Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Crain Kan’baro

Crain Kan’baro


Crain Kan’baro.

None as of the moment.

Ex-Jedi Knight.





162 Lb


Dirty blonde



Piloting skills, he was self-taught and was one of the first things he learned to be somewhat proficient at before being discovered as force sensitive.
Saber combat, his former Master Sha'ban Krraz taught him a good amount, training and experience make up the rest.
Force in-tunememt , from a young age he was always exceptionally strong with the force though until his master found him its power idled.

A good blaster: Because of how strong with the force Crain is he has some resulting trouble when it comes to firing blasters, for some unknown reason he can fire perfect shots at anything within 25 yards, but past that distance he couldn’t hit a Wampa Standing still

Social skills, Growing up a poor orphan left Crain mostly alone spending his time learning to fix and race swoop bikes and ships for extra credits, in turn, he ended up being better at talking to machines than other life forms.
Impulsiveness and anger, Since he was rather old when he was found by the order he held onto the emotions most Jedi deem unnecessary.
Untrusting. in the Wake of the aftermath with his master's fate and the way the council treated him after the fact as lead Crain to not trusting anyone further than he could throw them.

Under his clothing Crain is toned but not too brawny, His favorite outfit tends to be the lower half of a black Flight suit leaving the straps up to support his equipment weigh, on top he wears a grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows adding a jacket from time to time depending on the temperatures or if he needs to hide his weapons and a leather glove on his dueling(right) hand. Crain has shaggy dirty blonde hair down to the back of his neck and his stubble is grown out a bit he keeps his green bladed lightsaber on his right Strap and a blaster hangs from the left strap of the flight suit depending on whether or not the straps are up the weapon hang on by his legs or on his chest.

BIOGRAPHY: Crain was born (as far as he knows) on Questal, he never knew his birth parents and grew up working for a Zabrak parts trader in Gralleenya, the Zabrak who raised him was also his legal adoptive father, he found Crain as an infant abandoned on the outskirts of the city by the time he was five he was putting swoop bike parts together, by seven he could run one around the block and back at record time it was also around then when he first developed signs of force sensitivity when he got mad at a part he couldn’t make stick right and sent a speeder across the garage, his adoptive father told him to hide if from everyone and that’s just what Crain did. When he was 12 he started putting ships back together and was also secretly teaching himself how to fly. When he was fifteen this all changed a group of Gamoreans stormed into their shop demanding parts left and right when his father refused credits they offered him for the parts they wanted he was shot dead.

Crain checked his vitals but he was gone people were crowding around the parts store after hearing the blaster discharge, Crain's anger swelled up as he reached out picking one of the gamorreans up with the force throwing him back into a wall, he picked another up and squeezed as a snap echoed through the shop picking the last one up Crain threw the gamorrean through the window and followed him into the street, as the boy approached he suddenly found himself unable to move further as a Female Togruta had her hand reached out dressing him where he stood, she introduced herself as Jedi master Sha’an Krraz checking his midichlorians she was amazed they were almost as high as some members of the council, she explained what he did and that she could help him control it, she took him to the council where despite his age and actions they accepted him to the order three years passed as he trains under Master Sha’an and at 18 completed the trails. Several years passed as they did assignments for the council as he developed his skills further taking on form IV Ataru, and modifying it to his own likes though he never got his emotions in check. Crain is now twenty and as they’re on a diplomatic mission he gets into an argument with a guard who threated to take his lightsaber the argument heated and blaster bolts start flying before he could realize it his master caught a stray blaster bolt in the back. Enraged he lifted the few remaining guards in the vicinity closing their airways till they suffocated once they were dead he held his master as she scolded him in her last moments before succumbing to the injury, she was gone. Sha’an was the closest thing he knew to a mother, as he took her back to the temple to report to council they scolded him and belittled his Master after she passed calling her ignorant for believing she could train Crain and that her death was his fault.

Crain left his master to be laid to rest as he left the temple he hijacked a small transport taking it back to Questal he found his old belongings and burned his Jedi robes he used the parts at the store and fixed his father old ship up giving the order the notice he was leaving. For the next three years until he is 23 he lives on Nar Shaddaa fixing ships and taking the odd jobs to make cash while lying low from the Silver Jedi and the Sith he abandoned form IV and Crain adopted form VII Juyo to better suit his personality and preferences. While staying on Nar Shaddaa he was discovered by what he thought was a Sith Inquisitor. The battle was long and it destroyed his swoop shop but Crain claimed victory over the Inquisitor, drawing too much attention from the black sun he decided to set out to find new horizons.

EQUIPMENT: Crain caries a K-16 Bryar modified for as a heavy blaster that is holstered on his left flight suit strap, his lightsaber hilt is made out of several different materials the emitter, switch, pommel and D-ring are all made of cerakote while the entire sleeve is comprised of Creshik Wood the blade of the saber is green. The hilt measures in total 10.569" in length and 1.937' in diameter, the blade is approximately 34" long and 1.035" in diameter Crain keeps the lightsaber on the right shoulder strap of his flight suit.

Slate Runner. The Slate Runner Is a heavily modified dropship Crain doesn’t even know the original model but he assumes the original design was a light freighter possibly a YT-2000 Light Freighter or a VCX-100 light freighter as The Slate Runner itself looks like a smaller cross between the two. The exterior of the design is diamond-shaped from the cockpit to the exit ramp at the rear of the ship. Just behind the cockpit glass the ship is accompanied by four dual laser cannons two one set on the port the other on starboard, accompanied by a rear gimballed quad laser emplacement that sits on the bottom of the ship and can be operated by another life form. The cockpit sits the driver and two co-pilots seats parallel to each other then a blast door opens to a single hall leading straight back to the cargo area and loading ramp with six different doors running down three on each side the door immediately to the left is a kitchen area, to the immediate right of the cockpit exit a door opens to a corridor with five more closet size doors four of which are separated personal bunks for the crew and behind the last door a refresher at the end of the corridor, past the first two doors on the right sits the hyperdrive and engine room, to the left is a common room with a couch and a holo table for various uses, past that a floor hatch sits in the middle of the main corridor with a Panel that drops down to the rear quad turret and to the left of the hatch is a crafting bench and armory and to the right is the airlock for docking and boarding, just past that the main corridor opens to the cargo room and the exit ramp, to the left of the corridor exit is a ladder that leads to a crawl space aboves the ships main deck the space is just large enough to hide contraband if it's small enough and smuggle other life forms need be.

KILLS: 0 so far


ROLE-PLAYS: 0 so far
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