Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crystal Awakening Story Arc

Crystal Awakening Story Arc
It's a fairly simple plot

It has many possible outcomes, so it's not all about one character, who is just merely a catalyst for the arc instead.

All 4 of my Jedi are at present, possible sacrificial lambs, it all depends on how they develop, which is going really well but regardless. There is an order of 6 assassins after the crystals in their chest, which they put there, to gain their knowledge and life experience. The bounty on each Jedi is going to be IC increased very soon, its already good.

They need these 4 crystals to release my sith from the caverns he's in, and its not a sith most OOC or IC probably want running around either as a rival, and old sith i've rp'd for years, very... interesting character ;), is the only word, to a board.

The crystals in my 4 Jedi's chest contain the personality traits of the sith and who they were locked away with, the other writer's characters. One of which is writing here now too.

That is the plot, 6 assassins, all expendable trying to recover these 4 crystals, and their life experiences. Currently the Sith and his Echanar (mate) are locked away in a crystal cavern, the second post here sets the stage, skip the first post, its basically the intro written by a beautiful writer:

Possible outcomes for any and all characters, as ideas:

DJ/Assassin Sect.
Healthy Jedi
A Sith that is freed
An reinvigorated echani Faction with healed Assassins.
I put this up OOC as I've had a few questions regarding it, I hope it keeps it simple enough :)

Each character is reacting differently to what is in their chest, as they each carry a different part of those caverns the old Sith/Jedi/Spiders are frozen in.

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