Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Countdown to Space Oddity

Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was then in between bites of the food offer and conversing with her that he then slowly slip one hand down onto the table. As with what bit clarity,
his mind slowly regain that spoke.

" Indeed that we would be out of luck if they happen to get misplaced....."

He then take one side glance at the odd droid slowly creeping close to him which silently to himself he thought a bit uneasy about. But then again having her sit close sort eased his mind and instead shifted on feeling a bit embarrassed. At the state, he was in before her which was far from what he was accustomed to. So instead with a faint nod and smile, he did his best to reassure her that he both understood as well trusted her, and appreciate what she did for him so far. As with a couple of days, she'd mention while he healed would hopefully give him time to think thru their next move. And in turn when asked he replied to her latter question.

"Well, I might have sort might as looking back have a few ..... as prior to me leaving heard of rumors about talks there being some odd going on. Something with the transitional camps deal with refugees and of agents that were aid with the efforts. Either drop from the set network ..or worse end up on the other side back the oppose side in the community I've been slated takeover from my sister. ."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Knowing Andy did not have any weapons on him, she did not really react when he placed his hand on the table. In fact, the medical droid took this as a sign to get to work. The spider-looking droid attempted to scamper up his arm and clung to his shoulder while it looked at the wound on his side.

With a few snips, sprays, and swipes, it was cleaned and patched up again. Aren leaned back to check out the work Sam had done. She listened to what her guest had to say and nodded.

"Do you need to get in contact with anybody to assure that you are safe?"

Placing her arms across her body, she put a hand under her chin in thought. Being far more familiar with droids, she really was pretty blind to working with humans and organics. If there was anything Andy needed, he would have to tell her. One thing she did do was listen to what he had to say. It wasn't like she could pry into his mind easily...though if it came to that, she could. That was one of the first skills she had learned under her now dead Master.

"My ship can't take many passengers so I hope you don't expect that. It can communicate through and send messages on secure channels. No need to worry too much about being found out."

There was a confident tone to her voice and one she hoped Andy would hear. However, it was also friendly and nothing that had a strong ego. The woman knew her worth and that was what she carried in this conversation.

"Is there a special need you might have? I can do my best to get it for you."

Hopefully, this didn't sound as lame to him as it did to her.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was at that time Andy did his best to stay still and not impede the droid's work on his arm. Try to be as accommodating and truthful in telling her as much as he could knowing by then. There was no shielding or holding back the tide danger both they were in as in the back of his mind. There was no denying the fact as much as he wish not to of how precariously stated their house as much his own life was. Hang in the balance that there was no turn back now as he let out a faint sight.

" Yes but given the state of things and the losses back there...I don't want to risk things just yet. There is too much at stake and on the line than I've anticipated. And I guess as my sister would say... as fierce as one would think Gundark are they too have weak spots."

And with that Andy leans back a bit as he took as much made time to weigh his option or next move carefully. For if nothing less between the two twin siblings Andy felt himself not quite the Leady that his sister was. Having been foolish as much shelter most of his life and not really caring much step up or learn till recently. When the mantle or running their House fell upon them on top the constant loom war on the horizon. It slowly became apparent to him that the waters had become much muddier as the looming possibility of the rumor being true. That there was either a mole or traitor in their midst wherein every move he'd made so far. Appear been anticipated as many he then turns to face her next.

"Don't worry I don't expect as much believe there be any other passengers than myself for now. And I rather not for the time being make or send any message out. Rather I would like to see about listening to what chatter might come out of this. See if they come to believe me dead or alive? And if any outfits might lay claim to the deed...."

Which time seem to convey as much in tone as was in gesture her sentiment of being friendly as much confidence in her voice. Andy tried to do the same reply.

"Nothing for now I guess...just that perhaps can help me decipher the content from the droid memory banks? See how much the contents would be intact given...not that doubt you or your work but. It was quite an old model...made way before even my father's time and be quite honest. I myself don't know what or if it was even."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Once Sam finished, he scuttled away and climbed back into his wall hanging. Some people carried purse pets...Aren carried a nurse droid instead. It was probably better for her health anyway. Listening to what answer was given to her, she nodded. No contact out yet but want to keep an ear out to learn any new information. With silent communication, she requested EL to turn the radio on and scan the local frequencies for information.

"If there is anything about you out there, we'll learn about it quickly. Do you have other family members?"

The two of them were going to be stuck in this location for a few days. So it made sense to Aren they get to know each other a little bit more.

"My parents still live on Zakuul and I have no other family. Just a few friends I have since lost contact with. So nobody really close to me anymore. These droids are as much as I have. Only one was made by me. That would be EL."

Motioning over her shoulder, she indicated that was a protocol droid. Nodding when he suggested they get the information off the droid chip. Holding out a hand, he should still have it in his pocket.

"Let me see what I can do here. It's certainly not like my workshop but getting into this should be simple. C'mon."

Provided he handed her the chip, she would take him into her cabin and motioned he should find a seat. Even if it was her bunk. Moving a chair away from the wall, she lowered a table out and set the chip on it. Reaching under the nightstand, she took out a bag that held her tools. Without turning to look behind her, she pulled out a droid brain from a hidden area and put the chip in it. After a few minutes of tinkering with it, an image appeared in front of them.

"Do you want me to leave the room while you watch this?"

