dark Jedi that nearly took their Empire is a testimony to the weakness that is now rife within the Sith Order; and that it took a Dark Jedi's betrayal to save themselves from slavery. As those exiled Jedi centuries before hand set forth a glorious Sith Empire, in the words of Sorzus Syn, their revenge and unsatisfiable thirst to topple the old Order in place of the new will always be followed by their descendants today. I find this to be a weakness. It is not their revenge. I have no intentions to work towards such a goal. I have found something else to strive for. It has taken me twelve years of study, meditation and understanding, but of all my achievements, I have reached the pinnacle. I write this towards the end of my life, here on the ruins of my former home.

I have gathered the pieces towards my ascension over time; and I have a certain individual to thank for my continued resolve to move on. Maria 'Mia' Taher is the closest person I can refer too as my mother, sister, lover, friend, confidant and nemesis. She epitomizes all of this and more. My former self saw her potential, for her midi chlorian count is high and her attunement to the force is powerful. He saw her in the future and misunderstood the vision. I have come to that understanding, however. Driven to become more powerful in my desire to see her and everything she knew die, as he once did, I have come out of all of that misplaced hatred. Before I ascend, I have come up with one parting for her to fight against. My former self would have been satisfied with the mere sense of taking away everything she knew; and what I have developed in my isolation in these latter days, that is a real possibility. He would not have developed a cure, if he knew what I knew. But that is the difference. In my arsenal for one last game of Chess, I possess the cure for the disease I will spread across her home world. Anobis will be scarred by a pathogen that will convert the anima within the midi chlorian. It will convert the very essence of life on the world to begin eating itself away. My studies have deduced that the white cells within will treat the body as a virus, like it itself was a pathogen that they had to destroy. The natural process of every species I have ever studied is for these cells to fight against such a thing; and yet through the power of the dark side I will bypass the natural process and turn it on itself. Sith alchemy is a wondrous thing and I thank Maria for all that she has done. Without her, I would not have grown powerful. I would not have learned so much about the dark side; and I would not be the man I was today.

Anobis will change the lives of thousands; and the end the lives of millions. Loss will convert individuals into something else, of that I am sure. It was the same for me; and I have seen it in the seventy four years I have lived in this time. But it is the sadness of a certain woman that I hope allows her to see beyond the shackles of the old and ushering into the new. Sorzus Syn once wrote that the Hundred Year Darkness she waged against the Jedi was a war to destroy the old. I share her sentiments, but the legacy that those exiled Jedi set forth to the Sith Order that they founded all that time ago is misplaced. War on the Jedi in an effort to remove them is but a fools errand, no more epitomized than the Battle of Yavin. The Lords of the Sith that collected the knowledge that I now possess culminated their scheme in the Jedi's destruction; and yet it was not so. Maria will come to understand as I have done once she joins me over the threshold of stagnation. Away from the old Orders of the Jedi and their dark ancestry into the Sith. When I ascend, my intentions is to leave behind a being who see's what I see. It will be my legacy to this era, a parting gift and as with all my schemes, the back up needed in case what I plan after Anobis does not work.

I record all of what I have learned in the Almania Uprising, the Manipulation of Life and the Culmination of Power. I have included copies of the Book of Sith, an collection of writings and books written by Sorzus Syn, Darth Malgus, Mother Taozin, Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis and the books creator, Darth Sidious.
Ruins of Almania
2014, ABY

The rain was heavy, cold and harsh, scattering across the landscape of once standing tall skyscrapers and decimated walls from a conflict that happened decades prior. The wind was not a welcomed bout to the torrential pour, and yet nothing could be done about it. At least, for the moment. The dark side taught a many different things and that man that was stood upon the highest of all the broken buildings had once read about a sect of women in the far reaches of Dathomir's jungles, who could shape the skies to anyway they saw fit. He lifted his gaze away from what was left of Stonia, the once vibrant and powerful capital of Almania. Yellow, predatory eyes locked themselves onto the orange hue of Pydyr, that shined through the icy pearls that dropped onto him. It hurt his face and eyes, but the pain felt right for him on that tragic day. It was a known custom among cultures to celebrate the days of the dead. The Mandalorians in recent times were an example of this. Monuments had been erected outside New Keldabe on New Mandalore to remember those who had died after Darth Endymion had destroyed their world. Darth Vazela could not enjoy such a momentous occasion to remember those that had died here. He who was the last of Almania's sons felt no tears to the fallen. Nothing but toppled cities across the world and it's three moons remained.

Black robes rose and flew in the currents that whirled around his imposing figure. The Towers of Je'har shook underneath the torrential assault. Hours had passed since he had made his way down from Pydyr and back onto his home world where his former self had made a final, last stand against Darth Endymion and the Sith Empire's forces. What he shared with the Mandalorians was an understanding of pain for a world lost to the hands of the same Dark Lord of the Sith. But the similarities ended there. Everything that was left of his people had been destroyed entirely. As he served as a remnant for a sect of wandering Force-sensitives on Naboo, he now served as the last man. His return here was merely one last look. A reminder of what he was going to do to rectify the mistakes of the Dark Jedi that had brought the Sith's wrath; and the revenge that he was about to leave to dish out against his worse enemy of all. A light flooded over the darkness. It almost blinded Vazela. His eyes adjusted to see a shape in the sky, blocking out the moon where he had grown up on. He decided that he would borrow one, last look on Pydyr in space before leaving the Almania system behind once and for all.

