Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corellian Bloodstripe nominations

"The Corellian Bloodstripe was an award for conspicuous gallantry given by the Corellian military forces. It was awarded most typically for courage demonstrated after deliberation; it was said that Corellians believed that anyone can be brave in the heat of the moment, but true heroism came when one knew that doing the right thing would hurt but did it anyway. Though they could be awarded for many reasons, the majority of the prestigious awards were awarded for courage under fire."

Since Corellians aren't hugely obsessed with unity and Corellia has seen some hard times (among other reasons), it's very rare that there's cause for someone to get the Bloodstripe without just granting it to themselves. Since a big gathering of Corellians is in progress, now seems like a good time to resurrect the Bloodstripe.and have it mean a little something.


*You can't nominate your own character.

"Nominees must be Corellian in some sense (heritage, adopted homeworld, that kind of thing).

*Please provide a link to the thread where the notable actions took place. Courage after deliberation, with pain or sacrifice involved - that's the criterion.

As the nominations come in, I'll bounce them off some folks who know Corellian culture. NPCs will make any appropriate announcements, or I might do them in a batch as an infographic blog post.

It's not the most rigorous process, but it should do the trick. Get nominating!
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

I know [member="Julius Sedaire"] and a couple others got theirs for rocking out at the Corellian League Rebellion that liberated the system from the Sith. Jorus got the lower grade stripes years ago, during the OP regime, for an especially fun incident. Ayden Cater has his. That's all I know about.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

I second [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"].

I also suggest [member="Coci Heavenshield"]. It was along time ago but she was heavily involved in the battle against a Sith which posed great risk to her as she wasn't as trained then as she is now. There was courage shown, and while there wasn't any major loss there was still something,

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