Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She wasn't one to stand and wring her hands with worry. But when things were tough when things were beginning to bear down on her she turned to Naimes her battle partner. They watched each other's back the treasure around her neck was a gift from him. The only one she had.

She asked Naimes to her little house, the small one story with just enough space. The colours that shaded the walls were soft tones of brown green and blue. They helped to sooth her so different from the harsh red oranges of Tattooine where she grew up. The furniture was soft comfortable covered in leathers and soft blankets. A place where comfort was the key not how much or costly. This was her refuge from war where her armor was kept in silent vigil.

She had wanted to spend the day hunting with Naimes and then have fresh shatual but time had slipped away. She had hoped to show off her cooking skills. But today with so much on her mind she had only been able to pull some leftovers out and chill a couple bottles of dark ale. It wasn't much but she suspected it would be enough.

She needed to talk to him.

This would be the first time since he left for the tournament that she would see him. She knew he had gotten her gift as it had travelled around to find him. She hoped he liked them having made them herself what better gift for someone you cared for than homemade.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
...when word had reached Naimes ahn-Dross that his friend Arla Balor had invited him to her house the Rally Master could hardly refuse. Naimes had been away, patrolling and fighting on the borders of the Mandalorian sphere of influence as well as working to regain lost territory after that, he hadn't had much of a chance to get away from the battles until now. Off duty he had dressed himself in fine regula including a tunic that fit him easily and leggings that did likewise. As usual Naimes carried his sword, Longtooth, sheathed however it found a place over his right hip rather than across his back on these occasions when he wasn't wading into a combat zone. On his hands he also wore the Shatual Gloves that he had received from Arla during his patrol of the outer regions....

...the weather seemed warm on his weathered features today, the wind pleasant as a it blew across his brow momentarily,however he moved with neither haste nor hesitance. Footsteps were casual, strides were measured, while he made the journey towards Arla's house; Naimes had an estate himself though it was not on Mandalore nor was it rich, just a small piece of land on a fringe world, he visited rarely and felt like a guest in his own house. Duty was what drove him and a soldiers duty was to protect and expand the borders of his people which meant he didn't have the opportunity to return home often. A story for another time though and one he would not allow his thoughts to indulge in as he made his crossing...

...the house of Arla Balor was not the most recognizable but Naimes knew it when he saw it and he moved to the doorway. Lifting his right hand he would knock three times and await an answer from the other side or the sound of a familiar voice. It had been a long time since he had seen Arla however he imagined she had not changed much maybe because he had not changed much; Naimes still looked much the same though today he was sporting a bit of stubble as he hadn't the chance to scrape it off of his chin. Once he'd knocked Naimes set his right hand down on the hilt of Longtooth, his palm eclipsing the pommel of the blade, balancing it there while waiting silently, patiently...
[member="Arla Balor"]
Time passed quickly and before she knew it there was a knock on the door excitement with a hint of nervousness pulsed through her. Grasping the door handle she pulled it open her green eyes looked upon the form of Naimes. A smiled slowly appeared as her lips curved upwards.

He looked no different save for the scruff which made him look a bit roguish not a bad look for him. She was so happy to see him once again she reached out touching his forearm "I could just hug you !" She noticed he wore the gloves and was touched and relieved they fit.

"Come in I have some cold ale and warm food" She stepped back so he could enter. "How was patrol? How are you?" So many things to catch up on, to say. As he passed she felt a calm. "Be comfortable Naimes please"

His tall controlled presence with his demeanour was what she needed. Even though she was calmer somethings she just had not found the clear vision needed to be rationale. But catching up was first.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
...the door to the residence opened to reveal a familiar, inviting face, which caused Naimes to smile in recognition of the woman he was standing across from..."Do not stop on my accord."...he laughed a bit before outstretching an arm which he'd set on her shoulder while taking a long look at her. Gazing across at Arla she looked very much the same to Naimes however he thought he might be able to see a few lines of worry touching her brow as though she had been in deep thought over several issues. No matter. If she wished to being up what plagued her mind they could discuss it. After she had invited him in he would squeeze her should once and then move inside of the residence letting calm, measured, strides carry him ahead....

...before Arla had mentioned the warm food he could smell it. A Soldier knew when to follow his nose after all. Walking ahead he'd have admired her small abode, it was quaint and comfortable in his opinion, making his way deeper he'd have found the table and helped himself to a seat. As she asked her questions his shoulders would shrug briefly signified by their rise and fall...
"Patrol is its own reward as is protecting the borders of the Mando'ade."...always loyal to his adopted culture Naimes could not describe it in any other way save to tell her a few of the odds and ends..."No combat though we tracked a few oddities here and there. As we draw closer to our borders lawlessness becomes a tad more common."...something quickly remedied by the approach of a Light Cruiser. It never ceased to amaze how a presence could cause people to be on their best behavior...