The Sith Lord stepped onto the ramparts of the towers wall. Gusts threatened to knock him off, but his balance was strong and the Force was with him. It gathered around him, submerging his body as it had done for the past decade or so since he had developed the technique. The ghost of Almania took one last look upon the city below him. It would be the last time he would look at it. He almost nodded towards Stonia, like he was bidding goodbye to a old friend. But he stopped himself. He was above such foolishness. Enveloped in the vortex, Vazela found himself removed from the tower. He had taken to close his eyes just before entering the slipstream, before they opened up to find himself in a dark room. The observational deck of the Obscurity was a cool area for collective thinking and state of mind. It was on this highest point of the Star Dreadnought that he had reduced the Imperial Remnant to it's knees, collected dozens of worlds from the Galactic Republic and expanded the Sith Empire that he had once sought to usurp and destroy. Water dripped off his robes from the down pour he had been stood in, onto the polished, steel grey floor beneath him. The squelching of his boots echoed in the quiet observational deck as he crossed towards the throne erected center to it. Lowering himself into it, he a took a moment to rest himself.
The First Almania Uprising​

In the distance, beyond the outer rim and upon the edges of wild space exists a system that includes a star, a planet and three habitual moons that orbit. Almania hosts two cities. It's capital Stonia stands a shadow over Ren'Bl Ettes. Traders from Hutt space would come to collect expensive seafah jewels collected on Pydyr, whilst the cities were places for slaves, escorts and a haven for criminals to go too. It was much the same for Drewwa and Auyemesh. That was until a man decided to rise against tyranny. His name was Kueller.

I have read the Jedi archives at length. This was both thanks to the invasion of Jedi Temples, Academy's and Praxeums across the galaxy, where I gain access to computer terminals, datacrons and holocrons belonging to them, as the Sith Order went about the process of destroying all who dared stand against them. They were not always successful in this regards, which is why it took me so long to piece together the various information and stories that belonged to them. Four Hundred Year of Darkness, as our predecessors called it, did not help in my efforts to discover more about my home world's history. It was eventually done, however.

Long before me lived a man, who joined a Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV as the savior of the Jedi Order, Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker, went about the process of rebuilding the Jedi following the end of Palpatine's Galactic Empire. Before I continue, it should be noted that despite the destruction of the Old Jedi Order, a new one rose out of the ashes of that destruction decades later. So long people continue to live with the memory of the Jedi, risks the possibility of a Force-sensitive, such as Skywalker, to rise up and find a way to continue the Jedi. It has been the same for the Sith for centuries. The philosophy and ways of the Sith continue through to this time in 2014 ABY, the time of which I wrote this Culmination of Power. The original Sith that Sorzus Syn and her band of exiles founded centuries prior all died. The Sith Order of today, and the Sith that follow them, exist purely due to Force-sensitives picking up their teachings and ways of life. As it is for former Jedi falling to the dark side of the Force, the teachings of the Jedi lived long enough for a mere man to receive them and subsequently bring about the down fall of a thousand year plan. So long as the memory of these people exist, so do the possibility of their revival. This is stagnation at it's highest form. Why continue something that died? It died for a reason.

Dolph was a Jedi Initiate recruited by Skywalker to join his New Jedi Order. Force-sensitive, Dolph hailed from Almania. During his time at the Jedi Praxeum, it is recorded in the Jedi archives that a civil war erupted on his home world. It is through my investigations on world, by consulting the catalogs of the Je'har at their former headquarters colloquially named the Towers of the Je'har, I have discovered that Dolph's parents died in an uprising against the Je'har, who at the time were an autocratic nation of dictators that ruled over the entire Almania system. Funding for the rebellion that Skywalker eventually brought victory against Palpatine's Galactic Empire was given by the Je'har, and this has led to me guess as to why Skywalker consulted Almania for possible Jedi to join him in his fledgling Order. Upon the discovery of his parents death, Dolph returned to Almania to avenge the loss of them and his people.

It is precisely the loss of his most loved ones that led Dolph, he who was set to become the newest of Jedi Knights, to the dark side of the Force. There are many theories as to what leads a man to the dark side. Some are born in it's murky depths at birth, as seen with the first Sith that Syn and her Dark Jedi cohorts discovered beyond the Stygian Caldera. Others, like those Dark Jedi, seek the dark side for knowledge and the freedom that it presents in the Force, against the stagnation and controlled ways of the Jedi. But I have found that loss is the key to those really understanding the dark side. It is precisely that sadness that comes with the loss of something precious that teaches you the basics. Loss makes you a wiser man and thus brings about a greatness. The greatest of Jedi and Sith knew of loss like no other before them and that is why they are remembered. Darth Bane created the Rule of Two out of the loss of the Brotherhood of Darkness and culminated a thousand year plot to destroy the Jedi. Luke Skywalker reconstituted the Jedi Order following the loss of the hundreds of Jedi that were slain during the Clone Wars and the men and women that participated in the rebellion to restore the Republic. The New Republic of the time was formulated out of that loss. It was loss that led Dolph to adopt the name Kueller, named after a famous Almania general that conquered the Almania system in ancient times and culminated in the destruction of the Je'har. It is fabled that he went on torture the Je'har and their leaders for several weeks after his victory over them.

