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Private Countdown to Space Oddity

Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
And so it was that despite his better judgment unable to just stand aside do nothing while seeming a whole galaxy was as odd with itself. That reluctantly with some side uneasiness that Andulf had all but yet again picked up the mantel of reactivating some of his past networks in private confidence. As he tried his earnest do some good while keeping his anonymity regarding such activity in check. When out of the blue bit news or much less gossip scandal reach him about something caught his attention. One such that he couldn't simply shake off was that he had to go check out.

Which unfortunately ended him in a bit hot mess that as much he hated the thought had gotten him trapped in some off-world local. Where was faced with no choice but to lay low and send out a non-descript contract or case to try to get some way to get him out of the predicament he found himself in.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Work had been slow for the slicer recently and no matter how often she looked, there just wasn't anything out there for her. Then one night, she got a message from an unexpected source. The CryptNet. Blinking her eyes a few times and rub the sleep out of them, she read over the message a few times before smiling.

A job had finally practically landed in her lap and it was probably going to be a sinch to complete this one. Some noble had evidently gotten himself into some sort of trouble and reached out to the best people possible. Aren was just the one lucky enough to pick it up first.

Sending the man a quick reply, she requested his location and gathered up a few things she would be needing. Her droids would be coming as well since she was positive she would have use for them. Taking off in her ship, it was certainly going to be large enough to carry all of them plus Andulf away from where he was in hiding.

Going back to sleep after setting the coordinates, she woke up when the alarm started blaring that arrival was imminent. Landing the ship, she had her companions wait and have it ready for liftoff when they returned.

"I have arrived on your world. Where are you located? I'm coming to you unless you want to meet somewhere."

Ending the message, all Aren needed to do was wait for an answer.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was then that despite some initial hesitation having to tap into his old life. But time seem of the essence that he'd had to. So tap into the net and post a work order. Make sure that he put just enough info to target. Not only the most seriously taker but the top tier seeing this was no time waste with amateur. Given what was at stake.

And soon enough he didn't have long to wait. As the post been answered and on the other end kept things brief request pick up point. Which he oblige by giving just planet coordinate and adding before end the call. That he'd rather send rest once was there.


The message is came to the private burner com he'd given. With him replying....mid walk down back.

".....better we meet talk directly first. Will be at a local haunt called the 'afterburner' room ....296."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
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Deciding to keep things quiet, all Andulf would know was that she got his message. Since Aren had landed her ship in the spaceport, she hoped this Afterburner wasn't too far from it. Closing her eyes for a moment, she got the address from the holonet and opened them again. Leaving the spaceport, she headed in the direction she was supposed to go.

Reading the street signs as she passed, she found an ally next to where she needed to go and decided to try that route. Better to stay hidden if possible and not draw any unwanted attention to her activities. Of course, if she really needed to, she could easily erase any video footage caught of her. Not entirely wanting to do that though, she opted for a secret way in without cameras.

Unfortunately for Aren, there wasn't some secret door into the back and she had no choice but to go through the front. Before doing that, she reached out with the Force to feel for any tech she could slice into and make sure she wasn't seen. Making quick work of the security cameras, she slipped in and quickly found the elevator up to the sixth floor.

Knocking at the door of room 296, she waited for it to open for her.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
He knew it sort was a bad choice fibbing on the room number at the last second. But then again tough choices had be made and luckly he'd made backup plan B. Just in case things were compromised any more that he'd initially anticipated.

And so upon his behest he'd gotten some freelancer help on the scheme. Place him in a separate room below his. Where seem he did not long to wait as a knock came the door. 6o which he'd call out a preplan tell for each know. As his associate hid well to the side while he with a blaster in hand play his part in the scheme. Wait his chance on response....blaster on the ready.

" what yah want....if it ain't spice yer peddling move along to corellian hyperlane..."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
She thought she was knocking on the correct door when a gruff voice came out of it asking what she wanted and that if she wasn't feeling spice to move along. Reaching out with the Force, she attempted to touch the person inside to find out if he had any cybernetics or electronics on his body. Finding only a comms device, she decided this was not the man she was looking for.

"So sorry. I'll be leaving."

