Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Conclave in Dreams

A shared dream has drawn you in. The dream is relatively stable.

This looks like a briefing room, except the holoprojector, the seats, all crest a hill surrounded by oceans of green grass.

The holoprojector depicts the movements of
the Caldera Crisis: the Sith moving on Yavin, and past it, with fleets and undead hordes. Perhaps these movements weighed on your mind, or perhaps this is something you wish you'd known before now.

There are many people of many species here, talking among themselves, sharing this concern and comparing notes about opportunities and threats. They're asleep or meditating on worlds across the galaxy. They've all been drawn to this dream.Some fade in or out as they join or wake. There's plenty to be learned.

A large Keshiri man in robes moves from group to group, listening, sharing information, nodding, welcoming.
Brooke stepped into the light. Sunrise. She loved the sunrise of most planets. This one, it was Kattada. She’d been here all the previous day, helping move her Clan away from the temple. It wasn’t everyone, it was only a part of the clan. They’d be heading to Arda. She’d bounce back and forth between the two worlds.

She had an idea of what she was doing here today, meeting with people regarding the movement of the Sith. She and a few others were bouncing between the worlds to help secure the paths. There were Sith around, and the undead.

Brooke knew of the Wardens and had seen them work to protect her own ships. But these Sith? And their undead? Even her clan would have to move on them.

Push them back.

"An Alliance war machine is going to be just as devastating as the Sith coming around..." Of course, this was from the girl who
destroyed a holocron to let the past die.
"An Alliance war machine is going to be just as devastating as the Sith coming around..."

Kasmion was nearby; he reoriented to focus on Brooke Waters Brooke Waters . He sat down, for what it was worth, on a stone chair that materialized in the dreamscape, at the grassy edge of the briefing room.

"I have no love for the Alliance, of course," he said, "and far be it from me to defend them, but I'm not seeing refugees fleeing them. Not this time. You're Waters, yes? The witch? Kasmion Duum of Kesh. I think we may have mutual friends on Arda, or friends of friends. One hopes the Levantine Spur stays insulated. The Corporate Sector was always so very close to the Sith worlds."
This is some magic. Was all that Brooke could come across. She had it in her mind. Kattada was where she felt the most at home. It was where she found a group to call her own. The unique blend of Witch and Jedi. A new blend of the Force. Was their work the cause of this dream?

She found a small rock to sit on. Her blue-and-white robes on her slim frame looking like water. Was it the dream that made her think so fancifully?

“No. Refugees may be fleeing the Sith. The Alliance is better than them. As for me? Yes. I am the Witch Brooke Waters. Who do you know in the Spur? I have many contacts there. We can assist refugees. But we are not suited for a conventional war…”

Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum

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