Almania is no stranger to loss. It has existed under tyranny since it's recorded history. It was part of the Sith Empire that came out the Dark Jedi that were exiled following the Rout of Corbos. Almania has lived through several eras of the Sith and when this came to an end, they lived under the bane of the Hutt Empire and eventually the Je'har. The noun 'Je'har' has led me to believe that it has ties to the Sith, but I am yet to find a text or recorded document to references it to Sith'ise. It lost under the Jedi, the Hutts, the Je'har and all the way through to Kueller. Executing and enacting his plan to become the most powerful Force-sensitive in the galaxy, Kueller wiped all life out of the Almania system and is said to have absorbed the death that came out of it. In his efforts to create a Galactic Empire and to rule over the galaxy, Kueller came to setting his gaze on Skywalker. Such inadequate thinking, to have pinned his entire plan on removing Skywalker from the face of the galaxy. To have created a weapon that destroyed all life in an entire star system and to have made a wound so deep in the Force that it could be felt on Yavin IV, Kueller should of went about the process of setting up his weapon across the galaxy. To remove the life that remembered the Jedi, the Sith and inadequate ways of the Republic, Kueller had the potential and opportunity to do what no Jedi or Sith had ever done or considered before: begin the galaxy from the very beginning and shape it in a way in which such weakness could never affect it again.

This is the key difference between the beliefs of the Dark Jedi and the Sith. The Sith Order was created by Dark Jedi who made it their objective to topple the old Order in place of the new, in the words of Sorzus Syn herself. It has thus been the objective of the Sith to destroy the Jedi in it's various inceptions, ranging from the original Sith and their descendants, all the way through to those Humans and other species that have picked up the teachings of them and the Dark Jedi that founded them, failing to grasp the truth. To fight the Jedi on their terms, in a head on collision, is an effort in futility, for they will always rise up again, as will the Sith when the Jedi do the same. Even when the Sith have consulted the dark side and gone about the process of working without being seen, allowing the dark side to cloud the eyes of it's enemies, the Sith have still failed in this objective. Everything that could be done and everything than can be done to destroy the Jedi or the Sith has been tried, tested and failed at every turn! From superweapons that guarantee the loss of billions to working from within their Galactic Republic, the Jedi, the democracy that they serve and the weakness that they epitomize continues to remain; and so the weakness that the Sith epitomize themselves exists with them, in a Star Wars that has no end too it.

Loss is the key to ending the Star Wars. It took the Brotherhood of Darkness to be destroyed in order to give way to the Order of Sith Lord's that brought about the Great Jedi Purge and creation of a Galactic Empire, that brought Sith hegemony and rule across this galaxy; and it took the deaths of those Jedi that served in the Army of Light that died with the Brotherhood on Ruusan to finally 'end' the threat of the Sith 'for once and for all'. Only for them to return decades or centuries later! The vicious cycle continues and loss drives it. Pain teaches the Sith new ways to achieve their revenge and yet fail in the end. For the Jedi, it is only a continued strive and fight to protect the peace that they epitomize. The grand irony of the Star Wars is that if one side was to actual die and remain dead for the rest of time, then peace would be restored to the galaxy. Whether it is the New Order that Darth Sidious and the Sith Order that I have lived and served beside today or the Jedi Order's peace, that one concept will be restored. But the difference in ideologies does not allow this and the idea of simply letting go is foreign to most.

It is a grand form of stagnation that has to be ended and I have discovered the key to this. The Almania Uprising that Kueller led and eventually found broken by Luke Skywalker, whom he fixated on and subsequently found his own life forfeit as a cost, taught me this after I enacted my own. If I had only perceived the truth properly then, then I might not of gone through the loss that eventually cleansed me of their weakness and subsequently create the man that I am today. A man that has come to the understanding of the way of things and consequentially created a solution to the vicious cycle of loss, pain and hatred that has fueled this Star Wars from the beginning of time.
[OOC: This is a write up of the Obscurity on my former board. It is not in SWRP Chaos. It is being used as background for the story I am writing in this thread.]

The Obscurity is twenty one thousand, four hundred meters in length; ten thousand, seven hundred meters in width; and five thousand and thirty meters in height. It contains primary, secondary and tertiary engines; twenty four aft-mounted, twelve port and twelve starboard on it's primary; eighteen aft-mounted, nine port and nine starboard on it's secondary; and six aft-mounted, three port and three starboard on it's tertiary. It's maximum acceleration is one 1,500G. It's hyperdrive rating is two hundred and sixty thousand light-years (effective) and is equipped with a class 1.0 hyperdrive engine, with a class five serving as backup. It has thirty hypermatter annihilation reactors and fifteen Annihilator-class 1.0 deflector shield generators. It has forty five Annihilator-class 1.0 stygium generators, that are fulled by stygium crystals collected from Aeten II. It is equipped with a navigational computer.

It's armament is impressive. Two Silencer-class AMX megalaser cannons, located at the front of the ship; seventy two Octuple barbette DBY-1027 heavy quadruple turbolaser cannons, fire linked in rows of eight; nine hundred and fifty four dual heavy turbolaser cannons, fire linked in rows of six; one thousand, five hundred and thirty six Annihilator-class point defense laser's, fire linked in groups of two; two thousand, one hundred Annihilator-class 1.0 missile system, with eight million, four hundred Annihilator-class missile's, which serve as ammunition for the Annihilator-class 1.0 missile systems; and twenty four Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors.

