Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Constant Gardener (Reality Tear)

  • Intent: Create a unique lightsaber for the 2024 Rupture Contest

  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Lightsaber is a leftover fragment of an alternate reality bleeding into the one all Player Characters are in, making it a severe Force Anomaly so powerful it counts as an actual Force Nexus, allowing it extraordinarily strange effects not normally afforded to Lightsabers, chief of which are the following:

It's ability to tear open a portal into the Netherworld, specifically the realm in which the Evil Spirit worshipped by the Cult of the Brain Demon resides, as long as it is in another Force Nexus

It imparts Force Sensitivity to whoever holds it

Due to not being from this universe, it's lightsaber energy is operating on a completely different subatomic frequency than everything else, rendering it able to deflect ALL forms of small arms projectiles, whether solid, Sonic or energy based. This also allows the blade a chance to ignore ANY form of lightsaber resistant material

Once a day, owner can connect with the blade on a spiritual level and temporarily gain some of the lightsaber skills of its previous owners for ten minutes, The previous owners being Laertia Io Laertia Io (Form One), The Battalion The Battalion (Form Two,) Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko (Form Seven), The Amalgam The Amalgam (Form 3), and Syd Celsius (Form Six), all from the same Universe this blade comes from

Due to its inherently disruptive presence in this Universe, anyone grasping it has ALL incoming damage, be it physical, force related , or otherwise, reduced in its potency by a slight amount, and it's very presence has a chance to disrupt all non lightsaber related electronics in a 14 meter radius around it

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