Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Control and Restraint (open)

*She floated, blueish green blood flowing freely from a wound across her left temple. An Anselmi man stood over her with a raised club, probably ready to bash her in the head again, to finish the job.

How had she come to this? A transport from Thyferra to Manaan, then to this place Glee Anselm. And why? Well, that had a lot to do with trying to find a little bit of peace and quiet from the raging fury in her head, which now was blazing anew with pain.

First mental anguish, physical fatigue, and now a barbarian alien waving a stick at her head. Ava felt her lips curl back from her fangs. A surge of anger at being brought low by this peasant rippled through her arms. She reached out to the Force -- a black ribbon of energy that felt like a raw electric current when her consciousness brushed across it. It hurt to touch the Force this way. Had it always hurt? The pain only fueled the rage though. She didn't need the Force to disembowel this creature.

But she would need energy and clarity of mind, which was difficult to muster, having been brained by the Anselmi. And why had this particular detail slipped her mind? Probably because her head was split into pieces. No, before that.

Landing on Glee Anselm had been an adventure. The insane edge of reason had been maintained, somewhat. An act had been required to board the shuttle to this world, and that act had been slipping away for the past few days of travel. The Anselmi stepping on her foot had been the final nail in the coffin of sanity. Ava had not even noticed it was a young boy who had done it by accident, merely had grabbed the child by the scruff of the neck and held him high enough to watch the light in his eyes fade away as she constricted his air flow. So focused on this act, and trying to ignore the burning pain brought on by the Force, she had not noticed the boy's father wind up to strike her across the side of her head.

The boy now sat coughing, sputtering and rubbing his throat. Short of threats to murder them all, Ava lay in a stupor, unable to fully gather her faculties. She felt hands grasping her arms. Instinctively, her finblades slipped out with a sharp "schck" and the acrid scent of blood filled her nose. She was now covered in the rust red of nautolans. She did not care if they were trying to help, or not. She groggily rolled to her side. The Anselmi aiming another blow to her back with the club.

Ava grunted from the impact, but kept herself from collapsing back to the ground. This one had to die. The only thing of which she was certain in all the world.* "Hit me once, shame on me." *She mumbled a little dribble of blood sliding from her mouth as she stood on shaky legs.* "Hit me twice, you cease to be." *Ava jumped bodily at the Anselmi man, driving him to the ground with the weight of her.

He thrashed but had dropped his club, driven down into the mud. Ava dug her thumbs into the man's eyes, his blows raining down on her sides. Pain, but pain was good. Pain was fuel. She breathed deeply of the smell of blood and gore, the screeching cries and groans. She set her palms against the man's lower jaw raking knifelike fingernails across his skin. Blood began to prickle through the skin, so dug her nails deeper into his neck.

Bystanders were standing aghast, men were rushing forward to pull the deranged woman away. She held on until she felt the hot rush of arterial blood gush over her fingers. A smile danced across her face as she watched the man writhe on his back in the mud. She chuckled to herself, the horror struck nautolans dragging her away.

Away to where? She did not care, she didn't have to pretend to hold back anymore. She had made it to Glee Anselm. But why? She did not seem to care about that either. Why was she here? There was something she had to learn. What was it? Hadn't she learned enough in life? Perhaps, but what had life been before sleep, before digging her way from the earth, before Thyferra?

It seemed that nothing had come before that.* "Restrain her!" *Someone shouted and she felt stun cuffs wrap around her wrists. Not a good thing for her to struggle against. Ava grew still, the bands of electricity arcing closely to her veins. Her finblades shivered slightly in anxiety.

Ah, that was it. She had come to Glee Anselm to learn to restrain herself. Apparently from acts like this. The body lay in the mud brutally displayed. Somewhere within her a pang of regret sounded, but a peel of laughter broke her lips instead. She could not properly sort the emotions. They were in turmoil within: fear, rage, pain, pleasure... a ribbon wrapping around her mind with the hot haze of the Force behind it. She reached out to it, enveloped by the draw of power and utterly overwhelmed.

She collapsed in the hands of the city guard as they shuffled her to an air car. With a head wound like that she would have to go to the local hospital.
*Ava awoke in a cell. No, a bed. She jerked her arms to find them chained to the sides of the bed. Tubes flowed stuck out of her body at odd angles and she felt that her head was going to crack open from pain. Her left arm itched murderously, as if some foolish person had put a bacta patch on her skin. There was a pristine white bandage covering the place where this was the worst. A sharp burning sensation came from left hip. They had tried kolto injections too.

Ava growled in irritation. The rules of her people were damnably annoying from time to time. Don't let them know about us. They will destroy us all if they know. Yet the masters of the Nenya thought that she was paranoid, and then proceeded to banish her and put her in a coma. Killing her would have been far simpler, but no, no, we're above that as the high and mighty Nenya.

She was having a hard time chasing her thoughts around. They tripped and tumbled across her mind moving swiftly between her life on Gaeren III to entombment and Thyferra then Manaan, then somewhere she could not quite remember, but there had been a lot of stims involved, so she was not surprised about that.

What was she supposed to be doing again?

She pulled against the restraints. That was annoying. She looked at the restraints harder. Excellent! They were not stun cuffs, merely the metal kind. She reached for the Force. It was deep, broad, and uncomfortably warm to slip into the stream of energy. It scaled her mind as she tried to use it to break the cuffs. She could not command it, there was too much.

Like Mokemi, she reached again. Nothing happened. What the...

The door swung open and a young Nautolan blinked wide black eyes at her. Those orbs were like pools of night swirling through the galaxy, void of stars. Ava had always been captivated by Nautolans. They could speak with just the eyes in some cases. It was truly fascinating. She smiled at the woman, but it was not returned. The nurse immediately turned her gaze to the ground.

Ava watched puzzled for a moment. Afraid? She glanced again at the body language.*

"I won't hurt you. Look." *She rattled the chains a bit.

Her voice sounded odd to her. It had probably sounded odd in the space port as well, but she actually heard herself this time. She croaked more than spoke. She had been alone for a long time: alone in her mind, apart from people though often surrounded by them.

Needless to say, the Nautolan was not at all comforted by this. She simply put down the pitcher of water, and exited the room quickly. Ava watched her go, and then tried speaking in the sing-song Nautolan language. The nurse turned back to stare wide eyed at Ava just before the door slammed shut between them.

Ava frowned. Why was she here again? Why did her head hurt? Why could she not break her chains?!
“Is this the one I’ve heard about?” Kylath said at the door.
“Yes Sir” Someone answered outside of it.

Any number of different Sith could have walked through that door, from brutal, to questioning, to wise, to ruthless, lord or common guard, it just so happened an honorable one did, a captain posted on guard duty around the grounds. Kylath entered her medical cell, taking his helmet off as he did so to look upon the prisoner. She’d see blonde hair, and ice blue eyes regarding her, his body within his black sith officer armor. Uniform which held the markings of the 769th stormtrooper corps, pistol and saber on his hip, as well as rifle across his back.

“Does she have adequate nutrition.” He said directly to the nearest guard. No doubt the hospital cells here were nothing to call welcoming but the prisoners were kept alive until ordered otherwise, “see to it.” The Captain then moved to stand in front of her, pouring her a glass of water as he moved beside Avarath and offered it, there was no trace of fear in his young eyes for the bloody display she'd left planetside.

“Drink. You need it.” If her state was anything to go by. He would place it to her lips, given her restraint.

Kylath was a young warrior at heart, this woman had potential they said, but also sickness, there was no honor in tormenting a man, woman or beast that was chained. He was merely here to make call about what should be done about her. “What is her condition?” He looked at the nurse directly for answers.


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