It's complement is an impressive array of original technology and star craft designed by Darth Vazela. It has five hundred and thirty six Vengeance-class X2 starfighter's, with 16 per squadron; one hundred and seventy six Annihilator-class assault shuttles; thirty Delta-class stormtrooper transports; six Gamma-class assault shuttle; and six Hajen-class fleet tender.

Five and ten hundred thousand people serve as it's crew alongside forty five thousand, six hundred soldiers. It's cargo capacity is two hundred and forty thousand tons. It has enough consumables to last the crew and it's soldiers for four years. It serves the Sith Empire as a capital and war ship. Development and research into both the Attrition-class Super Star Destroyer, the technology it has and the complements that served as it's arsenal took thirty two years to develop. It's construction was finished in 2013 ABY.

It is the most powerful and technological developed war ship of it's time; and serves both it's designer and creator, Darth Vazela, as his flagship.

And it was on it's way to a certain Jedi Masters home world.


The Obscurity, en route to Anobis.
2014 ABY.

The Delta-class transport lifted through the torrential rain. It's pilot was nervous and he had a right to be, with the passenger who was sat in the back. It wasn't often that you got to transport a Dark Lord of the Sith. Fortunately, the nervousness that he felt did not last long. The distance between the ruins that were Stonia to the mammoth of a machine that hovered above it only took mere minutes. After his entrance codes were accepted, he flew the transport past the blast doors and touched down in the hangar bay. Without a word, Vazela rose to his feet from the seat he had taken and opened the doors with the Force. The door slid open to the left and right, with the landing ramp lowering to the ground. The hooded Sith Lord climbed his way down and began to walk.

A line of Stormtroopers were lined to the sides. Their sleek, white uniforms shone in the artificial lights that were above. The Obscurity's hangar bay were imperial grey in color. It was a stark contrast to the blackened starfighters and transports that were inside the Super Star Destroyer; and the hull outside. They were colored to mimic the outside of space, but as always with imperial craft, the innards were grey, as were the uniforms of the ships officers. An balding man was stood at the end of the Stormtrooper's line. Vazela came to a stop before him, lifting his chin slightly to get a better look through the veil of his hood.

"My Lord," spoke the man.
"General Kane. Walk with me," replied Vazela. Together, they left the Stormtrooper line. Walking up a ramp leading up to the platform that overlooked the hangar bay, Vazela spoke. "We will be leaving the Almania system and making course for Galactic Republic space."
"Are you sure that is wise, my Lord? The nearest direct route is the Daragon Trail, which passes through Mandalorian space."
"I am aware. We will be making our way to the Anobis system. I will be handing you an assignment to complete prior to us taking off. It was why I ordered the Obscurity to be this close to the planet surface, instead of leaving you in orbit of the world." Vazela slid his hand into his robe as they walked. They left the hangar bay and turned into the hallways. Various officers were making their way through, and yet each of them stopped what they were doing to either move out of the way for the Sith Lord and General or to altogether bow their heads in his presence. Vazela felt a sick satisfaction from it each time this happened. The cowl of his Sith robe hid his smirk.

They came to a stop at the lift. The Sith Lord removed his hand from the inside of his robe to produce a Datapad. He passed it for Kane to take. "The instructions for your assignment will be found on this. Ensure that I am not disturbed until we arrive on Anobis. I suspect the journey will take us several days to complete, with what avoiding Mandalorian and Republic patrols. As you said General, the Daragon Trail is the fastest route from here."

Kane took the Datapad. Vazela entered the lift and left him there with a slightly bemused, and yet worried expression. The Sith Lord knew that the Mandalorians or the Galactic Republic would not be a problem. The Obscurity had the most sophisticated cloaking systems in the entire galaxy. It not only cloaked the presence of the ship in the physical spectrum, but it also cloaked the presence of it's gravitational pull. It's shields both shielded the ship from harm, but also concealed the life signs on board. It also happened that Vazela was a deceptive man, both in quality and the Force. His powers of the dark side of the Force was so, that he could cloak the entire ship via the Force if necessary. Only an extremely powerful Force-sensitive could detect the Obscurity when cloaked via Force Sense and other than that, the Obscurity was completely infallible.

The lift came to a stop and Vazela stepped out through the compressed air that leaked over onto the bridge's walkway. He did not turn his gaze to the officers that were down below, nor pay thought that Kane could have joined him on the lift, as they were going to the same place. He walked across the walkway and up the flight of stairs into the abyss above. The observational deck was quiet, cold and eerie. Only the light of Pydyr, which shone above, gave the deck a source of illumination. Vazela crossed his way over and lowered himself into the throne center to the deck.

He stole one last look at Almania, before closing his eyes and went into meditation.
The Second Almania Uprising​

Loss is all that remains of Almania following the rebellion that I instigated; the second Almania Uprising that would bring about the galaxies worse and not well tragedy of all time. For the destruction of a world is sad, as seen and as recorded in galactic history. But the loss of an entire people, a civilization with one man as it's sole legacy is another, deeper tragedy that grips the soul and contorts it into something dark. The loss of my home and my people led my fall and it began as all wars begin with: a disagreement.

