Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Csilla Nights

Mandalorian Prophet

Unknown Regions; Csilla

Goldenstar Hotel Penthouse
Find The Terrorist ( [member="Hera"] )
Agent Jac'Leru'Rizzem had once again been activated in friendly territory. It had been rather common for him to be called to action during the civil war, but afterwards everything had fallen silent. Minor threats still existed but it wasn't enough to bring in a Master Agent. Things must have gone drastically wrong.

"We've assigned you help for this mission, who should be arriving shortly. Kesseh'Era'Vlica. We've already set up your cover as a couple on their honeymoon, and she'll have your identities and information of your target for you both." On a counter nearby a small holoprojector the Aristocra Prusde'Zoti'Lore was shown, her hands behind her back. "We expect results, agent. Whoever this is has bombed my house. We were able to keep it from the public, but if he attacks again I don't think it will be possible."

Cleru turned on a heel from where he was staring out at the city, immediately going into a salute. "You needn't worry Aristocra. We will stop them before they can plan their next move." Dezoti gave a simple nod before ending the call. The Agent let out a sigh, turning his gaze back to the view. At least the job had it's perks.
Hera took a deep breath as she stepped onto the elevator at the Goldenstar Hotel. Her mission was simple enough but had danger, complications, and all sorts of interesting things that could go, well, wrong. She would met [member="Cleru"], a Master Agent. Being just an agent herself, and more so her first field mission.

She was a little nervous, to say the least. So, she made sure her hair was brushed carefully, with natural curling towards the end. She wore a black dress, although a dagger and two blasters were carefully hidden away. It would take a second for her to grab them, but she figured it would be safer that way. While she provided the intel and any computer related programming, he would likely be the doing the actual deed.

A black satchel was across her neck, which contained their fake identities and other important information.

At the hotels penthouse, she inserted her keycard and entered the room. “Hello?” She asked, not quite seeing the master agent yet.

Mandalorian Prophet

"Ah, Agent Kesseh'Era'Vlica. Good to finally meet you." Cleru offered a friendly smile as he rounded the counter to come into view. He was dressed rather casually, his shirt open some as if he had just returned home from a long day of work. In a way he had, though the work hadn't finished. He leaned against the counter, motioning for [member="Hera"] to come in. "I hear good things about your skills with a computer. It'll certainly make this whole thing a lot easier. You have the information?"

He sipped idly at a cup of caf, the only thing keeping him awake this late. Gotta love the dirty bean juice.
She heard [member="Cleru"], before seeing him come around the corner. She gave him a warm smile with a nod. “It’s great to meet you too, Master Agent Jac'leru'rizzem. It’s an honor to work with you.” She walked into the penthouse and towards the counter as she took her satchel off.

Indeed, I am. Best of my class,” she said with a small chuckle. “Prepped and ready.” Including a slicer chip in the satchel as well, ready for any droid, vehicle, or electronic systems they encountered. Really, she was excited to use it. As she placed their fake identity on the counter, she gave Cleru a smile with red, lips.

Congratulations on our wedding,” she teased with a playful smile, “Clirne'erosho'etteng,” as she passed him an identity card.

Mandalorian Prophet

"Must of been a hell of a wedding." Cleru grinned back, reaching out to take his identity. A married couple on their honeymoon was one of the best disguises to be just about anywhere, but at the same time it was a difficult thing for agents to pull off. Faking love. "We start in the morning. You got the file on hand? Better we review. Makes the wedding night that much more believable yeah?"

He gave [member="Hera"] a friendly wink before taking a seat at the counter, waiting for her to pull the satchel out so they could begin.
She chuckled at the joke [member="Cleru"] told. What a wedding, indeed. They would have to ensure they had a great backstory and understood each other’s fake identities before the mission could really kick off. She placed a datapad out on the counter, along with a few holotapes, and a holo player.

All of the information is in this datapad. Be sure to not lose it,” she said with a sly grin. “We’ll need to make sure we understand our identities, how we met, etc.

She gave him a sly smile as she slipped into a seat next to him. Funny guy. Or flirty. Or both. She wasn’t sure, yet. Either way, she pointed to the datapad which connected to a holo player. “This is our target. He was likely the culprit behind the attack on the Aristocra. So far, I’ve hacked his bank statements and emails. All seem to confirm this.” She paused, as if to see if he had any questions, “So, we need to confirm it was him. And you get to kill him. But also, he doesn’t leave his estate. Like, ever. So we’ll have to get a way in. Which… Is where I come in. And a honeymoon party.”

Mandalorian Prophet

"I'll be sure." He began looking through the datapad, glancing at their artificial history. "Mountain climbing? We're the rather adventurous couple. Explains my six pack." Cleru snickered as he continued through. They were indeed the active couple, probably to make it easier for folks to believe their rather active lifestyle. Free running and such. "Pretty straightforward, though that makes me somewhat doubt it. We wont know till we get in there but I feel like he might have been set up."

He glanced to [member="Hera"] for a moment. She wasn't full Chiss. And those.. Ears? "A honeymoon party sounds like a blast. What do you have in mind? Sooner we get this done the better, yeah?"
She gave [member="Cleru"] a sly grin at his comment about being adventurous. “Well, we’re fairly athletic, so we gotta be able to explain such things,” she said as she crossed her legs carefully. She had to be more careful in placing her legs due to the blaster on her thigh. Really, it wasn’t a comfortable thing to have their – and the metal was pretty cold.