Having the feeling, she shouldn't take the elevator again, Aren went to find the stairs leading down. If she had the wrong room, there was the chance her real contact might be waiting for her elsewhere. Keeping things on the low, she would not contact Andulf unless he did so first.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was then all that time Andulf with the help of the unsuspecting hired hand he'd paid off for the day. Playthings off as best they could while on the side employ some trickery of his own. And having confirm it was not someone he'd recognized. Along with the fact it was a she and seemed to work on her own. That sort put his mind at ease.

To which end seeing her go Andy then paid the hired hand his price of a few death sticks. Before sneaking off to tail the lady who'd come knock at the door. Wait on the opportune moment when she'd be in the clear before sending another message to confirm an actual meet point.

Which was a non-descrip safe house he'd set up once before. Where the two could get down to the business of finding a way to get him out. Without any of his old deviant associates, he assumes be behind this little snafu being the wiser.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
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She was standing in the stairwell when her coms device went off. It seemed to bed a text message only and it gave her a new address to find her contact at. Reaching out with the Force, she tested the connection and followed it to where it led AND where the message came from.

Finding the two places matched up, she sent a reply indicating she would be there directly. By the time she got back outside, it had started raining. Growling under her breath, she pulled her hood up to cover her head and walked across the street to find this new address.

This wasn't the first time she had been rained on and it wouldn't be the last but it still didn't exactly please Aren. She had hoped it didn't start to lightning and thunder...having been struck by it, she did not want to go through that again.

Walking for a short distance, she found the safehouse and knocked once again on the door.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was then thought it was not quite as stealthy smooth as he'd wish I'd gone but Andy did make it out one window. To hop off few ledges then made it out towards a ledge that overlooks the one possible exit he assumed she'd take. When just then his second rendezvous location message was answered giving him barely enough time to catch sight of a figure exit. Just as the rain slowly started to fall, drenching him a bit that barely had time, the hooded figure moved off just as he pulled his coat close around him. Before dropping off a few more ledges toward the back alley, he made his way to the appointed safe house. Which for all intention purpose was no more than an old scrap yard just shy off the docks which a couple of storage shed.

Of which one then he'd set the meet at had old pipe access he'd found could easily slip in and out of the place which used. And once inside still slightly drench as much sweat a bit from all the backtrack he'd had done. To try to cover his tracks that he then upon hearing the knock proceed to cautiously approach the door but was stopped midway when he felt a hand tap him from behind. Just as Andy had just barely unlocked the door that he felt that same hand cloak in a heavy coat with barely their eyes show under the hood met his. At which time with a slight nod he then slowly peek out the door to see who it was that knocked.

Thought unbeknownst to both that from across the field another set of eyes were watching and waiting patiently for things to go down. With quiet anticipation as it passingly glances over to a com on the side. That shows Andy's face and bit intel along with a seem hefty price underneath.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
The feeling she was being watched or followed haunted Aren as she walked to the second agreed-on meeting place. Nothing and nobody jumped out at her and she reached the safe haven just fine. Of course, she had company behind her but they didn't approach or try to stop her. Who they were, she did not know and she did not even actually know they were for sure. It was just her intuition or the Force that spoke to her. Either way, she arrived in one piece.

Just a moment or two after knocking on the door, it cracked open to reveal a set of human-looking eyes.

"A name was never provided in any of the messages. I assume that's because you wish to remain unknown and hidden. I'm Aren and can help you."

Not pushing her way into the dry room waiting on the other side, the young woman continued to stand in the rain.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It seems didn't take long but with minor prompting from the old PROXY droid, he'd somehow pieced together and had kept in this safe house. That he took a moment to pause to then rethink his plan. Pick up one of the cloaks hung by the door which he threw over himself before opening the door and came face to face or more like eye to eye with the stranger standing there. Now somewhat drench herself that he listen to her speak while glancing around to make sure the coast was clear. Before ushering her in and only turning to face her once safely inside while PROXY still missing one leg and strapped to a hoverchair approach one called Aren. His Holo Decoy program barely kicked in just before she entered and began to address her.