My name was Vilox Pazela. I was born in Ren'Bl Ettes, the second of two city states found on Almania. But I did not grow up there. I grew up among Pydyrian and Fallanassi that had been brought there by a Jedi Master called Luke Skywalker, who saved them from their own civilizations collapse. When I was but a boy, a man came to meet with my parents. His name was Luke Ithra and he had come to recruit Force-sensitives for the Shadow Jedi, an order of people that neither subscribed to the Jedi or Sith Orders. I do not know how or why, but my parents agreed to my becoming a Shadow Jedi. I would not see them again until after the Shadow Jedi's fall.

The Shadow Jedi were a collection of former Jedi and Sith that subscribed to neutrality, a belief in which there must be a balance in the Force between the light and dark side, of which they were the keepers and guides to that balance. For every conflict the Jedi and Sith were involved in, came the Shadow Jedi that would destroy and murder the exact same loss as felt by the losing side of each conflict. So for every Jedi slaughtered by a Sith, too would the Shadow Jedi do the same to them and so on. They practiced that the light or dark side could be used for a light or dark action, no matter what the power used. Force Lightning to save a life or Plant Surge to destroy it in an exact of murder, rather than self defense. They were soon overpowered.

For the Shadow Jedi as a collective had become more powerful in quality than the Jedi or Sith Orders alone, such was their power in the Force. But together, the Jedi and Sith had the capacity to destroy them and that was exactly what happened when they came together in a mutual alliance to destroy the Shadow Jedi Order in Theed, on Naboo. The Jedi, in their quest to end the Sith and the dark side, felt the Shadow Jedi a twisted abomination that stopped that quest; and the Sith, who sought to reign over the galaxy and achieve their revenge over the Jedi, saw the Shadow Jedi as an obstacle to those ends. The Shadow Jedi purge that would ultimately render the Shadow Jedi nothing more than a bad memory would only culminate in a few survivors; and I was one of them.

I returned to Almania eleven years after I left to become a Shadow Jedi, trained in the way of the dark side and knowledge of the Lightsaber; deeply hurt by the loss of my friends, mentors and comrades. I sought exile away from the prying eyes of the Jedi and Sith, to live out the rest of my days alone and unseen in the Towers of the Je'har, where I became a ghost to the children that dared go near it. The local populace of Stonia called me a ghoul and the towers became a place where nobody was allowed to go. That suited me fine.

But then I saw it, one night at the top of the towers. Pydyr was bright that night. I still feel the wind as I delivered a vision. There I was stood beside a throne, with a woman sat in it's confines. The dark side of the Force was with us. I felt it. We ruled over an Empire, where the Sith served us. Days went by after that vision, where I would meditate on it for sometime. An idea came to mind, one that would hold too for many decades until the ascension that I will achieve.


I left Almania with an idea. The tales of Kueller and his Almania Uprising was legend to the Pydyrians that he slaughtered during it with his weapon; and the survivors left on Almania who grew up afterwards. An Almania Uprising to free Almania from the clutches of the Sith. To takeover the Empire from within and subjugate it's people to my will as their Dark Lord of the Sith, as the Dark Jedi exiles had done thousands of years prior. I joined the ranks of the Sith Order when I was twenty four years old, under the tutelage of a Sith Master called Sorahn Viscusz and his son, Syndri, who would teach me the ways of the dark side.

My plot had only just begun...
Anobis system, the Obscurity.
2014 ABY.

Flames. Fire. Smoke. Destruction. Wind. Rain. Trees. Ruins. Her. Death. Each image was a memory, racing through his mind. Three weeks in darkness, only venturing out for nourishment, had taken place. It was not trust that had kept the Sith Lord from ensuring his vessel and it's crew arrived above Anobis, but rather the fear he had installed in each and every one of them. General Kane would not fail because he could not fail. If not for Vazela ensuring all manners of punishment would be delivered in such an event, but the Mandalorian and Galactic Republic warships they had circumvented. After what Endymion had done to Mandalore and the history between Sith, the Republic and the Jedi that served them, it wasn't difficult to conclude that if the Obscurity had been discovered, then they would not have survived to tell the tale. Even if the Attrition-class Super Star Destroyer was the most powerful and technologically advanced war ship in the galaxy.

Yellow eyes opened for the first time in hours. It was not the bodily needs of food or water that brought himself away from the dark side and the meditation he had entered in the intervening weeks, but the fact that they had arrived. Hands gripped the arm rests of the dark throne, allowing Vazela to push himself up onto his feet. They carried him to the pinnacle, to allow a predatory stare to consume an entire world. Anobis spun peacefully, blissfully unaware that a dark chapter would be added to their history, and perhaps, the last one in it's story. The hooded Sith Lord turned away from the transparisteel screen and descended into the bridge. He did not speak to Kane, who was halfway up the stairs leading to the walkway that would of allowed him to venture into the abyss that was Vazela's observational deck. His half opened mouth did not betray a word. All that was conversed between them was: "Begin delivering of payload in the planets atmosphere. When you have finished return to the Stygian Caldera. That is all."

