Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Contraband Police (EOTL)

Will Smash Heads for Beer
Location: Stygeon Prime


After taking Felucia from the Sith Order, Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran had grown wary of the growing threat of the Mandalorian Protectors from the western boarders. In response, he rushes to ensure that his flank is secure in case the Mandoalorians decide to invade the Empire. The snowy and mountainous planet of Stygeon Prime serves as the main boarder planet where travelers from all corners of the Galaxy go through in order to enter the Empire of the Lost's territory. A contingent of soldiers, agents, and even hired guns are sent to the Styegon Prime spaceport where they serve as boarder guard inspectors who are constantly on the lookout for contraband, forgery, or Mandalorian Protectors looking to cause some trouble.

OOC: This is a chill thread where you're free to goof around, interact with your fellow imperials, or take the job seriously and start inspecting ship freighters for any sign wrongdoing! Feel free to create your own stories on this thread! :D
Colonel Cerria Desyk and her regiment had been re-deployed to Stygeon Prime, a primarily alpine world, it had been pitched as light duty, just there to put on a show of force to deter smugglers or spies from slipping over the border and make sure outside traders paid their port fees and import taxes. But as a Mounted Infantry Regiment, Col Desyk knew that it would be anything but calm for them, the Dragoons, regardless of what patrol routes they had and roadblocks they manned would be called in to mount up on their IFVs and a Quick Reaction Force for the first firefight, search and rescue, or jackass who thought they could dodge paying for a berth by landing directly near wherever their pickups or dropoffs were legally meant to be.

BUT sticking her head out of the top of her command squad's Reman IFV into the cool mountain air, she had to admit that this place wasn't half bad until an unregistered hauler tried to leave the spaceport. Her gunner's bored voice crackled over a loudspeaker
"Please halt, have your documents ready for inspection, and unlock your cargo doors."

As if on cue the driver floored the accelerator in the hauler, tried to turn, and immediately rolled the vehicle into a drainage ditch next to the spaceport approach road, spilling fruits everywhere. Cerria sighed as she pulled out her E-22 and stunned the driver attempting to bail while the passengers were stunned by the rest of her squad, she didn't even get the exciting smugglers, just idiots trying to dodge an agricultural import tax. She pulled up her helmet comlink and called for the unit sent to liaise with the Military Police. "Bravo 2-2 this is Checkmate 6, whistle up the Blue Falcons to the main spaceport access road I got a trio of fruit smugglers here that need to be put on lockdown. Over."

The reply came quickly, "Rodger that Checkmate 6, MPs are on their way, pick up for three detainees. Bravo 2-2 out."

Cerria quickly took back her thoughts about how this place wasn't half bad and swore under her breath as she hopped out of the IVF's cupola and kicked a smashed fruit off the road.
Darth Rasnuhls Sheathipede shuttle with Burgundy & white coloration landed at the space port and he disembarked with a few Soldiers. Ah my new world to run within the Empire. Right behind him was a second shuttle landing & disembarked his survey team from the engineering corp, and a third with support staff. The group quickly formed up for orders "Support staff, Gain access to the comm network so we can talk to the forces already here. Survey crew, begin compiling data on the settlement. A few soldiers come with me, we are going to inspect some shipments."

The group split its separate ways and Darth Rasnuhl's group arrived at Bay three of the small spaceport. The ancient freighter that the Rebels made famous almost 900yrs ago was busy unloading cargo pods to the pavement and onto some hover sleds. Darth Rasnuhl and entourage walk into the partially finished half circle of a bay being greeted by one of the Duro ship crew "Welcome, this is the Voogein. We are an almost all Duro crew, are you the authorities?" Rasnuhl lets there be an awkward pause before responding "Hello, Yes... this planet is now under my jurisdiction. So I will have make sure you aren't smuggling weapons." With that said Darth Rasnuhl opened the internal comm <<Do you have the wide network setup? If so broadcast that the new Lord of this planet has arrived. And all Imperial troops need to check in.>> It was only a few seconds before the comms officer responded <<Yessir, the network is up. I will replay immediately.>>

Cerria Desyk Cerria Desyk |

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