Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crystal Clear (Krest)

Valtryx stood upon a hill close to the compound, observing it from safety to formulate her plan. The upcoming endeavor was going to be hard, but she was confident her ideas would lead to success. Stealing wasn't her job, but she had always had a knack for it, although on a small scale previously. This time the stakes were much higher, Stygium Crystals to be precise. Her reasoning for needing such a resource was to be kept secret until the time was right, but hopefully her partner wouldn't question the secrecy. The partner in question was [member="Krest"], her former master who she had grown to mindlessly hate through her uncontrollable corruption. However with recent events she managed to overcome her blindness and fix the relationship she had broken. Whether or not it was completely fixed was unknown, but she hoped this mission would bring them together, back to their old comradery.

With the hood of her dark brown robe up, the Yodaling awaited the Zabrak's arrival. She couldn't pull this off without him, and so she hoped he turned up and was willing to go ahead with the heist.

She needed the Stygium desperately...
It wouldn't be long until the red man came up from behind his little green friend, stepping up behind her. He was devoid of any force signature, a good trick due to art of the small. If there was someone able to sense him, they wouldn't until he wanted them to. Naturally, he was dressed in his usual attire, as he didn't really own anything else, and he would nod once to [member="Darth Valtryx"] before looking out to the compound.

"Got a plan?"
"Of course." Valtryx turned her head slightly to half-look at Krest, giving a small smirk before turning back to look at the compound. It wasn't a very big compound compared to others, but it was defended enough to warrant caution. 15 feet tall steel walls surrounding the main building in a square, with a small watchtower at each corner. The front entrance was facing east, and comprised of a giant metal blast door with automated laser turrets on either side. Luckily for them, they wouldn't be using the front door. Instead, Valtryx pointed to the southern wall, the one closest to them. "Carve a hole through there, we shall." Her lightsaber would make quick work of the metal walls, and as long as they stayed near the center the watchtowers wouldn't be a problem. "Once we are inside, things will get loud. We will need to fight our way through the main building to the hangar bay, where they would eventually ship the Stygium out. But, if we shut down the defenses and open the hangar, I have a pilot who can pick us up with the Stygium." The Yodaling turned to her friend, looking up at him. "Sound okay to you, hmm?"

Krest nodded once before gripping one of his sabers. "Lead on then Minna, I trust what you planned." The Red man would pull his loose flowing cloth and wrap it around his face. He would follow her for now, and it was good that there was someone to actually pick up the crystals rather then the both of them carrying some out. Of course, he wondered if there was anymore to join them, and after casting a glance to [member="Darth Valtryx"] . "Anyone else coming?"
Minna. The name she was once known by. She couldn't blame Krest for still using it, but the mere mention of it made her skin crawl. Despite this she remained silent, until he asked his question. "Not that I know of." A smirk came on her lips, before she allowed herself to fall down from the top of the hill and land on the ground level with the compound. With a quick sprint to the wall, she pressed herself against the metal, eying the two nearest watchtowers. She hadn't been seen yet. Igniting the crimson blade of her lightsaber, she stuck it into the wall and began carving.

Casting a glance backwards, she wondered whether Krest had caught up yet. It didn't matter if he was seen, the guards would certainly hear the sound of metal being incinerated by a saber's blade.
The action was about to begin.

Krest was quick to follow, and despite his colorful form, he was well hidden. But the time for hiding quickly faded as she plunged her blade into the wall. His own blade would come to life, the pale blue of it igniting the air. It was in its longer mode, he clearly ready for what ever would come next. Already he could hear the surprised gasp of a soldier on the other side.