The lift opened and Vazela emerged. He broke out into the hallway and made his way into the void. The cargo bay was alive, a hive of activity. The monstrous containers that were held stretched from the floor to the ceiling. He saw that the crew had gone about adding cranes and several new walk ways to access the containers. Inside was a pathogen that was about to be released and go air borne. Symptoms included, but were not limited too grey skin, cough, high fever, fatigued and eventually, gaunt bodies where it seemed to be wasting away. For it's creator, Darth Vazela, had created a pathogen that targeted the body for it's most important part, of which binds all of life together. Midi chlorians, the cells that create life and in the right quantity, allow a sensitivity to the Force. Within them existed three parts, but it was one that the pathogen targeted in particular. For it is the anima that holds and binds all cohesion and shape to life itself. Without, that cohesion and shape cannot exist; and without that, life cannot exist either. It is designed to whether away the anima, forcing the body to decay at an alarming rate. Tests of the pathogen had delivered varying results, but the pass rate was between 7-9 days and that was only for the healthy and vibrant. It has no name, for he did not think to give it one; and it has been stockpiled for twelve years on Almania, in the bowls of an underground facility created by the Sith Lord for experimentation and knowledge.

What dark knowledge it was to create such a thing.
The Second Almania Uprising
By Darth Vazela​

Deception is a tool for the intelligent and wise, for the depth of the dark side and it's scope cannot be comprehended by any and all. It is said once that the Celestials, an ancient race that have been fabled to be the creators of this galaxy and the Force, could shape and move the galaxy in any way, shape and form. This is important because if the Celestials did exist, then they are the only people to have truly grasped the scope of the dark side and it's freedoms. Since it's inception, the Sith Order has attempted to do this and have subsequently been thwarted by their nemesis in the Jedi. I too have been thwarted as I went about the process of manipulating this galaxy to my grand vision; and with that obstacle comes the realization and understanding of how stagnant it is to continue such an effort in futility. Deception has served me well, for those who are unseen cannot be stopped, their scope unimaginable and as unforgiving as the dark side itself. It is the greatest of the Sith that used these finer and less destructive tools of the dark side in a twisted and ironic conclusion, for the destruction of the Jedi Order was great; and yet through complacency and the will of the Force, the Jedi returned to destroy the Sith. The cycle repeats, twists itself in different forks, but ends in the same way. That without the realization that I have come too, the Jedi and Sith are set to continue their Star Wars until the end of time.

It was deception that allowed me to live among the Sith long enough to create the single greatest uprising against their Empire since the Galactic Empire. The rebellion to restore the Republic was led by those who held true to the ideals of democracy and peace that the Jedi both forged and protected since it's inception. That a Jedi rose from that rebellion from the depths of the Jedi Order orders greatest destruction and culminated in the end of the Sith was a truly great and yet stagnant feet, as it was for the rebellion Vilox Pazela began on Almania. Moving away from my self exile on Almania, I was taught by the Viscusz to wield the dark side in a way the Shadow Jedi never could have taught me. When I rose to the position of Sith Master, holding true to the plan I had begun ten years prior during the early stages of my Sith apprenticeship, Darth Pravus rose to the position of Dark Lord of the Sith, with Darth Serpen serving as his executor and enforcer as a Sith Lord. Pravus sought to cull the weak out of the Pravus Academy whilst consolidating the forces of the Sith Empire into his own. Sith from across the galaxy were exiled from Pravus's Academy and subsequently his Sith Empire, meaning that their exile had begun. I was approached by a Kalesh Warlord who served Darth Endymion, one of the few Sith Pravus had accepted, to pass the small force I had been gathering since my rise to Sith Knight four years prior, to the Dark Lord of the Sith in return for my continued membership in the Sith Order. Deception is a great thing, but only great when employed by the masters of the dark side. I was not deceived, murdered the Kalesh and went about the process of beginning my second Almania Uprising.

Malik Vastra had been a Sith Warrior before Pravus and the Sith on Dathomir, which resided in the Pravus Academy, deemed him weak. I found him on Rishi, as he had begun the process of creating his own rebellion against the Sith Masters that had exiled him to the corners of Wild Space. We forged an alliance, where the both of us scoured and gathered the exiled Sith from all corners of the galaxy. We dubbed ourselves Dark Jedi in the image of Ajunta Pall and the following that had followed him to Korriban at the inception of the Sith Order. Our objectives were to return to the Sith Empire in a force large enough to subjugate the Sith on Dathomir and rule over them as their Dark Jedi masters. The Sith would be enslaved and we would be their masters over the Sith Empire, continuing the work of the Sith to topple the old Order in place of the new.

Futility as an effort pays in price and mine was significant.

We returned to Dathomir and we murdered many Sith. But the scope of the Sith, who had existed for so long, was large and powerful. Our efforts were pushed back to Almania, where it had all begun. Darths Pravus, Serpen and Endymion gathered the forces of the Empire against the Dark Orders. We held our own and we might have even won. But we would never found out. Deception is important. It brings about betrayal and manipulation. Sacrothyss was my former Sith Master Sorahn Viscusz who had shed his former identity on the back of his exile from the Sith. But they promised him a place back among their own if he did one simple thing. Serpen, both an alchemist and warrior, had created a pathogen known as the Sickness. He gave it to Sacrothyss, who bypassed the Dark Order as one of our members. Deceived, he planted the Sickness behind the ranks of the Dark Jedi and this thus ended Almania as I knew it. It has been decades since the Sith blockaded Almania and watched it eat itself away from the observation decks of their war ships. It only took weeks for Almania to leave behind one remaining son. Lifeless, Almania has spun around the star and has been orbited by the empty Pydyr, Drewwa and Auyemesh for decades now.

