Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connections are of Utmost Importance

Everything felt...quiet. Not a sound could be heard within the girl's office, except the mere tapping of her foot, anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new superior. Much time had passed since she had last heard from Circe Savan, and the young woman now waited at the factory site on Sluis Van, hopeful for the near future. Sitting at a large monitor, Lierra graciously accepted the small glass of Sapir tea from a droid's hand and leaned farther back.

"Are you feeling stressed, Madame? Perhaps I may call another Kayra to prepare a more suffient meal of your taste."

She looked up to give a slight smile. "No. Thank you Theta, but that won't be necessary." Walking up to the massive window, she scanned the building and watched the assembly lines down below, fast at work on the latest acquired contract. Only one worker slightly slacked, but soon quickened their pace once her gaze met his eyes. Nothing out of order, and in fact, highly efficient.

The animated face appeared once more on the screen. “A visitor is approaching, Madame Umdal.”

She barely uttered the words “Thank you” before quickly turning, grabbing a thin data pad and exiting the room. Lierra would then march toward the front entrance, making sure to maintain a strict and professional composure before the doors opened.
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Alyesa Organa"]​
Alyesa stared off into space as she waited for the representative of Emeritus Industries. Of course, the representative could be someone of the Executive branch but that wouldn’t matter either way – they had a purpose, just as much as she did. She was here on behalf of the Galactic Alliance, to negotiate a contract of sorts. It felt rather odd to be negotiating for anyone beyond herself or the Republic but good at the same time. Maybe it would be yet another lesson in life – how she is just a small player in a bigger opera than she believes herself to be at times.

Who really knew.

Her hands remained clasped behind her back as she stared at a holo-painting on the wall. A picture of the Corellian coast, presumably near Tyrena or some other coastal city. It was rather beautiful – a rare shot indeed considering the status of the planet after the Netherworld crisis. She brought a small datapad with her, but opted not to carry it – instead she had an aide with her, someone who was once like her. The younger girl was learning the ropes of business and somehow Alyesa got her thrown in her lap, just before she left.

Maybe it was a test of her patience, or maybe something else.

Again, one of those – who really knew moments. Alyesa didn’t mind in the end, she had tolerance and patience beyond what she might have shown in the past. Business paled in comparison to the Republic Senate.

[member="Lierra Umdal"] | [member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Alyesa Organa"] [member="Lierra Umdal"]

Emeritus was in quite a pickle.

On one hand, contracts with the Republic had begun to die down at a significant rate. Purchases were no longer being acquired in bulk as they once had been, which left the company's profit margins slimming. As well, the Republic itself soon seemed sure to be subsumed by the Sith - which of course meant that Emeritus tooling would need to be moved to new locations. The Galactic Alliance itself was a group that followed the same ethos as the Republic - a possible new haven for Emeritus in the event that things got even worse than they were now. Because of that, Vitor was here for talks with an individual from the Alliance, with the assistance of an Emeritus employee that had been around since the company's earliest days.

"Ah, Miss Umdal. Vitor Imperieuse, the head of Emeritus. I was told by my secretary you were here to assist with my meeting a member of the Galactic Alliance. Shall we go?"
"Yes Mr. Imperieuse. I do hope you find our arrangements all to your liking." She walked quickly alongside the man towards a landing pad, followed closely by four G1E-Enforcer droids. It was there that Lierra would lead Vitor into a large, gray airspeeder and be thrust off into the city's stream of traffic. The two were to meet one Alyesa Organa via hologram on an offsite location, fit for the important meeting without worry of any petty disruptions. She could only hope that the goal would be reached in a timely and effective manner, for if an alliance could not be secured between the company and this organization, it surely serve as a brutal shot to her reputation.

Now inside the grand structure, she watched as the droids pressed a button to swiftly open and close the doors behind them. The room would indeed suffice. It was revealed as a large, open area with any windows closed and dim, yet suitable lighting. The large table became the centerpiece, being curved with enough space for a large holo device in the center. And to top it all off, a lone, black serving droid stood by, pouring drinks into two tiny glasses before moving out of the way.

Lierra soon set the device to make a call to the contact, awaiting calmly, with a refreshment in hand.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Alyesa Organa"]​
And there it was, the call she had been waiting on.

It would take a moment for it to come through but the shimmering image of two individuals would appear before her, in the rotunda where she stood. She had been admiring paintings from different worlds while she waited – it wasn’t of any importance, not as much as this. She bowed her head in respect as she spoke. “Greetings, I am Alyesa Organa, representative of the Galactic Alliance – I’m understanding you’re wanting to do business?” A blunt approach, but none the less, she couldn’t waste the time that the Alliance had. She was working two fronts – three if one counted her homeworld. It was an interesting juggle. There was no real word as to what was desired from this company – beyond discussions and a potential contract. Of course, she couldn’t approve or deny anything outright – that was way above her paygrade.

She’d have to do like everyone else did, pass the information along and hope for the best. For now, it was business and time to entertain their offer.

[member="Lierra Umdal"] | [member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Alyesa Organa"] [member="Lierra Umdal"]

"Indeed." He smiled. "Emeritus builds starships, exotic weaponry, and other highly advanced technologies. Considering the Galactic Alliance is a force for good in the galaxy during these trying times, I feel it best to try to assist you in whatever ways my company can. Not to mention the contracts will certainly assist us in these tenuous economic times." After all, some of Emeritus' highest quality stock was super-heavy bombers and very heavy fighters, both of which were more than capable of dealing with anything in their path.

Then again, it depended on what the Alliance needed.
Now staring intently at the image of Alyesa, she would agree pleasantly with the words of her superior. "Surely an arrangement of this sort would do nothing but benefit both sides. Perhaps your need will prove to be as great as ours?" A sense of eagerness hung on each of the girl's worlds. She would struggle to contain her own excitement at times, desparate so not as to appear naive. For it would take a mere hand gesture out of place to ruin a perfectly planned and appropriate understanding. Today was no exception.

She would then listen for the woman's thought on the matter while calmly taking another sip.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Alyesa Organa"]​

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