With a stoic look on his face the man would go to buy [member="Darth Valtryx"] a couple minutes. A hand would raise up, and without seeing the man, Krest would bring him into a force choke. Krest could feel his form, and without mercy he would crush the strangers throat, leaving him to die of suffocation. He took no pleasure in this, bit it should be enough to give the pair enough time to at least get into the wall.
Valtryx's lightsaber made quick work of the metal, carving a hole into it big enough for her to walk through (and for Krest to crouch). With a quick blast of the force, the loose metal flew into another guard, knocking him out cold. With a spin of her lightsaber the Yodaling leaped in, slicing left and right at a pair of guards who had their blasters ready, decapitating them both swiftly. As she performed a 180 degree turn, she then began deflecting blaster bolts from further away, aiming to cover Krest while he came in and handled the guards now coming behind her rather close. Through the action she remained silent, feeding on the violence and suffering of her enemy.

How good it felt to kill.

Krest was quick to leap through the hole, already finding blaster fire coming his way past [member="Darth Valtryx"] . Quickly his saber would rip through the air, smashing the bolts themselves into a man who happened to be right beside him. Getting to stand beside the yodaling, he would take note of three shooters still up, fireing. Between him and Minna, they had defence covered. At least until more people would show up.

Bringing up his free hand, he would bring forward one of the shooters, deflecting bolts still flying with his saber. Catching the man by his throat, the mechanical right arm of his would tighten, and killing him instantly. Tossing down the body he would turn his direction to the other two, a frown still on his face. "Got a way to deal with the last two?"
Valtryx continued to cover Krest as he handled the other shooters, while she herself occupied the remaining two. "Got a way to deal with the last two?" She merely smirked at the question, answering with actions rather than words. With a fling of her arm she released her lightsaber into the air, using the force to guide it towards the shooters. Upon reaching them it sliced a clean cut through their chests, leaving their bodies in two. As the lightsaber returned into her hand, she felt the darkness build up inside her, making her stronger. "Continue, we must." She said, containing the rage inside her well and moving towards a small door on the side of the main building.

Sirens were roaring as she entered the building, which inside was one giant open-plan room with a containment area in the middle. Her plans of the facility were slightly outdated it seemed, but there was still a hangar area to their left, therefore the plan could go ahead. There main problem now though was the security. A automated laser turret on the far side of the room spun to face the Yodaling, beginning it's fire. Valtryx managed to roll behind the cover of a crate, giving her time to count the personnel. Atleast thirty guards, now taking defensive positions in order to defend the Stygium. Some were shouting for reinforcements down their radios, others firing blindly in her direction to try keep her suppressed.

In the short time she waited for Krest to enter behind her, she allowed the anger to build inside her. Pure rage swelled within her, yet on the outside she seemed perfectly fine.
The calm before the storm...

Following the Yodaling in, his expression would turn to one of pain as the sirens went off. He hated the concept of loud noises, and they tended to take his focus. But he would follow [member="Darth Valtryx"] behind a crate, gritting his teeth as one of the bolts slammed into his left leg. Nothing fatal or even damaging to the flesh, but the impact was worrying. He wouldn't be able to use his saber to reflect that. And the other thirty people. And then, inspiration hit.

Reaching out with the force, the man would grip the whole turret. Both hands up, he would tear the machine and force it to turn. It was slow at first, but the turn quickly sped up, and the turret fire that was once assaulting the two now tore through the ranks of the thirty. An explosion sounded off as the repeating lasers bore into a gas line, and the screams of the men left would fill the room. Ripping the turret completely free, he would throw it down, movng from behind the cover.

"We must be quick. I can't do that again."
Valtryx hadn't noticed his leg's injury, but when he manipulated the turret she was quite impressed. An inventive way of killing people to say the least. "We must be quick. I can't do that again." The Yodaling nodded her understanding, coming out from the cover and flicking her lightsaber up to reflect a stray blaster bolt back to one of the guards who was lucky enough to survive the turrets slaughter. With a brief run she made it to the containment area, a metal cube with small windows showing the crates of Stygium inside. Moving to it's control panel, she began inputting the codes that her intel had provided, while her spare hand pointed over to the hangar area. "Open the hangar door. Call the pilot, I shall." She ordered, whilst then pulling out her communicator to speak to somebody else through it. "Bring it in."

