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Crat Moln Exploration Consultants

Corporation Name: Crat Moln Exploration Consultants

Headquarters: Yag'Dhul

Locations: Only it's headquarters, though it can set up bases of operations in systems being explored.

Operations: Provides services in prospecting, hyperspace exploration and strategic analysis. The head office is on Yag'Dhul, where a team of analysts and finance managers plan expeditions as well as provide strategic analysis services. It has multiple exploration ships dedicated to hyperspace exploration, though it has been recently expanding into prospecting. The company was founded about a year before IC roleplaying and mostly consists of Crat Moln, several geologists and astrogators, an accounting team and an analyst who offers her tips. Dat Moln is the only shareholder, though he is soon going to have an initial public offering of stock as well as contract a loan from the IGBC.

Rationale: The company started under Dat Moln, though was limited to being an exploration and reconaissance contractor. It was acquired by Crat Moln after the death of the elder Moln. Realizing that solely working in exploration wouldn't maximize his profit, Crat recruited several geologists to train him and work beside him in prospecting operation. The money he acquired after the death of several family members (who bequeathed their assets to him because they believed in him) led him to expand the company into prospecting, as he deemed this to be more profitable than simply scouting hyperspace lanes. The IC reasoning behind the company is mostly to enrich Crat Moln, though since he's been having his prophetic force dreams (similar to how Anakin Skywalker was dreaming in Revenge of the Sith, though it involves him creating something of sorts), it's becoming his personal surveying tool as he attempts to search for the source of his paranoia. It will eventually expand into archaeology as Moln continues his quest in the force.

Tier: 1

Description: Crat Moln Exploration Consulting is a corporation based off the Givin homeworld of Yag'Dhul that provides services in hyperspace exploration, mineral prospecting as well as strategic analysis for corporations and governmental entities. It's founding name partner is Crat Moln, a former explorer and intelligence analyst. It is currently expanding its operation to include exploration ships as well as liaising with multiple people for business. The company itself what founded a year prior to the beginning of roleplaying, and merged with Tek Hua Prospecting in that time frame. It also acquired several low priced ships after a trading company went bankrupt, which it repurposed for exploration work,

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None
Factory Judge
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Factory Judge
[member="Crat Moln"], The company is very simple, but I would like to see some more rational into how you acquired this company. Sure you can borrow the credits from family and what not, but why? What IC reasoning do you have for making this company? One previously owned by someone who no longer wanted it? Was it family owned from the getgo, and you are now making your Galactic debut?

As well, can you explain in your description about what else your company can do other than what is listed in the operations? Is there a history to the company? I really would just like to see more overall in this submission.

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