Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cryil Lynn



Cryil Post Cybernetics

NAME: Cyril
RANK: None
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 180 Pounds
EYES: Blue (Wears Glasses)
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Smart: Studied Planets and Xenology at the University of Coruscant (graduated)
+Sniper: Cryil is a fantastic Marksman, hitting enemies from over a 1.55 miles away.
+Keen Sense
-Not good Sense of humor
-Anti Social
-Low Stamina: Run fast but not for a long time. (15 Seconds)
-lacks close combat abilities: he can hold his own against a force user/ultimate bounty hunter but not for forever and rather likes to stay back and shoot from afar
Cryil has an average build. He has pure black hair and blue eyes. He is 180 Pounds and 5'10.
Clothing: He wears Armour-Ani:, He wears glasses
Current: A cybernetic Arm has replaced his original right arm and he has lost his Left eye so he wears a bandage over it.
Cryil was abandoned on Coruscant and left to die by his parents when he was 2 years old. A bounty Hunter named Leon Adopted him and took him to his home on Axxila. Where he was raised by Leon"s Wife while Leon continued his work. When he was 6 Cryil's Adoptive Mother gave birth to Darant. Cryil took care of his new baby brother until he was 9 when Leon retired and returned home. For the next few years Cryil spent his free time studying and learning what he could about the galaxy. When he was 12 he saw his brother being attacked by some thugs from the window of the house. Cryil grabbed his father's Sniper Rifle that was on the wall and shot both of the attackers in the head from close to 300 meters away. Saving his younger brother, Leon seeing this decides to train Cryil in the art of bounty hunting. However unlike his cold brother Cryil couldn't stand killing people, so he continued with his studies. Leon accused Cryil of being too soft and is weak. Over the course of many years as Cryil watched his brother turn into a monster and he tries to ignore it focusing more on his studies. When he is 17 Leon trains him again in secret, This last for 3 years and Cryil soon becomes more skilled at long range sniping than Leon. At 20 Cryil gains access to the University of Coruscant, and leaves home. Leon Tells him to find Lynn also known as The Owl a expert Assassin who is a master at long ranged assassinations and ask him for training. Upon arriving at Coruscant he searches and eventually finds the Owl and gives him a letter signed by Leon. For the Next 7 years he is an apprentice to Lynn who trains him as well as brings him on missions. In these years of training Cryil Gets a degree in Xenology and Planets. During the day he was working as a student and at night he was working as the Blue-Eyed Owl alongside Lynn. When Cryil Turns 27 he finished training and was given the Codename: Von. However instead of leaving to go solo he stayed with Lynn until he died from a heart attack. Cryil took Lynn's name and became Cryil Lynn Code Named: Von and continued The Owl's Legacy for 3 years until recently leaving his job and his past behind.
Since Roleplaying (All major stuff) :
It had been close to a year since retiring he reunited with his brother Growl and after a failed/abandoned attempt to become Bounty Hunters They quickly parted ways and haven't seen eachother since. Cryil decided to hide out on tatione however after walking into a cantina and walking into a three way fight between a jedi padawan a sith apprentice and a republic soldier his path took a new direction. After helping The Jedi named Quinn and the soldier named Talon he decided to take the young jedi to Coruscant, home of the One Sith and his nightmares, to find her master who was hiding there. After a short romantic encounter on the trip to Coruscant they arrived on the planet. Once docked he ran into a old employer by the name of Vech Cee(NPC). The rodian wanted him to return to being an assassin. Cryil Quickly ended the conversation and he can Quinn continued their search arriving at a nice cafe. The sith apprentice attacked forcing Cryil into a melee fight which ended with the sith getting away but left Cryil with no right arm. During the fight he met a man named D'vok who had helped out during the fight. After returning to the ship they were attacked by the Bounty Hunter named Julian Solo who decided to fight a ship to ship battle which ended with The Eclair and The bounty hunter's ship the Helios both destroyed and Cryil critically wounded from both fights. About to be captured D'vok and Another bounty hunter joined the fight . After an epic showdown Cryil and Quinn were taken By Solo aboard his Prison ship. On the Prison ship Cryil was given life saving treatment and given a Cybernetic arm.
All Items were given from Lynn's will or bought
AP-22 "Charger"
Color: Black

Modified TMW-M1 "Lance" Sniper Rifle in Sling around shoulder
Vibro Knife in Sheath attached to back
MT-14 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Armour-Ani: Long Coat and Shirt: Color: Black

Gear(on Belt):
Power Cells x100
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.

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