Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There were some things you just did not buy. One of those were vehicles. Especially with the number of pirates out there and stolen technology Jeff was not going to risk it. This is why he had coerced a pilot to take him to Raxus Prime. The pilot had instructions to leave and not return. In short, Jeff would not be getting off this world unless he built a ship for himself. This planet had tons of scrap technology. Pulling out the holo pad he had obtained that had the blueprints, he approached one of the wrecks of a star ship nearby and started work. This ship had a perfectly capable of working Hyper Drive and so with a lot of work that was removed and put on a Hovertrolley he had brought with him.

"Hmm. Perhaps the Droid Freighter I am thinking of could use some modification. I've got it."

Walking through the grave yard of ships, Jeff discovered a lightly damaged freighter. The controls were nonfunctional, but it could be useful. Sadly enough he'd have to design his own control mechanism for the ship. Ideas raced through his databanks as he entered the ship and surveyed the damage. The power couplings could also use some repairs. Smiling, he took out some tools and went to work. The Hyper Drive was removed out of that lightly damaged freighter, and replaced with the one he had found.

As for the controls though, that would be more difficult. Of course. Why didn't he think of that sooner? So Jeff walked to where he saw some droid fighters that had been dropped here. Using a device to tear metal off of them, he also took out their control systems and started work on something. The something in question was a large metal sphere about the size of a room. The sphere would act as the control system for the freighter, once he was finished with it.

As soon as he was done with the control system which took him roughly a day and a half, Jeff started to carry it back to the Droid Freighter. It was about time he finished something he set out to do. This ship would be his. Of course he'd need to acquire armaments commercially, but he could do that later down the line. For now, what he had done should be sufficient. The shielding thankfully was still in tact.

"Excellent. In about 15 minutes, I pilot the thing out of here."
The droid ship was not nearly completed. Work was needed to be done on every part of the ship. The weapons systems were still needed because of how dangerous the galaxy was out there. Pirates roamed it with impunity, targeting helpless ships. The Jedi and Sith waged an eternal battle against each other, one that would never cease. Frowning Jeff put down his tools for a moment to think. Perhaps this ship would not be enough. Some of the Droid Fighters here might be needed as a means of protecting the ship. But rigging them would take time. Fortunately he had nothing but time to do it in, and so he commenced his work on finishing the repairs to the droid freighter. Commercial Tech was a powerful thing he'd later invest in installing on his freighter. But for now he had to work with scrap.

"Hmm. Since there are pirates who cause trouble in the outer rim and similar areas I may need the droid fighters after all. It shouldn't be hard to spoof the programming of them to view my freighter as their command ship."

The work on the freighter was now completed, but there was a lot more to do before he'd be willing to leave Raxus Prime. The freighter's armaments were not sufficient. It apparently had been a civilian model. So the Droid Star Fighters lying around would have to be repaired and put into service as part of the defenses of the ship. Yes, that idea would work. Going to where a large number of Droid Fighters were he started to attempt reprogramming of them. Should he succeed he'd have about 15 or so that could help protect the freighter once he was done. More were likely somewhere on the planet, but right now he'd not look for them. No. He had work to do on this part.

Once he had completed the work on a single one of the fighters Jeff paused. It had been a while since he had recharged. Perhaps he could assemble a crude device to recharge on the planet. There had to be something here he could use. Going over to one of the battle droids that was disabled, he ripped out the power pack. It was not able to be linked up to his systems. Hmm. Finding a suitable power source here was going to be difficult. This gave him another idea, but one he'd save for later.
Sighing as he woke up from his down time Jeff checked his power reserve. There was plenty left for him to use. But he'd still need to be careful so as to not over-exert himself. Going over to the Droid Fighters he continued the reprogramming sequence on them. They were still not ready and some of them needed modifications, well replacements of their weapons systems. Finding suitable parts here would be a difficult task. Still he'd do the best he could so that he could leave this planet soon. Maybe he'd even find a light-saber here. No. He'd not look for one of them. Fortunately he had a plan of action that could be done during this situation. Each fighter was progressively harder to reprogram than the last one had been.

But still....

...he had to admit this was coming along nicely. For once in his life he had a sense of purpose. Well a forced sense of purpose. As without doing this he could never leave Raxus Prime. Not until someone else came along. Which was highly unlikely. As he walked back to his droid freighter, he decided that he'd soon pilot it out of here. For he was almost done with the ship. Fortunately he'd have a ship completed. The Freighter would prove to be his home from this point forward.

"I'm almost done. Only a few more days of work."

Finally the Freighter itself was completed. All that remained to be done was the Droid Fighters finally. He'd also see about salvaging a few battle droids from this planet later on, but for now the fighters and the freighter would suffice.
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