Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Companies, Locations, Bounties, Tech, etc.,

Since we have some new members joining recently, I thought I'd throw out some random thoughts of mine about our faction.

Since this faction belongs to its members as much as it does to its leaders, I just wanted to remind everyone there are no limits to what you guys can do in the Red Ravens. You can create companies, technology, your own gangs and NPCs, the sky's the limit. Feel free to use the Ravens power and influence to further your own galactic standing and become your own minor crime lord.

If you want to make something and you need financial backing, Cryax Bane will fund it. If you have a personal IC beef with someone on the boards, put up a bounty on them. You don't have to wait ask my permission, just tag me in stuff so that I'm aware. :)

Dominions and Invasions need faction staff approval of course, but everything else is fair game. Get out there and start staking your claims on the galaxy guys!

Puppet Kyrios

[member="Cryax Bane"]

I will (soon) be doing a development thread for Asteria's home planet and speices and I would be honored if you would join in the expedition to Flague as soon as it is ready.
[member="Cryax Bane"]

Totally interested in getting my company involved with the Ravens. I assume we'd have to do something like that IC'ly?
[member="Val Cardin"] I have to finish off a bunch of threads before I can start some new ones, so I'm going to have you meet with [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] about your tech company.

That way you can get things going faster than you would with me :)

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