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Corellian Hypernautics CH-22-B "Bantha Buster" Bomber

Corellian Hypernautics CH-22-B
"Bantha Buster" Bomber

Image Source: HERE
Affiliation: Select Customers
Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics
Model: CH-22-B
Modularity: Payload Cradles/Delivery System & Basic Weapons Mounts, Easy to Modify After-Market
Production: Mass Produced
  • Durasteel (Hulling)
  • AR-0B Ablative Armor (Hulling)
  • Alusteel (Skeleton)
  • B’Sant (Viewports)
  • Steristeel (Instrumentation)
Classification: Bomber
Length: 22m
Height: 8m
Width: 22m
Defense: 8
Armament: 15
Note: All missile/ropedo launchers & bomb bays have payload of six unless otherwise noted

Ordnance Options(choose payload before battle for entireity of battle)
  • Proton Torpedoes
  • Concussion Missiles
Squadron Count: 10
Special Features:
  • Heavy Shields
  • Long Range Sensors
  • Safety Systems
  • Multi-spectrum Projector.
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Encrypted Comms Array
  • HoloNet Receiver
  • IFF Transponder
  • Chaff Launcher
  • Astromech Droid Slot
  • Field-Disruptor (One-Shot, based of THIS)
Maneuverability Rating: 8
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: N/A
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 2/ 1 + Astromech

  • (+) Versatile: With the variety of option to choose from, the Bantha Buster is capable of filling multiple types of bombing runs
  • (+) Hard Hitting: This bomber packs a punch and delivers a diverse and deadly payload.
  • (+) Good Defense: With the armor and shielding, the Bantha Buster is a hard one to bring down.
  • (+/) Shield Disruptor: Though a powerful trick, it is only usable twice (once in and once out basically) in a single mission, and whilst activated the other systems cannot function, making the craft fly virtually blind, deaf, dumb & mute
  • (-) Slow: Much like it's name sake, the Bantha, it is not about to win any speed contests.
  • (-) Large: Again, once someone has a bead on this ship, due to it's size, it will rely on armor and shields rather than dodging a bullet.
  • (-) Not Stealthy: Especially when the shield disruptor is active, the Bantha Buster is fairly screaming it's location when operating, so you can't really hide in this thing.
  • (-) Power Flux: Like many Corellian designed customizable starships, it suffers power fluctuation issues.

The Bantha Buster is far from pretty or sleek, or fast and agile. Which is a departure from Coronet Hypernautics first two ships, the Slice Hound and Greenstar. However, it makes up for it in being an absolute tank with a hefty dose of bomber thrown in.

However, as with most designs from Coronet Hypernautics, this craft is not just a static bomber... It comes with multiple configurations, suiting it to various battlefield roles depending on selected payroll. Overall it will never be what one would call a terribly quick striking vessel, however, it will undoubtedly get to the target and release the payload.

And getting to the target? Much easier after study of a Peregrine Field Disruptor his brother acquired for the Corellian League from Iron Crown. Though he couldn't replicate the technology in full for this design, it does emit a functionally identical field for about 5-15 seconds, roughly. During this time, the ship is essentially flying blind without sensors, and can experience wild power fluxes as a side effect.

Overall, if you need a hefty payload and need to make sure it gets where it is going, this is one of the better choices.

Development Thread: If Needed
Intent: A top-tier mass produced, modular bomber with a twist
Who Can Use This: Select CH customers
Primary Source:

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