Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hound

There seems to be a lot of either mis-communication and mystery about the state of the One Sith's occupation of Coruscant.

Did we rebuild? Did we leave it in ruin as a symbol to the galaxy? Are the people for the most part oppressed? Do the rich lead normal lives but the poor continue to fight a rebellion? What's happening down there. I need to know for a thread I'm going to start
The Hound said:
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

So yes to oppressed, no to rebuilding?

They are not oppressed.

The only thing ever destroyed BY the one sith was the jedi temple

it was rebuilt.

Then OP came and destroyed more things -- then we rebuilt -- in fact, living in One Sith area is amazing.

Capitalism at its finest

[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="The Hound"]
Zambrano the Hutt said:
I too have heard that the Sith have tried to make themselves out as the good guys on Coruscant... at least initially.
They still do.

Nothing was change when the One Sith took over corsucant other than a change in administration.

Just like for people who actually lived in the Empire --- it wasn't bad at all.

Just far more organized --- and yes... one or two might be ground under the foot of the Sector's voice :p

But nah, really -- there were a lot of roleplays where wey actually stated this.

We rebuilt, we restored. We cut taxes on major corporations ... built new businesses....

Have a great dental plan :p

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