Setting what looked like a screwdriver down on the table, she waited to hear his answer.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was then sitting across from her Andy did his best to compose himself despite still feeling a bit sore and in some pain. As the thought raced thru his mind the events of the past few seasons. Along with how utterly messed up and in trouble he was at which time she seemed to speak. Her tone is neutral as much seems treasured as she relays her following course action along with the light-hearted questions. Which given how the two would seem to have been stuck in each other company. He nod before slowly began responded to her soon after.

"I see ..that would be quite appreciated. And I guess in a sense no not really...don't have much of a family left. As wars along with time had left us with barely any relatives left. As with my parent passing not too long ago it had just been me and my twin sister alongside his ailing husband.."

He paused and just felt slight sadness wash over him which he did best push aside as the two continued to converse a bit. Where she in turn began to talk of her own family and Andy listen. And that upon his request in asking her to help decipher what bit of intel had been stored within the chip they retrieved. That the two then moved over to the side room where her workshop was and Andy slowly handed the chip. He retrieved it from his pocket that was handed to her. TInkering and using her skill in patch chip thru and seem pause as felt unsure herself as he was. Of what they would find and implications it may bring...yet nod and reassure her Andy spoke.

"No it's fine if wish to stay...and find out with me exactly what it is ...or if it was truly worth all that was lost back there."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
When Andy mentioned he had a twin sister, she smiled slightly but kept quiet. There really wasn't much she could think of to say to what he did. Especially concerning an ailing husband. She assumed he meant brother-in-law and she silently wondered if they were at all close.

"I'm sorry to learn your parents have died. While I don't keep in touch with mine very well, I hate the thought of them not being there."

Around the time she had been caught hacking into the Jedi Temple's computer system, she had lost track of her parents. Perhaps after this rescue mission, she would contact them. Mentally shrugging, she decided to focus on the current situation. The opportunity would come up or not.

Piecing the disk together with droid brain didn't take long and Aren paused until given permission to watch the recording with him. The screwdriver remained on the table and she reached around behind the head to have the recording continue.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was at that time with the mention of his parent that he gave a slight sad sigh.

"I appreciate that and in a way so do I feel sorry.... as was never was the kind of son to them that I should be. And when I did try seem been too late as such I would as friendly advice or wish that. You do not waste any opportunity you might have with them..."

He then cut things short as Andy didn't come across as too intrusive or unappreciative of her or her assistance in any way. So instead turn his attention toward the task at hand. Andy watch as she appeared to be going about her work on hooking up the droid head to a power source. Pausing only briefly to seem to gain his permission to proceed he did with a slight nod. And before long it soon came to life and fidgeted a bit as it calibrated its speech. Before turning its ocular sensor zero on Andy's face. As it locks its sensor to do an ocular scan confirms his identity before thru a series of quick diagnostic runs. Granted them access to its main archives that perhaps due to a slight integration issue was a bit fidgety. Projecting data information and transactional ledger that span quite a few generations of Teraan House. Including some which appear to show a few questionable entries that one could argue or assume could be tied. Some of the trouble or heat they encounter .....

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
While only a day had passed since they had met, it almost felt like a lifetime ago. Aren finished repairing the droid head and hooking it up and then left Andy to look things over. The next week went by quickly, and his wounds got better each day. Eventually, Aren knew they would have to move, and he would need to be returned to his life. In a way, Aren would be sad to part ways with him. Then again, one never knew if they might meet again.

Listening to the various news channels, she knew much of the heat they had picked up had toned down. They would not be returning to where she had rescued him but to any other location he picked.

"Wake up, sleepy head. It's time to get back to the real world. Your vacation is over, Andy."

When he decided on a planet, she set the course. Watching the space around them fade to blue, their time together ended far too soon. She had the funny feeling they would meet again, though, and looked forward to that day.

Bringing her ship out of hyperspace, she let him know they had arrived. Landing where he told her to, she watched as he left her ship.

"Good luck, Andy."

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was if anything, odd as much uncomfortable uneasy period for Andy to be in but not in the sort of way most might expect. For the most part, Aren for thought bound by a contract had been more than generous as much accommodate to his situation. Thought for his part he had not to certain point view ... disclosed as much information he deems necessary. Andulf no less felt a bit shaken as much disheartened with the turn of events that he found trusting a somewhat hard proposition. Kept much to himself in the coming days as focused on getting himself healed while planning his next move. Diverting as much as subverting much of the normal protocols he'd been taught as much known.

As if any of the initial information he'd been able to get off the old droid could be verified. There was possibly no way for him to get things back to what they used to be. Given much he could pick out from the snippet of new reports coming about their House... things were not looking good. As with his twins passing and his sickly brother-in-law Assuming temporary regency set into play. While the investigation concluded...Andy was a bit unsure what or how long he had before. But then as seems to come a welcome distraction to his dilemma Aren came to wake him out of his brief slumber.

" I guess so.... duty awaits and it's time for me to hold up my end of things."

By this time they then formulated the next phase of things which was the drop-off. Where he then made a slight change in the initial plan of heading to a more neutral planet of his choosing. He was thankful that Aren seemed not to say much off and once there before head off handed her the cred chips with the agreed amount and a bit extra. Before heading off onto the spaceport on Concord Dawn and disappearing to intact his which parts him hopes reluctantly. To someday cross paths with her ...

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade

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