Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corruck: Good, Bad, Ugly?

Well as the title suggests, I am looking to see what people think of this character.

I don't know how many people I've RPed with, however I assume the number is quite small compared to the total, so I hope that those who have also read some of Corruck's posts would also give their feedback.

Open to just about anything, flaming and slander aside. Constructive critiques would be most appreciated.

Thanks all!
I haven't had a chance to really meet Corruck one-on-one in a thread, except for maybe the recent meeting thread with Vitae. But I can say that I've enjoyed reading his threads, and he has an interesting dynamic that teeters on the edge of vigilante or just being another crime lord, and I love that uncertain dynamic he can have about him. He's a great character, so keep it up. :)

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
In all seriousness, though, I really do like the conflict going on with Corruck. One of the interesting moments was when he was actually having a little argument with himself over the comms. Don't think Gen has forgotten that. :p

I don't know what his ending is, but it seems like he's trying to do what he thinks is best for the galaxy and atoning for his past sins, and yet he's going the wrong way about it. I really like that. It's most important to me when a writer engages the psychology of their character rather than focusing on how he can be the most melodramatic light-to-dark-then-back-again or have the most interesting fights.

And I like the impending crusade against the Force. We need more resistors! :p
Let me start by saying thanks to both of you for so quickly coming and letting me know your thoughts. I really really appreciate that. [member="Juwiela Melec"]

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

It was your brilliant thinking that allowed Corruck to do all the work. :D
Can I consider you signed up for the crusades? :lol:

I've been trying to decide if I have been overplaying his apparent internal conflict, making it more than it should be. As a relatively new RPer and writer, both within the last two or so years don't quote me for that though, I am still learning that fine balance between physical conflict and emotional/mental conflict.

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