Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crime Lady hosts a party

Yes, you heard right. Inferno is holding a party. Unlike my sickening half-brother's, however, mine will be MUCH more... "Mature". I will invite the infamy of the Galaxy, so long as you sign up below.
Another fire lady?

Why is it that always when I leave more people pop up with fire?

Nonetheless, if you would like little ol me, I would be happy to join you miss.
[member="Vincent Imura"]
Oooo, and Imura! There's no chance that I'd miss meeting one of you!

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
Excellent. :)

[member="Sayl Bane"]
You and your brother may attend, as can Cryax. HOWEVER: If I even smell Baelfire inside my home, I won't hesitate to make a spectacle. :p

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