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Public Coruscanti Drug Runnin'

Sanzjii Jennis


Level 1313 |
OBJECTIVE //: Distribute Polstine Spice
TAGS //: Open

In the depths of Coruscant's underworld, a dimly lit cantina pulsated with life. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and the low hum of conversations, punctuated by occasional bursts of laughter. It was a dangerous place, where the desperate and the dangerous intermingled, their stories etched into the worn walls. In a secluded corner of the cantina, a figure clad in a bright yellow armored jumpsuit sat alone, nursing a drink. This was none other than Karkosuchus, a seasoned bounty hunter of over 10 years with a reputation for getting things done through any means necessary even if it meant fighting through hordes of vagabonds.

His sharp eyes scanned the room, never missing a single beat and checking the local bounty registry incase one of the targets just so happen to be within the very same room. The Bounty Hunter Game was getting tight and money was not coming in like it used to.

He understood that in this line of work, trust was a luxury that he couldn't afford. Just as Karkosuchus was about to finish a second glass of boga noga, a weary-looking man stumbled into the cantina. A disheveled appearance and a panicked expression caught the attention of the seasoned hunter. The man glanced around nervously before making his way towards the table.

"Are you Karkosuchus?" The man asked, barely above a whisper.

Karkosuchus sized him up for a brief moment, finding him skinny and not worth the trouble of eating. "Depends on who's asking"

The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a small holodisk. "I have something that might interest you.."

Intrigued, Karkosuchus took the holodisk and activated it. A holographic image materialized before her eyes, revealing a crate of polstine spice within a warehouse. The Bounty Hunter understood that this spice was highly valuable to the right kind of individuals and highly illegal. Perfect job for a man like himself who desperately needed the cash despite being a high value target by the Galactic Alliance.

"I need you to distribute this spice before law enforcement comes," The man said, voice trembling. "I made a few bad decisions and need someone to carry on my usual route." it became clear that the man was a smuggler of some sort.

"Very well, but I will keep all the profit to myself..." Karkosuchus explained; pushing the man aside who went tumbling back due to the considerable strength of the Anointed People. Running Spice was not his typical job but it was better than nothing, exiting out of the broken down cantina onto the street to contact some associates.

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exiting out of the broken down cantina onto the street to contact some associates.

Kasmion bumped into the gigantic Anointed just outside the door. The contact rocked Kasmion on his heels; if not for his cane, he'd have fallen entirely. He glared at Karkosuchus despite the very significant size differential. This being's mind felt uncompromising, ferocious, callous, assured: an apex predator with nothing to prove. Back behind Karkosuchus, the minds in the cantina sagged with relief that the huge bounty hunter was leaving. Kasmion also caught an undercurrent of fight-or-flight anxiety winding down - no, desperation.

He took in the emotional fabric of the place while sizing up Karkosuchus. After a long moment, he relaxed and gestured at his large speeder. It was a cargo model big enough to carry even a one-ton reptilian.

"It's not often I encounter one of the Anointed. Can I offer you a ride to wherever you're going?"

Sanzjii Jennis


Level 1313 |
OBJECTIVE //: Distribute Polstine Spice
TAGS //: Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum

Gears slowly clicked against one another when the mind of the Bounty Hunter wanting to get a read out on the situation before proceeding with the assigned task. Spice was an interesting trade and highly illegal throughout the Galactic Alliance; but a few select syndicates had made a fortune through the black market and as such there could be room for additional content on the bounty hunter's resume. Diversifying one's skills was important in a trade such as this.

Karkosuchus became distracted upon exiting the rusty cantina so much so that when a man came into view; they both
collided into each other with the impact sending the other man stumbling forward; although fortunate enough to have a cane on hand to regain a semblance of balance.

Piercing yellow eyes glanced down and down as the person finally came into proper focus, there was clearly a disconnect between them in both trade and personal aura. While the Anointed People vibe was one of an apex predator, the other human was bloated.

The man after collecting himself from the shock of their meeting; would point towards a nearby speeder more than enough room to
accommodate them both. Since the warehouse was far away from the cantina this was an opportunity to finish the job more quickly before any law enforcement arrived in the area following the smuggler from before.

"Very welll....stranger...but if anything will be the first corpse I leave behind." A simple message but effective in getting the point across, as jagged teeth were shown with faint blood stains. Karkosuchus was an apex predator and a cannibal after all, climbing on board the speeder.

"Take me to Warehouse District 49 on this level if you could be so kind.."
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Though the details of Karkosuchus ' thoughts eluded Kasmion, the broad strokes were clear enough — from both telepathy and context. The Anointed bounty hunter was en route to an opportunity, and Kasmion's speeder sped things up. The disdain element washed off Kasmion like the ocean surf off a lighthouse.

"Certainly," he said, taking the driver's seat, as if the Anointed hadn't issued a conditional death threat. "Warehouse District 49."

Kasmion set out on the most direct route. The cargo-rated speeder groaned under Karkosuchus' bulk at every turn.

"Where in District 49 am I taking you?"

Being the chauffeur amused him.
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Sanzjii Jennis


Level 1313 |
OBJECTIVE //: Distribute Polstine Spice
TAGS //: Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum

Karkosuchus scanned the mysterious man waiting for some kind of reaction to the implicated threat of their demise if anything would happen on the journey but nothing happen save for both of them entering the cargo-rated speeder craft and getting comfortable. It was unnerving to say the least and only raised the alertness levels within his mind as eyes scanned from window to window of the speeder to the surrounding area and the crowd of people walking down below. It was unbecoming of the infamous bounty hunter to be worried so clawed hands began checking the various equipment strapped around his person to make sure they were still functioning at peak capacity.

The speeder followed the typical route to the Warehouse District as it began to buckle under the weight of the Anointed at each turn. The
mysterious man asked where in the district they were heading as Karkosuchus glanced down at the information on the holodisk. Scanning the document swiftly to find the coordinates and checking it on the building numbers as they passed each warehouse hold on the level.

"Stop here...Warehouse 499."

The Bounty Hunter requested as the numbers matched on the holodisk instruction. He could clearly see that it was unguarded..which was rather strange given this was a stronghold of the criminal underworld that had not been destroyed by the likes of the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance. Something fishy was going on and it was no doubt that the man from the cantina was running from more than just law enforcement.

"Park somewhere could be a shoot out."

Karkosuchus said; despite being a ruthless monster still needed an action plan moving forward.

"Shoot-outs do not concern me, my agitated friend."

Whatever Kasmion did, he made sure to do well. He turned out to make a precise and innocuous chauffeur. (Note to self: become a chauffeur if current lines of work don't pan out.) The speeder pulled up in an unobtrusive parking space around the corner, in a position that allowed for a quick escape, no dead ends, and a good clear view of anyone approaching from the general direction of the warehouse.

His sense of the minds present there He couldn't even tell if there was anyone on site, or if he was mixing that up with people in the broader area. The Force was not, after all, radar.

All uncertainties aside, he exited the speeder, produced a small blaster, and started walking that way. "Shall we?" he said over his shoulder.


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