Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Criminal Sponsorship


Do you have a criminal gang?

Do you want to make some waves in the underworld?

Then you've come to the right thread.

The Bareesh Kajidic is offering sponsorship to any gang that requests it. The gang will have access to Kajidic resources, including Bareesh blackmarket warehouses, military training at one of the Kajidic camps, room and board at any pleasure palace, and protection should any other gang or nation attempt to meddle with your affairs.

In return the Kajidic asks for only 5% of your gang's yearly revenue, payable monthly or in a lump sum, and the loyalty of the gang should the Kajdic need you in a turf war.

Gangs Sponsored by Bareesh:
Pravv's Dungeon of Despair - [member="She Zriknot"]

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