My favorite is how we both love to take long walks on the beach with a drink in hand at sunset,” she said with an exaggerated dreamy eyed face. On a more serious note, she gave a nod. “Yeah. I don’t feel like it’s what we expect. But, only one way to find out.” She perked a brow at his second comment with a nod. “Yeah, we already have the party set up. Two days, evening. Hope you can memorize all this by then, yeah?

Mandalorian Prophet

"I've no doubt that together we can memorize all we have to before the party. No one would question a freshly married couple staying indoors either, so it gives us plenty of time to get to know one another." Cleru chuckled a bit. You had to have fun with these things, less you run yourself ragged. This sort of life needed the lighter moments. "So where would you like to start? First date?"

He swiped through the datapad right back to the beginning. They had plenty of time to go through it all, and more importantly plenty of caf to keep them alert enough. Cleru was friendly and at times flirty, but he always ended up focusing on the mission. There was no time to go off script given the minute details they'd need to pull off the mission. Close friends of the target's cousin is how they'd get close. The cousin had already been.. Convinced to play along.

Soon enough the day would arrive with the agent sleeping casually on the couch. He had been sure to give [member="Hera"] the room. Gentleman's honor and all that.
The two days came by quick. They learned as much they could, faked love smiling smiles and lit eyes, and all that fun stuff. They were ready, or so Hera thought. [member="Cleru"] was a wonderful, intelligent agent so she saw no immediate problems with their mission. The biggest concern would be getting through the Estate without being seen.

Nonetheless, Hera awake that morning eager to get started. Like the gentleman he was, Cleru had given Hera the bedroom. It was nice of him, especially as she was going to spend much time in the master bathroom preparing for the event. The honeymoon bride had to be beautiful, right? Black-white hair was delightfully bunned, along with a burgundy dress outfitted with her weapons still hidden.

When she left the room, she scowled as Cleru seemed to still be asleep. “Morning, sleepy head,” she joked as she walked over to the fridge to grab a drink.

Mandalorian Prophet

A single eye opened as [member="Hera"] spoke. Cleru wasn't that deep of a sleeper at least. A faint smile formed on his lips as he closed his eye again. "You look beautiful. How many guns were you able to tuck under there?" He took another moment to lay there before getting up, stretching his arms overhead. It felt slightly unfair that she'd have to put so much effort in her outfit when all he'd have to do was pull on a tux, but that's how society was.

He stepped up beside her, reaching in to grab a can of iced Caf. "You ready for out big day?"
Hera gave [member="Cleru"] a sly grin as he opened an eye. She poured some of the ice-cold water into a cup before taking a few sips of it. She chuckled at his comment. He knew, at least. “Thanks. Enough, if it comes to it, yeah?” She said with a wink as he came over to grab Caf out of the fridge.

I’m more than ready. How about you? Gotta get that caffeine in you first, eh?” She teased. “Luckily, we do have a couple hours. Hope you can get ready.” She threw another playful smirk as she checked the clock on the wall. In the meantime, she looked at the datapads and paperwork that lay on the counter. Swooping some items up, especially the slicer chip, into a large purse.

Mandalorian Prophet

"Lets hope it doesn't." Cleru cracked open the can, taking a long, long drink of the Caf. Definitely something he needed to really get going for the day. He chuckled as [member="Hera"] began teasing him. Yeah, he should be able to get ready in time for the party. Speaking of, it was his turn now. He casually began unbutton the shirt he was wearing as he walked to the master suite.

"I'll get dressed, then we should be ready to go."
It didn’t take long for them to reach the estate where the palace would be. [member="Cleru"] was dressed in a handsome suit and tie. Hera was dressed in her beautiful gown. They would have to mingle, chat, and otherwise flirt their way for the first hour or so. Then, they’d have to sneak into the corridors and into the main office, which was 2 stories above them.

The blueprints didn’t show an elevator so they’d likely have to find stairs – unless, of course, the blueprints were gone or outdated. Perhaps it got added later. Nonetheless, Hera gave a nod to Cleru as she stepped out of the cab. She put one arm to the side so he could take it. “Ready?” She asked with a final nod before they had to set off into the Estate.

They would enter through a main corridor, then to a large open space where the party would be hosting. Perhaps some type of distraction would have to be in order for them to fully sneak away. They had some time to mingle and then find a plan from there.

Mandalorian Prophet

"Of course." Cleru on the way over fully embraced the persona of Clirne'Erosho'Etteng, the super active thrill seeker and recently married Chiss. He smiled wide to [member="Hera"] as they exited their cab, taking her arm. "We'll have quite the show, won't we darling?" His accent had even changed. The accent is what sells it after all. He lead the way into the party, smiling and greeting the party goers. Some were fellow agents planted there so the couple seemed to have more friends. All to make things look on the up and up.

The hour went by slowly for the Master Agent, him being rather bored. This party was nothing compared to the last one he had been in. And his partner while cute had nothing on the woman who had surely taken his heart. Once this was over he'd have to remind himself to take a vacation and head over to Mandalore.

For now, he had a job to do. "I think," He muttered to his companion as they left one of the conversations. "Our best bet is to make it seem like we're sneaking off to enjoy each others close company again. No one will think twice about that, and the rumors will spread enough to keep folks from wondering where we went."

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