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Cristina Kenehan Zeitlin

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Cristina Zeitlin

Lieutenant Cristina Kenehan Zeitlin
"I would let a thousand worlds burn if it meant preserving the Republic..."
..:: Biographical Information ::..

Name: Cristina Kenehan Zeitlin

Species: Human
Homeworld: Corellia

Age: 36
Gender: Female

Height: 1.82 Meters (6'0" Feet)
Weight: 72.12 Kilograms (159 lbs)

Eyes: Steely-Blue
Hair: Black with an Aqua streak
Skin: Alabaster

Force Sensitive: No

..:: Political Affiliations ::..

  • The Galactic Republic

  • Lieutenant

..:: General Information ::..


Steely blue hues pierce the waking realm, made all the more stunning by the application of dark cosmetics. A slender face of alabaster skin, and lips brought out with a dull tone. Much of what is worn in terms of cosmetics is simple, and nothing compared to those whom seem to cake it upon their face to change their appearance completely. She is a woman of refinement and simplicity, preferring the bare essentials rather than appearing as if she were some goddess.

Jet black hair is swept back, left loose to hang freely and cascade down over her shoulders and flowing towards her waist. Ever the desire to ensure her being as different and not another cog in a massive machine, a streak of blue marks the defiance that remains with in her. Matched with the simple looks is thus a simple style.

Harking back to her earlier days spent as a criminal, she is never seen in what one can call a proper uniform. While she supports the republic, she and her crew support a more rigid stance of individuality. Clothing is more a sign of comfort and individuality rather than conformity. Dark hues reflect the being that she is, whilst black and dark reds are regular for her sense of style and appearance. Belts and pouches are not worn for show, and are utilized for their useful purposes of carrying items of importance.


The ends justify the means, and for her they are words to live by. She holds no true allegiance to those other than her crew, knowing that she survives because they survive. While she supports the Republic, she has watched its decadence begin to decay and weaken it, though this has done nothing to weaken her own resolve in preserving the Republic. Rather it has galvanized her to seek a higher position to enact the change so that the Republic can stand as the beacon of hope and bastion of light that it had once been.

Thus she views that the enemies of the Republic must be treated as such, and has in such a way, taken upon what many would call the mentality of a Sith. She is willing to allow some worlds to burn that others may prosper and survive. Her mind is one that is set upon winning a war that begun with the Sith rising from the Darkness once more.

In order to win this war, she has resolved to fight the Sith as a Sith. For her there is no blurred line when it comes to action. The Sith must be destroyed by all means, and she will not hold back from her duty or her resolve in seeing the One Sith Empire fall.

..:: Proficiencies ::..

  • A force of nature that is to be reckoned with, her personality is such that she galvanizes those around her to even higher greatness. Her ability to muster such loyalty in those that serve at her side is a sign of her own ability to lead. She does not demand that others do what must be done, she demands that others do what she has already done. She is not an officer that leads from the back or through command, she is an officer that leads by her example and doing.

  • A life of criminal activity before a life of service brought her into contact and often conflict with many species across the galaxy. Thus she has seemed to pick up an ear and tongue for languages. She is a polyglot, a linguist of sorts that has taught herself to speak languages through listening and repeating.

  • Conflict is the normal when it comes to criminal activity, and those skills she learned during that time have carried over. Thus her skill with a blaster is paramount, and her ability to see the developments that others miss has aided her in surviving. She is a being of war forged in the fires of conflict and chaos.

..:: Short Comings ::..

  • Insubordinate attitude and a sharp tongue that lashes out at her superiors has often landed her in trouble on multiple occasions. It is a surprise that she has not been drummed out, or otherwise executed for her actions, or her individuality; rather the demand that it remain and non conforming to standards. Yet, while her mouth often reacts before her mind, she has in more recent years managed to hold her tongue from time to time.

  • The ends justify the means, a dangerous sentiment to hold. Thus it is clear that as the war with the Sith continues she has found herself to be slowly slipping down a dangerous slope when it comes to what is acceptable and what is not. She has no qualms of allowing a world to burn, or to even voice the opinion of such in order to save a more vital world.

..:: Service Record ::..

A young woman born on Corellia before its sundering or its being held in the hands of the Sith. Her mother was nothing more than a woman of ill repute, plying her wares at the nearest naval station. Her father a well to do officer on the fast track to success and with a promising fiance and future. All this lead to the simple fact of her mother being paid off and a little girl being abandoned at the nearest opportunity.

Thus there were those in the underworld that would take on a child and raise her to their own ends. This is how her life began. An unwanted child that could have ruined a naval officers career and family life. In her own time she would grow to become an enforcer, and a brutally efficient one at that in a low level gang that sought greater aspirations that would lead to their down fall.

She was smart enough to see the signs, and before the first grenade went off and the first blasters fired, she was gone. Already finding her way into the employ of another whom would further her training and capabilities. This was her life, moving from gang to gang as soon as it was clear that one was about to fall. In time it earned her a bit of scorn, and soon gangs began to circle the rumor that she was an informant or undercover agent as it seemed that when ever she joined a gang, they would soon fall.

This cut off much of her ability to find work, and lead to the near death experience that almost lead to her bleeding out in a back alley. She was lucky enough that someone happened to come along and gave a damn enough to help her. Oddly enough it was a Judge, whom in her own words, on that night changed her life and guided her into becoming something useful.

The moment that she was healthy enough to stand on her own without aid was the day that she joined the Republic Naval Academy. That rest as they say is history. During her times she showed promise, and with a helpful hand from a certain judge, she was fast tracked for Officer training.

Now she leads her vessel as a bulwark against the Sith, putting her life and the life of her crew on the line to preserve the Republic.

Cristina Zeitlin

..:: Vessel Command ::..
Jabiim class Corvette - New Hope

..:: Personal Affects ::..

Cristina Zeitlin

..:: Thread Tracker ::..

..:: Galactic Republic Threads ::..

  • A Lieutenant's View - Incomplete / Stalled - Public - The Prime Minster has addressed the Republic, and along with has been given an order, the immediate execution of all members of the Sith Order on sight by any member of the Republic Armed Forces. As her crew enjoys their shore leave, the Lieutenant does not partake and readies her mind for deployment and war.

..:: Personal Development Threads ::..

..:: New Hope Vessel / Crew Threads ::..

..:: Dominions and Skirmishes ::..

  • Destination: New Holstice - Incomplete / Stalled - Lieutenant Zeitlin, on a routine patrol finds that there is something preventing a direct jump to New Holstice. Forced to jump to the edge of the system, she and the crew of the New Hope find a terrifying sight. A fleet out numbering them is preparing to invade the Hospital world. Yet, what can a lone Corvette do against such odds?

..:: Miscellaneous Threads ::..

  • Shadow over Telti - Incomplete / Stalled - A Sith Fleet massing at a world on the border of Sith / Republic Space. A lone Corvette on one side watching and waiting. What will come of the mass of vessels, and can the New Hope survive?

Cristina Zeitlin

..:: Service Commendations / Awards ::..

..:: Titles ::..

Cristina Zeitlin

..:: Personal Relationships ::..

Cristina Zeitlin

..:: Bounties Collected ::..

..:: Kills ::..

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