Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Construction Funtime! [PM for invite]

Yuroic rose from the cargo storage of the ship he had stowaway on, he felt himself drawn to Dantoonine, he had heard of the significance of this planet to the Jedi Order but he was no longer a Jedi so he was curious as to why he was drawn here but he had brought the fragments he was using to construct his lightsaber. He thought that it might be the Force guiding him here to create his blade. He had heard that there was a crystal cave located on this planet though most of the crystals here probably were harvested to nothing.

As Yuroic stepped off the ship onto the ground he felt a calming presence wash over him as he lifted the hood over his head, covering his face from the view of others. He wandered through the streets of the port as he found himself walking off the beaten track. He inhaled the fresh air as he allowed himself to be guided to the random direction that the Force seemed to want to take him as he looked around seeing if there were any dangers. He wasn't sure what he still needed for a lightsaber but he was sure that he had the main mechanical parts and the metal but he had no crystals for the saber. He couldn't think what colour crystal he would want for his saber but he felt that he wanted two sabers but he didn't have the parts for two.

Yuroic found himself out in fields of Dantoonine, he could sense that there was a crystal that he desired nearby but he didn't know how to get to the crystal cave but he couldn't stop the desire to find this crystal for his saber.
After several moments Yuroic sighed and explored the nearby cliffs, seeing if the cave was near there as he took a deep breath before he saw an entrance into one of the cliffs. Yuroic grabbed his vibrosword and with his free hand he attempted to pull the rubble away from blocking the entrance as he grunted, the rocks were fairly heavy and bulky. He was able to move enough to slide into the cave. He looked around, unable to see far due to the darkness of the area as Yuroic stepped forward he heard the rushing of a large insect. He raised his vibrosword, he had heard that there were dangerous beings out in the crystal caves, attracted to the crystal's energy.

Yuroic stepped as quietly as he could, sensing where the insects were and attempting to avoid them, he was on his own so far so he couldn't rely on his ability to kill the insects if he did run into a swarm of them. Yuroic continued to move quietly until he saw a glow and his steps increased into in noise as he wandered into a cavern with several bright glowing crystals, Yuroic sighed relieved as he could finally build his lightsaber, he started pulling out the pieces he had and started the construction.

Unfortunately the pieces fell to the ground as Yuroic was attacked from behind. He grabbed the kinrath that clung to his back and threw it against the wall, the second attempted to spit its venom at Yuroic who was able to use the Force and push the venom into the wall.
His vibrosword stabbed one of the insects, he smirked to himself as he watched the blood pour out, he had successfully used the Force with greater ease. His Master would hopefully be impressed, Yuroic hated that his connection with the Force was so weak, it made him feel weaker than he knew he should be. Yuroic then aimed the sword at the second, cutting its forelegs then driving the sword deep inside the insect, to the hilt. He felt his hands slick with its blood and flared his nostrils at its smell.

He wiped his hands on his cloak before sitting down and closing his eyes. He couldn't figure out which crystals he needed from here so he decided to that he would let the Force flow through him and perhaps give him a vision of it. He felt his mind emptying as he heard the clicking and clanking of the kinrath crawling deeper in the cave.

He felt the Force flow through him, in his apparent vision he saw the materials he brought lifting in the air, twisting and moving. He watched as they pieced together before several crystals appeared, slotting themselves in. He watched as the coloured crystal was a deep orange. He was glad of the colour, neither Sith nor Jedi to his knowledge as he focussed on the smaller focussing crystal, there was nothing unique about it as it seemed to be an ordinary Rubat crystal. Yuroic's mind returned focus on the orange crystal. He knew that he had to meditate on that crystal for a long time, he needed to imbue himself on that crystal to make it truly one with him.
After several days with the crystal he felt himself connected with the crystal, somewhat interwined as one. He smiled as the lightsaber formed together, though he noticed the way it formed was with the bottom having an interlocking mechanism. He sighed as that meant in his subconscious he wanted, needed, another lightsaber. He knew of few places that would sell such parts and none were here on the grassy plains.

Yuroic opened his eyes and saw the lightsaber dangling in the air. So happy that he had used the Force he lost concentration and the saber fell to the grpund. Sticking his hand out, he snatched it back in an instant. He then felt the weight of the saber in his hand. Perfect, just perfect. He ignited the orange blade and felt the heat of the blade against his skin, giving him goosebumps. He had a lightsaber, he was truly a Force User now.

He heard his stomach growl and felt woozy as he grabbed his flask and drank heavily from it, he hadn't eaten or drank for a couple of days, he was very drained. The Force only just sustaining him in that period. He then held the saber in his right hand and his vibrosword in his left. He wandered down the cave tunnels in search for light. He heard a kinrath approach him and he threw the saber, stabbing the insect in the chest. He recalled the lightsaber to his hand and grinned like a fool, searching for the exit.

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