Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corroded Escape

Eight years ago, it was a normal day on the planet of Dorin. Bal, had been to school and was slowly wandering down the long and winding path through parts of the Sragk passage. A path, which he took everyday for the past two years. Though, there was a large electrostatic storm predicted to hit that day, Bal was prepared wearing appropriate gear to counter the storm if it were to hit.

Though, far out into the distance a bright light shun. Nearly blinding himself, from staring at it for an extended ammount of time. He squinted, before the decision daunted in his mind. "Do I just go? It's probably nothing. Oh... I've gotta go see what it is." After debating with himself, he slung his hood over his head and began to scuttle towards this bright light. Closer and closer, he got to it, the brighter it got.

Eventually he got close enough, to realize what is actually was. A distress signal. It was a human, dying because of the atmosphere. He must have been exposed for a long period of time, for it to get this bad. He pointed north, and spoke in a broken, tattered voice. "Ship- It's, my ship. That way." With that said, he gave the human a nod of his head, and began to drag his large body across the sandy plains to this metallic object, which slightly resembled a ship. The door slid open, as he we approached, almost as if it was alive. Before the ship, sprung to life. Oxygen levels, rising as the doors shut.

I gasped for air, as I wasn't wearing my mask. I was choking. Dying. I quickly, smashed the emergency escape button and I hopped out of the ship, which hadn't taken off yet. I regathered my breath, and took my backpack off my shoulders and slung it onto the sand, unzipping the top and searching through the various items that were in there. Taking out a drink, tossing it to the side, before finally at the bottom of the bag, my re-breather lay there. I snapped it onto my face, and climbed back aboard the man's ship. Which he had recovered and was able to talk now. "I'm sorry, young one. I was stuck in a spot of trouble." He remarked, before I quickly snapped back. "Oh. Well, you're okay now." Before backing away slightly. He took out a container, and turned the top, unlocking it before taking out some device and scanning my body over with it. He simply clicked his fingers, and nodded slowly. "Force Sensitive. You're an extraordinary young boy." He said in a somewhat pleased voice.

At this point, the Kel Dor was lost. Not understanding what he was talking about, he stumbled back and fell over. Hitting his head on something metallic. Knocked out cold.

Slowly, he gained consciousness. As his eyes rolled open from under his mask. His heavy breathing filled up the room, with a eerie sound as the man who he had rescued simply sat a few meters in front of the young Kel Dor, with his legs crossed and eyes closed. He just sat, there and watched him for so long, he decided to well join in. Bal mimicked exactly what he did, and shut his eyes. His voice came through, into the Kel Dor's mind. In a peaceful and calm voice. "Let go of all of your senses, clear your mind. Young one." The way he spoke it didn't startle Bal, at all.

So, he did what was instructed to him by this man, whom he knew nothing about. Letting go off all of his emotions, his fear, his thoughts. Before his mind, simply became and empty vessel for the force to flow within whenever it pleased. He could feel it, in his physical form. The force driving itself through and around him, constantly.

He shot open, his eyelids unfolding like lightning. "Wha- What was that?" Bal questioned, almost unsure about what is happening. The toned, masculine man replied shortly after with "That was you feeling the force, I am proud to see such progress at an early stage. Now, I have a proposition for you." Bal tilted his head, oblivious to what he meant. So, he stood up. Shaking his head, heading for the door. "I've got to get home, to my parents." He said, in a worried tone. "No, Initiate. I've already consulted them. They're okay with what I'm going to ask you. Although, this is entirely up to you." The bearded man, said. "What... what is, up to me?" The still uncertain Kel Dor shakily said. "Whether you join the Order. To become a Jedi, like myself, do you accept?" The Jedi said.

Bal had heard stories of the Jedi, all the good they do for the galaxy. He dreamed of becoming a Jedi, one day. His dreams had come true. "I- I, accept. Mister Jedi." The young Kel Dor said, in an uncertain tone. A large grin, grew onto the face of the Jedi who stood before him. "Wonderful. We will leave this planet, immediately. I've already had your items brought to my ship."

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