Life is an overrated phenomena, with the factors of relationships, feelings and emotions surrounding and tying it together. Being captured by Endymion's forces and forced to watch the end of my people and of my world changed me. It is not a stretch to believe that any and all who had stood and watched such a spectacle would of succumbed to those factors and subsequently fall into a pit of obscurity, that would never free them. But not I. The Sith were merciful to me, believing that the end of all I knew was enough to ensure that I would never be a thorn in their side again. Hands in my pockets, eyes set on Almania, I returned to Pydyr and gazed upon my lost world from it's jungle marshes for days. Everything about me was peeled away and I was left something new. Destruction breeds creation. A name came to mind.

Darth Vazela
Coolant was expressed in it's gaseous form, as the hydraulic systems went to work. The landing ramp opened slowly, the doors parting lift and right, in order to allow the rays of light from Anobis's star to illuminate the man stood upon it's threshold. Vazela took a moment to allow his eyes to adjust to the light and the scene ahead. The area was remote and empty, save for the sound of wild life. A river stretched across the landscape, leading onwards up to fields where corps were harvested and grown. The waterfall above led in from a mountain peak, that had a pathway of sorts picked out of it, leading up. Trees hung overhead, and if he had landed the Sith Infiltrator several meters to the right, then he would of found himself in their shade.

The floor was set, due to it's close proximity to the river and waterfall. His boots slouched and made foot prints in the ground as he took a step down from the landing ramp. The hum of the ships hydraulic systems joined the birds tweeting in the air for a few moments, as the ramp was retracted back inside and it's doors closed. Then there was a silence. He lifted his gaze, feeling eyes upon him. A creature, that he did not recognize, had emerged from the forest. The Sith Lord locked his yellow, predatory eyes on the animal and it did the same with it's own suspicious, teal ones. It bore his legs, and raised it's back, like it was ready to attack. It's dark garbed, hooded prey remained motionless, watching. He cocked it's head in confusion, took a step forward and hesitated. Something told the animal to stop. Turning, it began to walk back into the confines of the brush. It paused, to look back over itself, catching a last glimpse. Vazela still did not move and his eyes did not budge for a moment. The animal knew that it was not the predator, in that moment. It turned swiftly and darted back into the forest, for it's life.

"Nature knows it's bounds," Vazela murmured. Slowly, his gaze lifted back up to the waterfall. Light simmered through the specks of water, creating a shining affect on him and the floor. It was mid day, at the suns highest point. Sweat was felt on the mans neck, back and arms. He had come unprepared for the heat. Regardless, he began his climb up the walk way and to the building that was above. It was not discomfort he felt as he climbed up. He was excited; and was not entirely sure what he would discover up above. But the Force told him that today would be a day to be remembered. For them both. The warmth he felt from the sun and warm surroundings subsided for a ice cold. The dark side was with the Sith Lord and it kept him cool, centered and concentrated. Hatred sustained him and it pushed away the embrace of Anobis for something much darker. Light subsided along the walls, like the sun could no longer reach it. His breath was visible for a few moments, in his brief reprieve to exhale and inhale. Chalk white, his hand lifted to the final stretch and it was used as leverage for the final climb. He reached the summit and took the moment to observe.

The farm house had a rocky path leading up to it's gate. Wooden fences were lined either side, shielding the corps to the side and on the other, live stock he recognized as banthas. He took a moment to watch the cull of banthas graze on the grass and mope about their business. Vazela noticed that several of the fences were broken and it suggested to him that the farm house had not been visited in sometime, giving way to nature and it's effects. He pushed on. Coming to a stop at the gate, his eyes observed the broken door, hanging on it's hinges. The other had been completely taken off. Pieces of each side littered the floor. The Sith gathered that something had happened here recently. Something terrible. He crossed over the scattered, splinters of wood and went inside.

His foot crunched onto something light, with a glass panel. He took a step backwards to see what it was. A picture looked up to him. He lowered himself onto the back of his legs, to allow his hand to claim the picture frame and rose up with it. He recognized each face. On the far left, Jedi Knight Adamus Straife, once known as the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Avara. His eyes averted to the next. Beaming, Jedi Master Mia Taher looked up. In between Adamus and Mia were two children. On Adamus's side, stood Jedi Knight Elijah Straife and on the other Lara Straife. The picture was old. Elijah was a man in his young twenties, much like his sibling. He knew this came from a time before Adamus fell to the dark side to become the Dark Lord; and Mia looked older now, in comparison to this one. He focused on Lara. She was under the apprenticeship of a Sith Sorcerer called Raziel Treja, he remembered. He had been cultivating them both since they had first step foot into the Sith Order, but had recently disappeared and there whereabouts unknown. Adamus was now a Jedi Knight once more, thanks to Mia. He had been there for his redemption and had paid the price, with the scar left over on his torso from that certain duel.