...he didn't speak of the tournament nor his victory consider that was done with in his own opinion though he might enter another if the opportunity presented itself to him in the future. Vanity was something even Naimes was not immune to though he tried to take it in small doses. Adjusting himself so that he could be comfortable in his chair as she bade him he would have asked...
"What of you Arla?"...a small smile touched the corners of his mouth..."Are you well? Is life kind to you?"...the way he worded things was always meant to be introspective when others heard it. Often Naimes said something for no other reason than to make the person he was speaking with to reflect on their own thoughts...
[member="Arla Balor"]
[SIZE=12pt]Was she well, was life kind? She smiled not broadly as she often did when she felt she had life by its tail and had been swinging it over her head. No this smile was trying to hide some of the things she wanted to talk about with him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Glad to see that he made himself right to home she quickly retrieved a couple bottles of ale and set them down on the table one for Naimes the other for herself. The tops were easily twisted off, without asking she got a glass for him. Whether he needed it or not but to be sure as a good hostess to offer it in case he did not like the bottle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Then she slipped into the chair across from him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Life is good to me in that I get to see you again, and that you return undamaged” It was she always had a concern when those she knew left, but because Naimes was also her battle partner, her dearest closest friend, ..she fretted over him more.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Olarom yaim” She brought up the bottle to toast.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What to say next to him, she quickly pondered not wanting to lay it all on him at once. Arla was hoping to ease into the conversation slowly to give her and him a few moments of catching up on the time that had passed. Her green eyes stared at the bottle and then looked over to Naimes, what did he see when he looked at her? Ad’ika? Rally Master? Friend?.....anything else?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"][/SIZE]​
...the ale was appreciated. Taking the bottle that Arla had offered to his Naimes would twist off the cap before bringing it to his mouth. Sometimes he used a glass and other times he did not. This was one of the times he did not. As the bottle touched his mouth Naimes would hesitate, listening to Arla before slipping the bottle away from his mouth and lifting it higher to return the salute..."Duty and honor."...then he placed the bottle to his mouth again, tipped it higher and drank deeply until he felt the ale beginning to quench his thirst. Once he finished he set the bottle back down on the table and watched Arla closely though he took a moment to align his thoughts before considering the notion that he should say anything...

...thus a short silence would exist between the both of them. Looking at her Naimes did not attempt to avert his gaze from her own, the uncomfortable sensation that some people talked about when they stared into the eyes of another didn't seem to bother him then he would state...
"It's good that you've been well Arla."...his next words were in perspective..."There have been many changes among the Mando'ade since we last spoke. More to come I think."...the sands were shifting as it were and Naimes could feel them as he looked out across the area under the control of the Mandalorian Clans however he hadn't decided if this would be for the better or worse yet. Only time would tell much as in most cases...

...what did Naimes Ahn-Dross see when he looked across at anyone? No one would ever be able to say for certain. Often he held his own council and rarely shared that with anyone else unless they asked the right questions. Naimes wasn't a young man though. Sitting there across from Arla he easily looked at least forty but the truth was that he was probably twice that at least. Age had touched his features the same way as they had many individuals. When he looked out over crowds he saw children most of the time. Occasionally he saw sisters or brothers. Deep in the back of his mind he caught glimpses of blurred faces, forgotten memories of a life once lived and then he snapped back to the present so that he could reassure himself this was his life now. A Soldier. The Ale was good; he took another drink of it...
[member="Arla Balor"]
This feeling she liked of camaraderie, friendship, like mindedness when she looked back at him she could see a lifetime that had been lived. The softness that often found its way there she had grown to recognize as him thinking of something from before, she had never asked him about before. She wanted to she had said so much about herself as she spent time with him.

She looked away and played for a moment with the bottle he wouldn’t ask her outright, she already knew this. It was his way to let someone speak when they were ready, unless of course they were being shot at. Yes things have changed, and more is to come for certain. Part of me is afraid of what those changes will mean Naimes.” She gave him a lopsided smile. She was now at her most relaxed.

Let me put the food out, and we will drink, and talk of the things that we can” Now that he was here would she be able to say everything? There was no reason for her not to be able to but still she felt that pull in her chest.

She felt she knew answers already, but rather than assume she would ask. She rose up and brought two bowls to the table, and then brought in the leftover shatual stew. The smell filled the room and gave everything that home feeling for Arla. This was what in time she hoped to have. “Please help yourself, there’s some bread to.” She turned to retrieve bread and two more ales.

Arla returned, “I have problem Naimes I’m” her words were unsure, as she sat down. “I have little experience with relationships. I’ve had one relationship.” She sighed a bit too hard. “I need to know something I know you will answer me true if I ask. But forgive me as I do not think I will handle this correctly.” She was once more unsure, pain she felt it deep in her chest. Words twisted with emotion, she would not cry.

How was she to put this?

When you look at me, do I look like I could be someone’s” no that’s not right she thought, not someone’s, “ companion?” She wanted to shrink, “as in a…lover?” She was asking this all wrong and she knew it. She was stressed inside. She was trying to reconcile something and the words did not connect with her thought. “And if you see me as such would you leave for three years without a word?”.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]​

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