Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Converting a Sith ( Euka)

Viera smiled as she waited for her storm troopers to bring the youth to her bridge. It wasn't often that they caught someone like this, and now it was time to attempt to convert them, of course if they wanted nothing to do with them, well then they would space them. She smirked, as the person was delivered cuffed and surrounded by guards. " You stand accused of treachery, how do you defend? " She asked, knowing that really all the person had done is steal a ship and flown too close to her ship. " We have reports that we are to return you to the Sith, explain your self and we might not do so. " She hoped her hunch was right and this one wanted to escape, as she would make it so.
"The sith are scum, the most vile in the Galaxy. I don't hate any thing besides them, maybe its in there philosophy to hate, but I'd rather be killed then sent back."

She was a rare crismon red twi'lek she had tribal tatoos on her Lekku, even tho she wore the grab of the Sith she had no weapons on her. She flew into an Imperial space without her Knowledge, she was only trying to escape. She wasn't sure what the Imperials would do to her, but it couldn't as been as bad as the Sith.
Viera was intrigued." are you here, to join us then? we often intercept those escaping the sith.. usually not in full sith garb, but we can make an exception if you agree to military service, perhaps if your force sensitive, you can join the Imperial Knights, and make something of your self. " It was all about the illusion of a choice, and making it seem that it was something that they could do if they wanted. She hoped this one would join, the Imperial knight ranks were rather low.
Viera Kisep said:
Viera was intrigued." are you here, to join us then? we often intercept those escaping the sith.. usually not in full sith garb, but we can make an exception if you agree to military service, perhaps if your force sensitive, you can join the Imperial Knights, and make something of your self. " It was all about the illusion of a choice, and making it seem that it was something that they could do if they wanted. She hoped this one would join, the Imperial knight ranks were rather low.
She wasn't sure at first, but she thought about it, and she didn't know much about the Empire, infact she didn't even know much about any thing outside of what the Sith has cramped into her Brain, however she wasn't stupid either. She knew chances are, she didn't have that much of a choice in the matter, but it didn't matter to her.

She didn't need the Choice, it was made the moment she decided she had to leave the Sith, if she was going to join the Empire she was just going to have to make sure she knew what she was going into, and not another Sith order.

"What is the Imperial Knights? Are they some kind of Order like the Sith?"
"The Imperial knights are a group of force users who focus on combat, and are neutral by and large. Many embrace the lighter side of the force but none the less their focus is on using the force for combat, and protecting me, and going on high priority missions and protecting other officials like the Emperor" She smiled and wondered what she would think of them, it was a unique group of force users.
Viera Kisep said:
"The Imperial knights are a group of force users who focus on combat, and are neutral by and large. Many embrace the lighter side of the force but none the less their focus is on using the force for combat, and protecting me, and going on high priority missions and protecting other officials like the Emperor" She smiled and wondered what she would think of them, it was a unique group of force users.
She thought for a moment and smiled back at you.

"Tell you what, we have a deal, i'd shake you're hand but it appears there occupied" she says referring to her binders.
"Deal", she smiled as the cuffs found their way off her writs suddenly. " Captain please take her to a shuttle and prepare her for departure, She shall start right way. " She smiled as most of the guards stayed there, as the man right beside Euka said something " Follow me miss, best be getting you out of here right quick. " He was about to take her to a shuttle which would begin the process of getting her to Bastion, where their headquarters were. There she would become a imperial citizen eventually.
She followed without any trouble she knew this was finally the end of her time with the Sith she'd be free of there Curse. One day she'll wipe them out, there order is against every thing natural.
Viera smiled as the shuttle took Euka to the imperial knights, she also had the stolen ship sold for scrap, it would be better if the sith couldn't trace it back to them. She would check in on this young one.. that was for sure. Euka would find her self in a nice room with a computer, and a bed along with a uniform and a silver lightsaber. She was now a Imperial Knight.. well at least a initiate in the Imperial knights. The uniform consisted of some basic armoring and was rather free flowing to allow unrestricted use of the wearers limbs. It was now up to Euka to find her way to the training grounds after she settled in. Her new master was already preparing himself for the task ahead.
"This place is.... far more greater then Korriban, or Telos that's for sure."

She was eager to meet her Master to finally learn the Ways of the force for real, she was ready to serve she made a personal vow to not betray the people who gave her a second chance.

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