Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crushed and Created

The little girl nodded, a bit of joy washing through her. The idea of not worrying about where her next meal would come from, was quite a relief. Every day until now, had been a fight for survival, just trying to get the basics that she needed.

"Okay," The girl spoke quietly. Even she knew, she'd not gotten enough food as it was, and it showed on her tiny frame. "I'd like that. It's a deal, Niamh." Her life was certainly changing for the better, that much was certain.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
Niamh nodded.

"Good. Now how about I tell you some more about myself, since I haven't yet."

She went about putting the rest of the fruit and food away. The supply she had with her was a bit limited, but she could get more from the ship later on if she wanted to. Or she could have someone bring them some. They were probably going to be there for quite some time in order for her to train Izzy.

"Or do you have questions you'd like to ask me?"

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
The kiddo smiled a little, listening, and watching as Niamh started to put the food away. "I don't have many questions." Spoken quietly, she just wasn't sure what to ask really. "How did you join the Jedi?" Izzy did wonder how Niamh was found, or came into being a Jedi. Just general curiosity from the little child.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
Niamh laughed at the question.

"That's a funny story."

Settling down, she drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. The smile that came after the laugh lingered on her lips as she spoke.

"I was a Lieutenant in the Republic Navy after I had an unfortunate accident and the Compact joined the Republic. Mostly I was a fighter pilot, but I also have a technology and ship construction company that produces goods and sells them to the good governments of the galaxy. You won't want for money when you're with me."

"Anyway, my friend Teria, who is also my protector, and I were visiting a Jedi world after being stationed there. I wandered into a class that Master Saki was holding and showed her students up, mostly because of my training in Echani Martial Arts. What I didn't know is that my fighting prowess is enhanced by my connection to the Force. I had no idea that I could touch it. Teria did, but she didn't tell me. Anyway, so while I was showing up Master Saki's class, and she kept trying to hit me with a giant hammer, she decided that she was going to train me, so she had me do all kinds of crazy things. I can even make myself fly over short distances if I want to."

[member="Izzy Aureth"]

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