Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Cry Me A River

She was going to try and walk now, and River felt a familiar fear grip her heart. It was a sensation she had hit her many years ago, back when she had children of her own. The first steps were always the most thrilling time for a parent, a clear show casing of the growth of the child, watching them begin to literally take their first steps into the world. Almost to immediately fall face first onto the ground. She missed simple times like that.

Stepping back, River gave the woman space, eager to see how Aloy put the new leg to use. "Well, just go slow, it's going to take some getting used to after all." It was all the advise she could really give, as she awaited to see how the woman would do. The clicking of the metal digits seemed to be a good sign, appearing that Aloy had gotten a grip on the floor, then she stood up, her body stable as she moved forward. River's smile was apparent as she watched, hands clutched in front of her as she was seeing progress at work. Then Aloy slipped, falling face first into the floor. River moved to her side, having tried to catch the woman before she fell, only to miss her by a few moments. Kneeling beside the Mandalorian, River took hold of Aloy's shoulders, in case the woman needed help getting back onto her feet, though she couldn't help but be concerned. "Are you okay?!? Is it hurting you?!?" She had heard of several incidents with cybernetics, the worst being the stimulation of pain nerves in an effect similar to phantom pains; she was hoping this might not be a similar situation occurring with Aloy.

This whole ordeal was bringing back her inner mother. Hopefully the woman didn't mind.

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla

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