Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Consolidate is the Name of the Game

It had been something on the list to get done, but it had been on a back burner this entire time. L&L Robotics had been acquired by Taeli during an auction during her Sith days, but other than becoming its CEO under an alias, not much had been done with it beyond producing the current tech.

Well times had changed, Aurora Industries was becoming larger and larger ... and L&L was next on the list to be absorbed into the fold. She couldn't personally oversee the switch, but that was what her right hand man Jaxson was for. He had traveled, in disguise so he was already grumpy, to the headquarters of L&L Robotics on Coruscant. He couldn't wait to transfer everything over to Erilnar and the production and testing sites to Aurora sites.
In the current climate of things, Jaxson was glad Aurora Industries did not technically have any facilities in Republic space beyond the shipyards in the Roche system and Caross Station on Togoria, but that was a secret place. The Katarr facility for Project Galvani had yet to be established, and he was sure that Taeli was reconsidering placing it there. It was everywhere, on every holo channel now, even in Sith space people were watching the seizure of power in the Republic.

"Sir, I hope your flight went well," the L&L rep said as she finally reached the offices. "We appraised all our operations at the time to begin the transition, per instructions."

"Good, I want the Sith space facilities decommissioned immediately and all staff relocated to Erilnar," Jaxson said, taking off the false mustache he had worn. "Did you set up a temporary office for me?"

"Right this way, sir."
Going through the list of facilities for the company, he felt they would only need to shut down the facilities here on Coruscant and the facility out on Dromund Kaas, which was easy enough. The staff would be transferred to the other facilities, whichever they wanted to go to. Outside his makeshift office, the workers were busy packing the files and knick knacks of office life up for the move.

Computers needed to be wiped, prototypes either scrapped or moved, families to be relocated if they wished to remain employees. So much to organize. Sending a message to the Dromund Kaas facility, he ordered it to be decommissioned as well and informed the staff they could remain on the payroll as Aurora staff or be allowed to move on to bigger and better things.
A boom rumbled from underneath the building as the charges attached to prototypes were triggered, nothing damaging to the building itself, but thermal detonators to tech usually meant a crater was left with little evidence of stuff to take back. With the current corporate climate, no chances were being taken for corporate espionage or anything that might weaken the hand.

"Prototypes gone, but data kept and being taken with the first shuttle out to the Centrality," someone yelled as they moved past, boxes in their arms.

"Good, ETA on site decomissioning?" he asked, typing away another message to the Dromund Kaas facility to blow up all prototypes as well and to make sure those that decided to leave the company would not be carrying data with them. There wasn't much they could do about the products already sold to the Sith and other factions, but such was business.
It took a little bit longer, such as it would be of moving assets and stuff across multiple sectors of space, but L&L would cease to be a name soon besides what was in the past. The other facilities had begun the process of switching over now, it would only take a few hours at most to complete the switch. Dromund Kaas had been shutdown completely, the staff mostly going to work in the Nar Shaddaa site while some left the company.

Jaxson didn't mind, but then a message appeared on his datapad from a certain redhead trade queen. Knowing it needed to move on up the food chain, he immediately sent it along to Taeli ... not that he expected he needed to. She was probably watching all of this and keeping track of every movement and thinking about the consequences.
"We're ready sir, almost all staff have evacuated the building. Everything is either gone or wiped, it will literally just be an empty building as so many others on Coruscant."

"Good, let's get a move on," Jaxson stated, standing up and moving out of the makeshift office. As the last people left, the power was shutdown to the place. He suspected eventually some Sith Lord would make it their private playground or some gang or another company might buy it up and renovate. He didn't care, most of the staff here was moving to Erilnar while those who weren't were moving to Fondor.

It had been done quietly, and he would need to leave in disguise again, but it was done. L&L Robotics would just be a memory, but its legacy would live on as the new Exoskeleton division for Aurora Industries. It would at least be a bit of a relief for Taeli that things were being simplified somewhere.

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