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Approved Tech "Crocell"

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  • Intent: To create a suit for Ivory that would aid her in espionage, Recon based missions, as well as provide protection while out and about.
  • Image Source: Chao Dong - Artstation, Zano - DeviantArt
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances
    Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): High
  • Kinetic: Average
  • Lightsabers: Low
  • Sonic: Average
  • Mental Based Force: Average
  • Environmental Forces: High
  • Ion/EMP: Low





  • Four Season Sun Room: As a suit of armor that was specifically built for quite literally, any kind of operation that one may need an agent for, This suit allows for Ivory to work in just about any environment she decides to work in. Including Under water, and in the void of space as the suit is sealed, and has various filtration systems. With a max of a three hour oxygen supply to boot.
  • Human Swiss Army Knife: The suit was specified to the fabricator Shaun, that it needed to be able to hold everything she might need, and more. With a special belt on her hip to hold just her weapons, as well as a harness utility belt to hold magazines, flashlights, grenades, or whatever else she may need, as well as many of the tools, weapons and HUD features upon the armor, this suit allows Ivory to hold all she may need into battle, or on an op.
  • Zap-Zap: With so many electrical based systems in the suit, as well as the attempt to keep the entire set up down to a minimum, a lack of a faraday cage, or energy shielding that would otherwise prevent EMP and Ion weaponry from damaging, or completely shutting down the HUD features and electrical systems, means that even the typical ion grenade can easily disorient Ivory, or at worst, completely shut down her systems.
  • Tighter Than Your Own Skin: Tight, and form fitting to Ivory specifically, there is little room for much else. With such a very tight uniform, it prohibits thicker clothing, and even some underarmors or in general, clothing. The suit was designed to be worn on its own. While armor can be made after the fact to fit over the top of this suit, it cannot have anything under the armor itself.
  • THIS IS SPARTA!: As much as everyone enjoys a good full fledged battle, This armor was not built for that. While it offers very good overall protection from various sources, It does not bode well for the wearer in combat against weapons that are meant to break armors, or face multiple foes at once. Dancing in the Shade of bolt raining down on you, is no where near even a possibility, or even a thought one should have while wearing this armor.
Upon their first meeting, Ivory and "Auberon" didn't really get along at first. While it may have seemed that Shaun disliked the woman, it was infact just the opposite. He held a respect for the woman. While Shaun has been known for his Echani Heritage as well as being the Right Hand Executioner of Ahtemis, His respect was reserved for the idea that Ivory can simply enter a room, and demand the attention of everyone in it. Not everyone had the same strengths and abilities that he did. While Ivory may or may not have been gifted in the force, Her strength lay not in physical prowess, but subterfuge, and smooth words with a body to match.

It was after another meeting with Shaun, and the subsequent deal that they had struck, Shaun began to work on a set of armor for Ivory that would allow her to operate in whatever element she chose. Even using a Hologram device upon her belt will allow her to wear this armor, but look as though she were wearing normal clothes, dresses, or otherwise. It can even disguise her to look like someone else completely. Thus with her job as one of the Underbosses of the Family, she can literally become "Ahtemis" and propose the Donna's word upon those who are under her.

Furthermore, with very many additions to the belts, gloves, boots and even a removable helmet, The suit is a walking utility tool on its own. Secondary to its sealed function to operate in space, or underwater. This would become "the last suit she would ever wear."

The helmet is specially made to fit with this suit. It can be taken completely off, or be worn in one of three stages. Stage one is that of a visor helmet. The first stage will only provide about half of the available HUD systems and cannot link up to electrical devices and the like. Its open to allow Ivory to easily speak to others, or otherwise remove the helmet from her head. Secondary stage is half closed. The helmet back, top and sides have all been closed, but the visor itself is still left open. This gives her full functionality with the HUD features, and doesn't completely close to allow speaking, eating or otherwise with the helmet still on. The Third and final stage is fully closed. It is the only stage that is completely sealed with the armor to support underwater, or space fairing usage, and also directly hides her face should she wish to keep her identity a secret.

One of the Major weaknesses of the helmet is that should an EMP blast hit her, There is a chance that the helmet could be locked into place, or not have the ability to be removed from her head as the locks holding the mask in its position are operated electronically. While it is still very possible to remove the helmet from her head while in stage three, its very difficult to do so, as well as possibly damaging the systems within the HUD features as they may be attempting to sync back up.
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