" Indeed as it's of the utmost importance that my presence as much anonymity is kept for now...Aren as we do need your assistance in departing from here and returning to a more favorable neutral territory. But suffice to know my associate and I need warn the Ambassador of ...danger."

PROXY then pauses just as Andy turns to tap him on the shoulder.

"....which if I dare say rather not talk much for now, And you need not worry if you're willing to take the contract.....Aren can provide half now and the rest once we reach the pickup point out of here."

At which time from across the pair of eyes watching the proceeding then lower his rifle for a bit having faint beep from his com. As partial credit was then confirmed having been deposited to his account... mark the start of the long con ahead.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
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Stepping in as soon as the cloaked figure allowed her to, Aren was not at all fooled by the HRD taking on the physical looks of her contact. She did have to admit, it was a decent fabrication and she listened to what the droid had to say. When it finished and had stopped talking, she raised a hand and the illusion disappeared. Turning her attention to the organic with her, she gave him a bit of a flat look.

"I assume that's what you look like under the cloak since your voices were almost the same. Only somebody that knows a lot about droids would be able to spot the decoy so quickly."

Her hands were relaxed as her side again and were open against her hips.

"Your identity isn't even known by me so there won't be any issues with me keeping it secret. Who's the Ambassador you need to warn?"

Assuming this was not the world in question, she waited for an answer before continuing.

"If you need him to be reactivated and act as some sort of decoy, that can be done."

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was then that no sooner had the door closed and he'd felt the room secure enough that things shifted. Wherein with a raised hand PROXY program seem been disrupted well enough that faded to reveal his true form. Which cause Andy a bit of a concern given how the turn of events thus far since coming to this planet had been less than favorable. But then again hearing the late Count...his father's words ring in his ears he no sooner regains his composure. Enough that he barely flinched as his gaze met her while she spoke to address him personally. Before eventually thought tempted to lower his cloak hood to face her head on opted to instead do it halfway as he replied.

" I guess you've proven yourself quite well more than what I've expected when the contract was placed. At any rate, I do hope you'll understand there is much at stake here as well I myself don't know about the current state or situation...since I've lost communication after being stuck here,"

It was then with a pause as he did his earnest to try to reassess things on his own before continuing. Which sense was something he'd been prepared as much expected know to be privy about on but never seem in the past had to do up till now? Having grown up in a somewhat shelter life and not having to deal with the weight of responsibility. As he turns his gaze to meet her flat stare, standing there looking somewhat unimpressed as dismissive of him. Which he in turn thought odd as his mind raced to remember fine detail the initial contract was in its entirety given that thought. He was there when it was sent the entirety of the fine details of it he'd delegated to PROXY take care of. Which give the state Aren had put PROXY into with but a hand gesture told him that perhaps he was dealing with someone that "regular" he'd occasionally had in the past. And soon enough she adds confirm he'd at least had the presence remember to keep his anonymity for now that he'd reply.

"...Well to be honest dare not say know exactly given I've been stuck here for quite some time and most if not all the contact had with Alderaan. Had been either compromised or silent permanently. This is why I had taken a more unconventional route as I am at a loss how far this situation had gotten out of hand. But have gathered to salvage what came here for and need to get the embassy for analysis get the bottom of..."

By then just outside across from where they were meeting a lone figure....the bounty hunter was then thumbed thru his com, Just as he'd confirmed and secured the initial payment for the bounty he'd been tasked to. And then began to read thru the intel sent by his employer about his bounty......and the item he was tasked to retrieve.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
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The air grew tense for a moment or two before Andulf broke the silence. What Aren had done surprised him and he admitted that to her. She was more than he expected. Nodding when he said he had lost contact with a few people since he came to this planet, it seemed he was stranded here and needed to get off the world in secret to pass on this warning he spoke of.

Pausing in thought, a hand lifted slightly and the image of Andulf reappeared on the droid.

"The rest of the body will be harder to disguise as you since it's quite damaged. Unless you also have the same injuries."

Looking around the tunnel they were in, she did not see any items she could use to repair the HRD. Pointing in its direction, she looked again to her host as he continued speaking. Almost wanting to smack him for being so obscure, she really did understand why he was doing it.

