Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crystal Clear (Krest)

Valtryx stood upon a hill close to the compound, observing it from safety to formulate her plan. The upcoming endeavor was going to be hard, but she was confident her ideas would lead to success. Stealing wasn't her job, but she had always had a knack for it, although on a small scale previously. This time the stakes were much higher, Stygium Crystals to be precise. Her reasoning for needing such a resource was to be kept secret until the time was right, but hopefully her partner wouldn't question the secrecy. The partner in question was [member="Krest"], her former master who she had grown to mindlessly hate through her uncontrollable corruption. However with recent events she managed to overcome her blindness and fix the relationship she had broken. Whether or not it was completely fixed was unknown, but she hoped this mission would bring them together, back to their old comradery.

With the hood of her dark brown robe up, the Yodaling awaited the Zabrak's arrival. She couldn't pull this off without him, and so she hoped he turned up and was willing to go ahead with the heist.

She needed the Stygium desperately...

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