His hand lowered to the side, still holding the picture of Mia Taher and her family. Vazela lifted his gaze to survey the building. It was a wreck. Signs of battle were everywhere. Ornaments had been destroyed, tables turned over and other pieces of furniture broken and bare. He checked the ceiling and the structural support of the walls. He registered that it would not be collapsing; and he had the Force to tell him if he was in any immediate danger to the farm house caving in on him. Vazela stopped walking and looked up. Now it was the moon shining on him, through the glass panel erected over the place he stood upon. He had lost himself for the hours that had went by. How long had he been looking at the picture? He hadn't even registered that day had passed by him and given way to night. He wondered how far along the Obscurity was.

The Sith Lord sensed movement behind him. He turned slowly, lowered his gaze from the moon to see who it was. He spoke softly. "Maria."
Culmination of Power​

The Book of Stagnation​

The Sith Order has existed and lived for seven thousand years. From it had spawned some of the galaxies greatest minds and monsters. Philosophy has differed based on the most powerful of the time; and so too did the meaning 'Sith'. Once a race that lived within the confines of the Stygian Caldera and expanded from it's roots on Korriban to Ziost and beyond, thus creating the sector in space known as the 'Sith Worlds', the Sith Order has evolved to the point that other races called themselves the Sith. But through all of these inceptions of the Sith, from the physical to the philosophical, was the same goal: revenge. As set forth by the Dark Jedi that arrived on Korriban, enslaved the Sith species and thus created the great Empire, revenge on their former comrades and friends has always been the objective of the Sith Order. In it's many inceptions, the Sith Order has destroyed the Jedi Order countless time. It has seen itself create the grandest and most powerful of Empires to combat governments such as the Galactic Republic in order to achieve the goal of destroying the Jedi and thus taking over the galaxy; and as the Sith Order evolved, so too did it's grasp on the dark side of the Force. They will always epitomize what it is to be the darkest of men.

Evolution is of adaption, learning of ones environment and thus changing yourself in order to survive. Survival comes with it the grasp of strength, power and victory, until you become the apex predator. The dark side of the Force is like a beast, existing inside of you. It will lift it's snout and if you allow it, roar and destroy what it is that stands in front of you as your obstacle. It's scope is unimaginable. It's knowledge incomprehensible. Evolution of the Sith has seen the Sith Order harbor the dark side in it's many forms to achieve it's grand designs. But the Force willing, the Jedi Order have never truly died off; and with their survival, evolution has taken place so that it will strive to stop the Sith from destroying the Jedi and taking the galaxy for themselves. This is a continued cycle, that has rinsed itself and repeated for millenia. It is a stagnation, of an endless struggle that is known as the Star Wars.

My evolution has taken me to the pinnacle. Loss has taught me what it all means. Life is an overrated phenomena. Within each being exists the midi chlorians that allow us to feel the Force, to grasp upon it and act accordingly. So long as there exists beings who can choose to become a Jedi or a Sith, then the cycle will continue and continue. History tells us this, from the first inception of the New Order and the rebellion that rose against it. There was no Jedi Order. It was destroyed by the Order of Sith Lords. The promise of Darth Bane had been fulfilled by the last of his linage; and yet the Jedi prevailed, survived and rebuilt. Peace is a lie, so long as this cycle continues in the endless struggle. Star Wars will be waged forever more. There is no end to the chaos. But I have gone beyond my predeceasing Sith. I see the truth. To end the cycle, you have to destroy it.

Destroy it all.
Present time

The ocean beneath the spire glistened in the sun light. It was high noon and the surface of Dac was ever blue as it's skies. Two years had passed since the Sith Empire had ruled over the Mon Calamari and their homeworld, since they were liberated by the Jedi and their Galactic Republic. Vilox Pazela had once ruled over the world during the time of the Sith. He had been one of three Sith Lords appointed by Tyrin Ardik and later Kaine Zambrano to rule three thirds of the Sith Empire; and Dac had fallen over one third of it.

Since he had met with Lysle of the Hydian Way, an up and coming Crime Lord that was leading a new criminal syndicate called the Red Ravens. Their confrontation with the Black Sun Syndicate had been exploited by the Dark Master for his own devices. The Alyndys-class craft had been selected by Vilox Pazela, for it's use in deep space exploration. It had been procured by the Red Ravens during a salvage operation in the Shadow Empire's space. Formerly the space of the New Order and before it the Sith Empire, those particular regions were a treasure trove for recovering lost technologies, as one of Lysle's subordinates had explained.

When the ship had been given to him in return for his services at Barab I, where the Red Ravens entered a turf war with the Black Sun Syndicate over the Barab mines and control of the world, he had taken the ship and the crew of sixty two (just over amount necessary for a skeleton crew) to the Mon Calamari, to call upon a few favors. It had been on Dac that his former flagship in the Sith Empire, the Obscurity, had been constructed; and he had called upon the same Mon Calamari who had supervised it's construction to meet with him in the spire that day to discuss the Alyndys craft he now possessed.

He also required a personal ship, one that was rare in this day and age. The Culmination of Power, of which he was still in the process of writing, would imply the reasons as to why Vilox Pazela knew how to build a Sith Infiltrator, when it was completed. It would contain the rational for his plans for the galaxy, how he had come to a time just after the Four Hundred Year Darkness and why he wished to invent and install a piece of technology that would take the Alyndys to other space.

Dac would serve both as a place to bring the ship up to it's former self; and to create a personal ship that he would christen Maria, after the woman that had taught him so much. Maria would serve as a Plan B in case he was betrayed by the Red Ravens, who the crew of the Alyndys were ultimately loyal too.

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