Probably some sort of chivalric gesture to protect her.

"Do you need the droid to act as a decoy? If you do, then it needs to be repaired a bit before being used. Is there an Embassy here you need to get to or on another world entirely? What is my role in all of this?"

Aren was starting to think there was a lot more involved than she bargained for.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was then after a brief pause Andy slightly fumbled his words as if nothing less as he thought himself to be prepared. To finally take more initiative and be responsible for once rather than shrug things off as once did. Seem only now come to realize the real danger as much treachery their family faced given their long history, influence, and wealth. Amassed thru countless generations half of which now depended on him to complete his current task...and for once rely on someone other completely unknown to him. As such having resorted to bit trickery on his end and employ PROXY thought knowing however unreliable it was. But then again given no choice he breathed a slight sigh of relief as somehow PROXY power back up to mirror him somewhat. As its holo image data bank was somewhat damaged leaving some gaps of slightly distorted damage images to appear Which didn't escape Aren's notice as she points it out while looking around. That he then as she began pointing at his general direction that he could not help talk yet again bit cryptic unsure how much he should clue her in. Something which glanced over her gaze couldn't help note a slight hit of annoyance that sank his heart a bit more. As memories from the past brush his mind.....reminding him of a loss as much as the price letting someone in had. But then again snap back to reality just as she then posed her next set of questions he replied.

" Well maybe as am not sure if....but then again he's been sort of an older model so not sure if any of the parts I have on hand would work. But then again the internal recording is more vital for me to recover if nothing else from it. As for the Embassy none know or trust here, But maybe in the next system...given how volatile Alderaan standing been as of late...."

He paused as mixed realization how he'd let a bit more unintended information slip and faint sharp pain from his shoulder hit him. As he is reminded of the stab wound from a few days back hasn't quite healed and could be aggravated a bit from earlier . But catching himself he let out a silent sigh as he continued on.

"....but then give the work am task within the embassy I was supposed .... Come to take care of things beforehand and guess as for your role in all this? Help me get back to make sure....the Ambassador safely escorted back."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
While Aren was looking around for various parts to repair the droid, she listened to what her contact was saying. Pulling a wrench out of her bag, she asked the droid for permission to start working on him. With that taken care of, she was got onto the ground and tightened a few bolts, replaced a few odds and ends. Finally finishing with him, she stood up and dusted off her hands.

"That's about as good as I'm going to be able to do. Do you say you need something from his memory banks? I can remove that and he can still be a decoy for you. That's easy."

Just another part of her Force skill. Aren could lift the information from the droid and it would keep everything else. Again, reaching into her bag, she took out a small chip and plugged it into the backport of the droid. Watching the lights fill up, she wasn't sure exactly what Andulf wanted so everything was removed. Holding the chip out for him to take, her hand remained on the droid.

"What is the information you need to be removed from the unit? All of his other programmings will remain the same."

Unfortunately, she was unable to replace the missing limbs but she had extended the projection to cover them. Unless a person was quite familiar with HRDs, the deception should fool anybody.

"Transportation is not a problem, sir. Getting us out here might be. I feel like we might have company already hunting us or at least you."

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was at that time while she seemed to be distracted with proceeding to help him with his problems in regards to PROXY. Who then silently turn him briefly when she'd approached and with a slight nod from Andy allowed Aren to work on its damage system.

" ...well not much can be done about it but do appreciate your assistance with the matter at hand. As far as what needs to be recovered from its memory banks? It's mostly filed along with recordings from past weeks which would be helpful once we get the embassy ..."

With that said PROXY then went as far as let her access and extract information from his data banks with little resistance. At which time while she did that he then began to try to steady himself and work in reapplying a new bacta patch his own injury. While outside the lone hunter hot on his trail slowly moved to make his way towards them. After which Andy once able to stabilize his own wound a bit more try to stead himself as prepared for what would come next. Hear her words and after thinking things over spoke reply back.

