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Public CotW: The Alderaanian Bombing


Cult of the Wills: The Alderaanian Bombing
Two masked men slipped effortless through the crowds of a large shop district. No words spoken between them, their missions clear. They had two targets and they were going to set this city afire as a show of force of the Exalted. One of the men, taller and thinner quickly approached a support pillar for an elevated walkway and leaned against it. The other man, shorter and brawnier, but also masked and cloaked, marched down the road towards a grand fountain that lay in the center of the shopping district. He was quick to reach said fountain and he froze in the crowd, just alongside it.

It was loud and the hustle of the crowd had completely overtaken the shorter man, but he was where he needed to be. He raised his wrist from the side of his cloaked torso and pushed a button with some ancient symbol on it. A red light popped up and began blinking and the shorter man breathed heavily in. This was the wait. The taller man, upon receiving the signal of the shorter, clicked a matching button and a red light appeared on his wrist as well. Both men, blocks apart but in synchronization threw holoprojectors into the crowds of people. The screens lit up and a massive projection appeared. The crowds began to disperse around them and look up. Both projectors showed the same image of a masked individual standing with a massive staff in a wooded terrain.

This was Ventus' moment. Months of planning for this. Ventus stepped towards the camera, his image being broadcast across Alderaan through the holoprojections of his men. He stood silently for a moment. No words, no nothing, just the deathly figure of this cloaked and masked being standing like a phantom or some reaper of death. After a moment he began.

"All of you are at fault. My followers and I have planned for years, and after much debate it was realized that the populations of the galaxy that were the root of the evil. All of you in some way or another have contributed to a rot. Look at the Politicians, and these so-called 'Leaders'. All of these individuals rule via popular sovereignty, whether they agree or not. This is a message to those of you who have become complacent and no longer care. This despicable move that will soon be carried out is the fault of no-one but yourselves. The great people of the galaxy have lost their way and have thrown their support into the hands of bad men with bad plans who care for no-one but themselves. I suggest an alternative. I suggest salvation. We all live in a rotten and despicable system that is always changing and moving, one that cares not for the people that they rule. Politicians from every faction in these constantly changing borders only want one thing, power. Power is used to commit atrocities in the name of such foolish ideals and peace and unity, but in all reality these atrocities only breed move division. So, I bring salvation. We burn down the old system, replace it with a newer system with purer principles. Love, Companionship, Unity, and Holiness. This system is built around the ideals of the living force, together everyone can accomplish greatness, but togetherness will never come if we do not uproot the tribalism and division so deeply rooted in the fabric of the galaxy. All of you want more, it is just a fact. All of us are goal striving and have our aspirations and grievances. Today is the day that all of our hopes and dreams are realized. Today is the day we begin to burn down the broken system and the day that dreams of all living beings to be free to due as they please and say as they please comes to tuition. I am removing the shackles from all of you, I free all of you. But no crusade, however noble the intent, will ever be bloodless. All of you are an example. These systems were built on the backs of people like each and every one of you. You now all know the truth, and with the truth I hope all of you find salvation in your next lives, for this crusade is to free all of you, the martyrs of a cause that will not be lost. I am truly sorry, may the wills forgive what must be done to save all of us."

There was an uneasy stir in the crowd as the message played. The people were uncomfortable and soon the messages came to an end, powering down. From the shadows stepped forth the taller man towards an uneasy crowd. He ripped off his cloak to reveal a bomber vest, with multiple bombs attached to each side. He ripped the Velcro from his side and grabbed the detonator.

"I give all of you salvation! Nam et Exaltabitur!" The man squeezed the button and there was a blinding flash and a deafening roar. Concurrently multiple sections of the city flashed as multiple bombers blew themselves and large sections of their crowds to smithereens. Their messages were haunting and videos of the bombers and speech quickly made their way onto the holonet for all to see. What the government does next is yet to be seen.

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