Krest moved quickly to the door, frowning at it. It seemed to be sealed, probably a counter measure. He could see the seals themselves, so it would be a quick way to open. His saber would soar through the air, the blade itself tearing through each of the locks as he would guide the blade. Once finished however, he would sheath the hilt of his blade, and bring both arms out in front of him. The door was large after all, and it would take a lot of his focus to tear it down.

Reaching out with the force, he would force the mechanics to reverse, dragging it down with an amazing show of skill. The noise of the door dragging against what should hold it in place was terrible, filling the whole area. But the job would be done.
Atleast one part of the intel was correct, and the containment cube opened on the nearest side to Valtryx. She had half-watched Krest's display of the force, impressed yet again but remaining silent with her emotions kept deep within. Her focus turned to the Stygium, which was contained in one medium sized container. With the force, the Yodaling began lifting the container and moving it over to the hangar area.

Outside, a ship came into view in the distance. Clearly some form of small cargo transport, it headed towards the compound, landing straight through the doors. With it's rear ramp open, Valtryx began carefully putting the Stygium in the back, but there was a problem. Reinforcements had arrived, this time from behind her, and they were taking their positions to fire at her. They definately didn't want them to take the Stygium. For now it was only a squad of ten, but no doubt more were inbound.

Defenseless while moving the container, Valtryx hoped Krest would notice and react in time.

Krest was quick to move, already on his way behind the little green girl. He was a flash, seeming to form behind her just as the blasters began to come flying at the two. Both of his sabers would come to life, he doing what he could to deflect the initial burst. But he would bring his hands around, forming himself a barrier to protect the two. The blasters would slam against it, and the sheer number would be enough to cause trouble.

"Hurry.. Up...!" He would growl to [member="Darth Valtryx"] , clearly strained.
Valtryx finally managed to place the container in the back of the ship, relaxing her arms and sighing with relief. She then gave a tap on Krest's back, signalling him to retreat. Making her way into the back of the ship, she realized the amount of reinforcements arriving.

To cover Krest's retreat, the Yodaling extended her arms out and used the force to pick up various other containers and crates around the hangar. With one flick of her hands, the objects flew into the soldiers, knocking most of them back and taking some lives. Disorientated, the soldiers' blaster fire ceased for the moment, giving Krest the time he needed.

[member="Darth Valtryx"]

He would continue to strain, the slightly visible barrier already beginning to crack. It was when the first part of the barrier broke off that the blaster fire finally stopped. Without waiting, he would drop the barrier and burst around to the ship. Just as he reached it, the blaster fire would return, and he'd bring his saber around, the blue blade flashing to life to delfect what he could on the ramp. Holding there, he'd protect the open hatch.

As soon as Krest was safely on the ramp, Valtryx would give the signal to the pilot through her comms to take off. "Get us out of here!" She shouted, at which point the rear ramp began to rise, closing the back of the ship as it rose from the ground. Within a few seconds the engines kicked in, sending the ship flying out of the hangar and missing the outer walls of the compound by inches. "That was a close one!" The pilot laughed through comms, but Valtryx did not laugh back, she merely sighed with relief.

Turning to her Zabrak friend, she examined him for injuries. "Are you okay?"

"A bit tired, but fine." Krest stepped back, letting a sigh escape his lips as he shut down the blue saber. "How are you? Still able to stand and what not?" His blue eyes would go to her form, a hint of concern. Despite the fact they had succeeded, he was worried what exactly this would do to her. He'd nod to [member="Darth Valtryx"] after a moment though, a faint smile on his face. "But.. We did it eh?"
"I'm fine." Valtryx smiled slightly, sitting herself down on a nearby seat and holstering her lightsaber. "Glad, I am, that it is over." The ship left the atmosphere quickly, jumping into hyperspace as soon as it could. "I will make sure the Stygium is shared equally between us." She nodded, closing her eyes to calm herself after the adrenaline of the action. "Where shall we drop you of?"

"Any planet other then here. I can get my own ship to meet me there no problem." There was a pause in the Zabrak's voice before he turned his full attention to her, his blue eyes seeming to flash. "You know, you can always come back to the Seven. It's your home as much as it is mine."

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