"I would assume that would be quite a bit trouble given the couple that caused some the damages to PROXY....barely able to escape had hopefully slowed them down say very least. And I guess given you've trusted me with least giving your name that might as well return the favor....its Andy."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
What she did was maybe out of the goodness of her heart but it was more likely because Aren loved working with technology. This little bit of work was hardly any skin off her back and it gave her the opportunity to get to know the person she was working for.

"So, you need things he has seen these past few weeks removed. Everything he knows is on the chip I just gave you. Give me another moment."

Reaching out to touch the droid again, she reached out with the Force...which he hoped would be blissfully unaware of, and removed the information that was new from the last few weeks. All of his other programming and memories remained in place. Putting her tools away, Aren tipped her head slightly and again wondered if she had gotten into something that was over her head.

"Oh, dear. If there's going to be fighting involved, I'm not going to be very helpful."

Looking at the droid again, she turned away from him and approached Andulf. Holding out a hand to shake she smiled when he finally introduced himself.

"Good to meet you, Andy. How do you suggest we get out of here? We could always disguise you for somebody else and leave PROXY here as a decoy. Might give us a few extra minutes if you're being followed."

A simple cloak probably wasn't going to be enough. They had to come up with a different idea.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It nothing else feeling a bit at a loss and somewhat odd in a way strange that for once for quite some time. That he somehow find it a bit of a welcome change as oddly silently thankful that for once finding himself. Not have to deal with things like protocols, rules,s or having to watch every step he made ... be for once himself if that was ever possible. Though it seemingly didn't come with its share of problems or consequences he didn't have to deal or contend with before. As she then seem conversed and did so effortlessly to extract from PROXY that which he'd ask and only pause briefly in between as she handed him the initial chip. That he in turn nod to then replied to her question about what images to extract.

" I guess that should be bout right... figured just those round the week was here should be enough."

At that time as she turns work on PROXY that he seems unknowing to have come a bit closer to stand bout arm's length from her. That she apparently perhaps take note of some of the scorch blaster marks on PROXY. Of which some of them were a tad old while those round his damage arm clearly newer that come question and he in turn replied.

"Well believe me I hope not as am not good at it am not really a field but more a desk job type."

By then with what bit of time along with supplies he had at hand Andy was able to patch his shoulder injury enough. When she suddenly turn with her hand extended and a smile on her face after he came clean to least work on some introduction. That the hood slip to somewhat clearly reveal his face which with a slightly grown beard that hid his usually clean-shaven face. That most if any knew to recognize him during his official duties and made him somewhat resemble his decoy bodyguard. Who regrettably with a slight sigh had met an unfortunate end earlier covering his escape ...which he did well hide behind a smile while extending a handshake hers.

"Likewise ... nice meet your acquaintance as well and guess we could do that. Make it appear negotiation for the job is in the works PROXY here can work the line or something. While can use smugglers underground slip out here and try get back near the port area....and way out here?"

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
She had not gotten a close enough look at Andy to know if he was a fighter or not. All she could tell was he entirely organic and did not have any cybernetic parts. That was fine and neither did she. What she did have was the Force and that allowed her to do a great many things.

"Do you want me to clean him up a bit?"

Having been working on PROXY for several minutes, Aren had certainly noticed the scorch marks on his body. She had done what repairs she could to make him last a little bit longer but with what was on hand, it was the best she could do.

Nodding slightly when he said wasn't much a fighter either. They would just have to face that challenge if it even came up. Hoping it wouldn't, Aren wasn't going to hold her breath. Noticing his movement, she was no field medic and hoped he would survive without that.

"Allow me, please."

Provided Andy allowed her to do it, she would color his hair to the same shade of black hers was. Almost wanting to laugh, she shrugged her shoulders and put the dye back into her bag.

"Hey, I come prepared for almost anything. Including but not limited to disguises. Your cloak should be good enough. At least, to keep your face hidden."

His figure might be another matter. Touching her chin with a finger, she motioned to his body before speaking.

"Are you able to hunch down and walk like you're an old person? Need to change how you appear to others so they don't catch on quickly. What do you want to be planted on PROXY?"

Whatever he told her, would be planted and this conversation would be erased. This way if somebody was also able to hack or slice into PROXY, their butts were covered.

"Lead the way, Andy. I'll be about two steps behind you."

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan

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